chapter 11: disowned

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As news of Red and Neri's relationship spread through their family circle and among their friends, it ignited a storm of condemnation and judgment. Whispers and rumors swept through their social circles like wildfire, fueling harsh opinions and disapproving glances.

Red and Neri sat together, grappling with the weight of the condemnation and judgment that surrounded them. Their hearts were heavy, they found solace in each other's presence as they braced themselves for the difficult conversations that lay ahead.

Red: "I never imagined it would come to this, Neri. The way people are talking... it's like we've become pariahs overnight."

Neri's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her voice trembling with emotion.

Neri: "It's like we're living in a nightmare, Red. The looks, the whispers... it's unbearable."

Red reached out, gently wiping away a tear from Neri's cheek.

Red: "I know, Neri. But we can't let their judgment define us. Our love is stronger than their words."

Neri nodded, drawing strength from Red's words.

Neri: "You're right, Red. We can't let them tear us apart. We have to stay strong, together."

Red squeezed Neri's hand reassuringly, a silent promise of solidarity.

Red: "We'll face this together, Neri. No matter what they say, our love will prevail."

Their relatives, once pillars of support and guidance, now turned their backs on them, their faces twisted with disgust and disbelief. Tito and Titas shook their heads in disappointment, while cousins exchanged incredulous looks, unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Among their friends, murmurs of shock and betrayal echoed, conversations tainted with condemnation and scorn. Those who once laughed and shared memories with Red and Neri now turned their backs, unable to reconcile their image of the couple with the scandalous reality.

In the wider society, tongues wagged with fervor, spreading tales of forbidden love and familial betrayal. Gossip whispered behind closed doors, casting judgment upon Red and Neri without a second thought.

Amidst the backdrop of condemnation and gossip, Red and Neri found themselves at the center of whispered conversations and judgmental stares from their friends and relatives.

Tito Ramon shook his head in disbelief, his voice laden with disappointment.

Tito Ramon: "I never thought I'd see the day when our flesh and blood would bring such shame upon our family. This is unacceptable."

Tita Maria's lips twisted with disdain as she exchanged disapproving glances with the other Titas.

Tita Maria: "I can't believe Red and Neri would do this. It's disgraceful. What will people say about us now?"

Their cousins, once close companions, now exchanged incredulous looks, their voices hushed with disbelief.

Cousin Luis: "Did you hear about Red and Neri? I can't believe they're together. It's like something out of a soap opera."

Cousin Elena shook her head, her tone tinged with judgment.

Cousin Elena: "It's just not right. They're family, for goodness' sake. How could they do this to us?"

Among their friends, whispers of shock and betrayal echoed through the air, conversations tainted with condemnation and scorn.

Stefan: "I always thought Red and Neri were such a perfect couple. I never would've guessed they were hiding something like this."

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