chapter 27: reminiscing

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Years passed...

As Red and Neri's family expanded to include four beautiful children—Rouge, Rosso, Marielle, and Maryze—their home was filled with even more love, laughter, and warmth. Each child's name carried a special significance, reflecting their connection to their parents and the unique qualities they brought into the world.

Rouge and Rosso, both inspired by Red's name, symbolized strength, vitality, and passion. With their boundless energy and adventurous spirits, Rouge and Rosso filled their home with excitement and joy, embodying the very essence of their father's vibrant personality.

Marielle and Maryze, on the other hand, were chosen to honor Neri's name and her connection to the sea. Marielle, meaning "star of the sea," captured the ethereal beauty and grace of their mother, while Maryze, derived from Marie and also meaning "star of the sea," echoed the deep sense of strength and resilience that Neri possessed.

Together, Rouge, Rosso, Marielle, and Maryze formed a harmonious quartet, each bringing their unique gifts and talents to their family. From Rouge's adventurous spirit to Rosso's zest for life, from Marielle's gentle grace to Maryze's quiet strength, each child added a special sparkle to their parent's lives.

Red: "Just look at them. Our children are growing up so fast."

Neri: "I know. It feels like just yesterday they were babies in our arms."

Red: "They've grown into such remarkable individuals. I couldn't be prouder."

Neri: "Me neither. They've faced challenges, but they've always faced them with courage and resilience."

Red: "That's our children. They're strong, just like you."

Neri: smiles "And just like you. They have your spirit and determination."

Red: "Whatever the future holds, I know we'll face it together, as a family."

Neri: "With Rouge, Rosso, Marielle, and Maryze by our side, there's nothing we can't handle."

Red: "Here's to love, laughter, and endless possibilities, Neri. To our beautiful family."

Neri: "To our family. Forever and always."

As decades passed, Red and Neri continued to face the painful reality of being rejected and ignored by their parents and relatives. Despite their unwavering love and efforts to bridge the gap, the familial rift remained, casting a shadow over their lives. However, amidst the challenges, their love for each other and their children remained steadfast, serving as a source of strength and resilience.

Red: "I don't understand. We've invited them to so many events over the years, and yet they never show up."

Neri: sighs "I know, Red. It's been hard. I've tried to reach out to them, but it's like we don't even exist to them."

Red: "It hurts, Neri. It hurts to know that our parents want nothing to do with us or our children."

Neri: "I wish things were different, Red. I wish they could see the love and happiness we have as a family."

Red: takes Neri's hand "I know, love. But we have each other and our children. That's what matters most."

Neri: smiles weakly "You're right, Red. We have each other, and we'll always be there for our kids, no matter what."

Red: " We'll create our  family traditions and memories, ones filled with love and acceptance."

Neri: nods "Yes, we will. And maybe one day, they'll realize what they've missed out on."

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