chapter 15 : mall encounter

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Red and Neri strolled through the mall, their spirits high as they enjoyed a well-deserved treat on payday. However, their mood took an unexpected turn when they bumped into their common cousin.

Red's smile faltered as he exchanged a puzzled glance with Neri, unsure of how their cousin would react.

Red: "Hey, isn't that our cousin over there?"

Neri nodded, but her expression grew wary as their cousin approached them, a scowl on their face.

Cousin Jane: "Well, well, well, look who it is. The black sheep of the family."

Red and Neri exchanged a shocked glance, taken aback by the hostility in their cousin's tone.

Neri: "What's gotten into you? We're family."

Their cousin scoffed, crossing their arms defiantly.

Cousin Jocel: "Family? You two are a disgrace. Running off and doing who knows what, disgracing our name."

Red's jaw clenched with frustration, but he tried to keep his tone calm.

Red: "We're just trying to live our lives, cousin. We don't need your judgment."

Despite Red and Neri's attempts to defuse the situation, their cousin continued with a barrage of negative comments.

Cousin Bless: "Living your lives? More like ruining our family's reputation! Do you think you can just do whatever you want without consequences? You're selfish and irresponsible."

Neri felt a pang of hurt at the harsh words, but she refused to let them get to her.

Neri: "We're not trying to ruin anything. We're just trying to be true to ourselves and live the life we want."

Their cousins shook their heads in disgust, their disdain evident in every word.

Cousin Trina: "Well, your so-called 'truth' is tearing our family apart. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

Red's patience was wearing thin, but he knew arguing wouldn't solve anything.

Red: "We're sorry you feel that way, cousin. But we're not going to apologize for being who we are."

Their cousin's words stung, but Red and Neri refused to let them dampen their spirits. They continued their day at the mall, determined not to let negativity ruin their payday treat. As they walked away, they leaned on each other for support, knowing that their love was stronger than any harsh words thrown their way.

Despite the sting of their cousin's words, Red and Neri refused to let them cast a shadow over their day. They continued exploring the mall, determined to make the most of their payday treat and not allow negativity to ruin their mood.

With each step, they leaned on each other for support, finding solace in the strength of their bond. As they browsed through shops and shared laughs over a meal, they focused on the love and understanding they had for each other, rather than dwelling on the hurtful remarks of others.

Red: "You know no matter what anyone says, I'm grateful to have you by my side. Our love is what truly matters."

Neri smiled, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Neri: "I feel the same way.  We've faced challenges before, and we've always come out stronger together."

Their resilience and determination to overcome adversity only strengthened their bond as they walked hand in hand through the mall. And as they shared moments of laughter and love, they knew that no amount of negativity could ever break the connection they shared. With each step forward, they embraced the power of their love, ready to face whatever challenges lay

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