chapter 23: rejections

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As Red and Neri approached Red's childhood home, anticipation mingled with apprehension in their hearts. They had come to celebrate Red's father's birthday and extend an invitation to their upcoming church wedding, hoping for a warm reception. However, as they knocked on the door, their optimism waned as they were met with silence.

Red's heart sank as the door creaked open to reveal his mother, her expression guarded and unwelcoming.

Red: "Mom, we've come to celebrate Dad's birthday and..."

Before he could finish, Red's mother interrupted, her tone cold and dismissive.

Red's Mom Maruchi: "We didn't expect you to come. You weren't invited."

Neri's heart clenched at the rejection, but she maintained her composure, standing by Red's side in solidarity.

Neri: "We understand, but we wanted to extend an invitation to our church wedding. We would love for you to be there."

Marichu's features hardened, her rejection palpable as she pushed them away.

Marichu: "We have no interest in attending your wedding. Leave us be."

Red's father Agustin appeared in the doorway, his expression torn between his loyalty to his wife and his desire to embrace his son.

Agustin: "I'm sorry, Red. It's not the right time."

Disheartened but determined not to let the rejection dampen their spirits, Red and Neri exchanged a glance, finding solace in each other's unwavering support.

Red: "Thank you for letting us know. We'll leave you to celebrate in peace."

With heavy hearts, they turned away from the door, the weight of disappointment hanging heavy in the air. 

As Red and Neri walked back to their car, the atmosphere hung heavy with disappointment, but their grip on each other remained firm, a silent vow of solidarity in the face of rejection. As they settled into the car, the engine's hum seemed to drown out the echoes of their dashed hopes.

Neri turned to Red, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and determination.

Neri: " I had hoped they would be more accepting."

Red sighed, his disappointment etched on his face, but a flicker of determination sparked in his eyes.

Red: "We have each other, and that's what matters most. Our love is stronger than any rejection."

Neri nodded, her fingers intertwining with his as they drove away from Red's childhood home, leaving behind the echoes of unspoken words and unfulfilled expectations.

As they navigated the winding roads, their conversation shifted to plans for their future together, the anticipation of their upcoming wedding casting a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows of disappointment.

Red: "I'm just grateful to have you by my side, Neri. No matter what challenges come our way, we'll face them together."

Neri smiled, her heart swelling with love for the man beside her, a beacon of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Neri: "And I'm grateful for you, Red. Our love will carry us through anything."

With renewed determination and a shared sense of purpose, they drove into the horizon, leaving behind the shadows of rejection and embracing the promise of a future built on love, acceptance, and unwavering devotion.

As Red and Neri approached Neri's parents' house, a sense of apprehension gripped them, still reeling from the rejection they faced at Red's childhood home. Despite their reservations, they knocked on the door, hoping for a different outcome this time.

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