chapter 17 : reaching out failed

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One evening, Neri attempted to call her mother and father, but they did not answer her calls.

Red: "Maybe they're just busy or didn't hear the phone."

Neri: "No, Red, it's not just that. They've been avoiding my calls. They're still upset with us."

Red: "I know it's tough. But maybe they just need more time."

Neri: "I hope so. I miss them so much, and it hurts that they're still angry with us."

Red: "We'll keep trying, and hopefully, they'll come around eventually."

Neri: "Thank you. Your support means everything to me."

Red: "We'll get through this together, no matter what."

Red: "I tried calling my parents, but they didn't pick up either."

Neri: "I'm sorry. It's tough knowing they're still upset with us."

Red: "Yeah, it's hard not being able to talk to them. I wish things were different."

Neri: "They're avoiding us too,"

Red: " It's possible. But I hope everything will be okay."

Neri: "I hope so too. I miss them."

Red: "Me too. But we have each other, and we'll get through this together."

Neri: "Thank you. Your support means everything to me."

Red: "We'll keep trying to reach them, and hopefully things will be okay soon."

Red and Neri sat in the quiet of their apartment, the weight of their parents' avoidance hanging heavy in the air. Despite their efforts to reach out, the silence on the other end of the line spoke volumes.

Red: "It's frustrating, isn't it? Not knowing where we stand with them."

Neri nodded, her eyes clouded with sadness.

Neri: "I just wish they would talk to us, you know? It hurts to feel like we're being shut out."

Red reached out, gently squeezing Neri's hand in reassurance.

Red: "I understand. But we have to give them time. Maybe they're just processing everything."

Neri sighed, leaning into Red's comforting embrace.

Neri: "I know you're right. I just miss them so much."

Red: "I miss them too. But we'll keep trying. And in the meantime, we have each other."

Neri smiled weakly, grateful for Red's unwavering support.

Neri: "How I wish they'd talk to us."

Red: "Let's hope,"

As the evening stretched on, Red and Neri found solace in each other's presence, their shared bond strengthening with each passing moment.

Red: "You know no matter what happens, I'm grateful for you."

Neri looked up, meeting Red's gaze with a soft smile.

Neri: "I feel the same way. You've been my rock through all of this."

Red: "We'll weather this storm together. And when we come out on the other side, we'll be stronger for it."

Neri nodded, a sense of determination flickering in her eyes.

Neri: "I believe that too. We can overcome anything as long as we have each other."

With a renewed sense of hope and resilience, Red and Neri faced the uncertainty of the future, knowing that their love would carry them through even the darkest of times. And as they held onto each other, they found comfort in the knowledge that together, they were unstoppable.

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