chapter 30: helicopter ride

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In the early morning, the sound of a helicopter could be heard as Marco and Xandra disembarked. They informed Red and Neri to board the helicopter as they would be having breakfast on Isla, as previously arranged.

Marco: "Good morning, Red and Neri! We hope you're ready for a little adventure."

Xandra: "That's right! We've arranged for a special breakfast on Isla El Paraiso."

Red: "Wow, that sounds amazing! But why the helicopter?"

Marco: "We thought we'd make the journey a bit more exciting. Plus, it's the fastest way to get there."

Neri: "Thank you both so much for this. We're looking forward to it."

Xandra: "Of course! It's our way of saying  you are all welcome."

Red: "We're just grateful to have you both in our lives."

Marco: "Well, let's not waste any time. The helicopter is waiting for us."

Neri: "Let's go then! This is going to be an unforgettable morning."

As they boarded the helicopter, Red and Neri felt a sense of excitement and gratitude for the unexpected treat from Marco and Xandra. It was a reminder of the generosity and kindness that had been extended to them time and time again, and they couldn't wait to see what other surprises awaited them on Isla El Paraiso.

As the helicopter lifted off the ground, Rouge, Rosso, Marielle, and Maryze's excitement was palpable. Their faces lit up with wide smiles as they gazed out of the windows, watching the world below shrink away. The thrill of flying high above the ground filled them with a sense of wonder and adventure.

Rouge, the eldest, leaned forward eagerly, his eyes scanning the landscape below with fascination. Rosso and Marielle chattered excitedly between themselves, pointing out landmarks and marveling at the view. Maryze, the youngest, bounced in her seat with unrestrained joy, her laughter ringing through the cabin.

With each passing moment, their anticipation grew, fueled by the knowledge that they were on their way to a special breakfast on Isla El Paraiso. The thought of exploring the island and enjoying a delicious meal with their family filled them with boundless excitement.

As the helicopter soared through the sky, the children's laughter and chatter filled the cabin, creating a sense of joy and camaraderie that only added to the magic of the moment. They couldn't wait to touch down on the island and begin their adventure, eager to create memories that would last a lifetime.

As they arrived at Isla El Paraiso, Rouge, Rosso, Marielle, and Maryze's eyes widened with wonder at the bustling scene unfolding on the shore. There were people engaged in various activities, from swimming to playing beach games, all enjoying the idyllic setting of the island.

Suddenly, an announcement echoed through the air, calling everyone to gather at the pavilion for breakfast. Red, Neri, and their children followed Marco and Xandra to the pavilion, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected turn of events. As they entered the pavilion, they were taken aback to see a large group of people gathered there.

Marco and Xandra explained to them that they had arranged a family reunion of sorts, not with blood relatives, but with friends who were like family to them. Red, Neri, and their children were touched by the gesture, feeling grateful for the warmth and inclusivity extended to them.

Marco and Xandra introduced them to their friends, who greeted them with welcoming smiles and open arms. Red, Neri, and their children felt a sense of belonging among this diverse group of people, united by friendship and shared experiences.

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