chapter 26 : refusals

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One morning during breakfast...

Neri: " I have something incredible to tell you."

Red: "What is it, Neri? You look like you're bursting with excitement!"

Neri: "I am! Red, I'm pregnant!"

Red's eyes widened with disbelief before erupting into pure joy.

Red: "That's amazing! We're going to be parents!"

Neri nodded, tears of happiness brimming in her eyes as she reached out to embrace him.

Neri: "We're going to have a baby!"

Red: "I can't believe it. This is the best news ever!"

Neri: "I know! I've been feeling different lately, so I took a test, and it was positive."

Red: "I'm so glad you told me. We're in this together, every step of the way."

Neri: "I couldn't imagine going through this journey with anyone else but you."

From that moment on, Red and Neri's excitement only grew as they shared their joyous news with family and friends. With each passing day, they reveled in the miracle of life growing inside Neri's womb, eagerly anticipating the arrival of their little bundle of joy. As they prepared for parenthood together, their love for each other deepened, strengthened by the bond they shared and the anticipation of the new chapter awaiting them.

Red: "Neri, have you thought about what we're going to name our little one?"

Neri: "Yes, I've been thinking about it a lot. I have an idea."

Red: curiously "Oh? What's your idea?"

Neri: "Well, you know how your name is Red, right?"

Red: nods "Of course."

Neri: "I was thinking... what if we named our baby 'Rouge'?"

Red: eyes widening with realization "Rouge... like the French word for red?"

Neri: smiling "Exactly. It's a subtle nod to your name, and it has a beautiful meaning."

Red: touches Neri's hand gently "I love it, Neri. It's perfect. Rouge... our little one will carry a piece of me with them wherever they go."

Neri: tears of joy welling up "I'm so glad you like it, Red. I can't wait to meet our little Rouge."

Red: leaning in to kiss Neri's forehead "Me neither, Neri. Me neither."

With the decision made, Red and Neri felt a sense of excitement and anticipation for the arrival of their little Rouge. The name held special significance, a symbol of their love and connection, and they couldn't wait to welcome their baby into the world with open arms and hearts full of love.

One evening...

Neri: "Red, it's time. I think... I think the baby is coming."

Red: wide-eyed "Are you sure, Neri? Should we call the hospital?"

Neri: nodding, with a mix of excitement and nervousness "Yes, I've been feeling contractions, and they're getting stronger. We need to go."

Red: rushing to gather their hospital bag "Okay, okay. Let's go. I'll call the hospital on the way."

Neri: taking deep breaths, trying to stay calm "Thank you, Red. I'm so glad you're here with me."

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