Chapter 46: revisit Isla El Paraiso

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Tito Marco and Tita Xandra's invitation to Isla El Paraiso for a vacation was a welcome surprise for Red and Neri. Not only were they excited for the chance to relax and unwind in the beautiful island paradise, but they also felt a deep sense of gratitude towards Tito Marco and Tita Xandra for their past assistance.

Red: "Neri, can you believe it? Tito Marco and Tita Xandra invited us to their island for a vacation!"

Neri: "I know, Red! It's such a generous gesture. And to think they were the ones who helped us secure that subcontract with Judge Xandra's brother."

Red: "Exactly. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to work under Engr. Art and eventually establish my construction firm."

Neri: "We owe them a lot. This vacation is the perfect chance to express our gratitude and spend some quality time together."

Red: "Definitely. Plus, I've heard Isla El Paraiso is stunning. I can't wait to explore the island with you."

Neri: "Me too, Red. It's going to be an unforgettable experience."

With excitement coursing through their veins, Red and Neri eagerly accepted Tito Marco and Tita Xandra's invitation, looking forward to creating cherished memories together on the beautiful island of Isla El Paraiso.

As the day of their vacation to Isla El Paraiso approached, Red and Neri found themselves counting down the minutes with anticipation. They packed their bags with swimsuits, sunscreen, and cameras, ready to capture every moment of their adventure on the island.

On the morning of their departure, Tito Marco and Tita Xandra greeted them with warm smiles and open arms. Red and Neri couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards the couple who had been like family to them, supporting them through both professional and personal endeavors.

Red: "Tito Marco, Tita Xandra, thank you so much for inviting us. We're looking forward to this trip."

Marco: "It's our pleasure, Red. We're thrilled to have you both join us."

Xandra: "Yes, it's been too long since we've had a chance to relax together. This vacation is long overdue."

With everything packed and ready to go, they set off for Isla El Paraiso, their hearts filled with excitement and anticipation for the adventures that awaited them. As they boarded the boat that would take them to the island, Red and Neri couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the beauty of the ocean stretching out before them.

The journey to Isla El Paraiso was filled with laughter, conversation, and the occasional splash of seawater as the boat skipped across the waves. As they approached the island, its lush greenery and pristine beaches came into view, filling Red and Neri with a sense of awe and wonder.

Marco: "Welcome to Isla El Paraiso, everyone! I hope you're ready for an unforgettable vacation."

With smiles on their faces and excitement in their hearts, Red and Neri stepped onto the island, ready to make the most of every moment of their time in paradise. Little did they know, their vacation would be filled with adventures, laughter, and moments they would cherish for a lifetime.

Red: "Wow, Tito Marco, Tita Xandra, this place is getting more beautiful than we imagined!"

Neri: "It's like stepping into a postcard. I can't believe we get to spend our vacation again here."

Marco: "Glad you like it! We've got plenty of activities planned for the week, but first, let's settle into our villa."

Xandra: "Yes, and then we can start with some snorkeling. The coral reefs here are stunning."

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