chapter 10 : confessions

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at Koronadal City...

As the evening settled in, Red and Neri, along with their parents, Agustin and Marichu (Red's parents), and Carlos and Racquel (Neri's parents), gathered at Neri's parent's residence for dinner. The atmosphere was warm and familial, with the scent of home-cooked food filling the air and the sound of laughter and conversation flowing freely.

As the meal progressed, Red and Neri exchanged glances, silently conveying their shared resolve to broach the topic that weighed heavily on their hearts. Finally, as dessert was being served, Red cleared his throat, gaining the attention of everyone at the table.

Red: "Um, everyone, if I could have your attention for a moment."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards Red, curiosity evident in their expressions.

Red: "Neri and I wanted to talk to you all about something important."

Neri reached out to take Red's hand, offering him silent encouragement as he gathered his thoughts.

Red: "You see, Neri and I... we've been together for quite some time now. And we've reached a point where we feel it's important to be open and honest with all of you."

There was a moment of stunned silence as the gravity of Red's words sank in. Agustin and Marichu exchanged a glance, while Carlos and Racquel looked on, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Neri: "We love each other deeply and want to share that love with all of you. We hope that you can accept us for who we are and support us in our relationship."

The room was filled with a palpable tension as Red and Neri waited anxiously for their parents' response.

Agustin's voice rose with frustration, his words echoing with anger.

Agustin: "Do you realize what this will do to our family? Our whole clan will be scandalized! Our Tito and Titas, our cousins, your Titas and Titos, your cousins, our family friends, the people around... They'll never look at us the same way again."

Marichu's hands trembled as she spoke, her voice choked with emotion.

Marichu: "And what about our friends? Our standing in society? We'll become the subject of gossip and ridicule. We'll be ostracized, shunned by everyone we know."

Carlos shook his head in disbelief, his tone laced with disappointment.

Carlos: "We raised you both to be respectable members of society, to uphold our family's honor. But this... this goes against everything we stand for."

Racquel's eyes flashed with indignation as she voiced her concerns.

Racquel: "You're not just risking your reputation, Red, Neri. You're tarnishing the reputation of our entire family. How could you be so selfish?"

Red and Neri exchanged a helpless glance, the weight of their parents' fury crushing their spirits. Red's voice trembled with anguish as he struggled to find the right words.

Red: "We never meant to cause harm, Mom, Dad, Tito, Tita and everyone... We just... we love each other."

Neri's voice was barely above a whisper, her heart heavy with sorrow.

Neri: "We understand if you can't accept us, but please... please try to understand."

But their pleas fell on deaf ears as their parents remained resolute in their disapproval, their anger overshadowing any semblance of understanding or acceptance. As the realization sank in that their love had torn an irreparable rift within their family, Red, and Neri felt a profound sense of loss and despair wash over them, their hearts heavy with the weight of familial rejection.

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