chapter 37: time heals

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After a few months, Neri's mother fell ill and found herself confined to her deathbed. In her final moments, she repeatedly called out to Neri, pleading for forgiveness once more.

Neri approached her mother's bedside, her heart heavy with a mixture of emotions—pain, resentment, but also a glimmer of compassion for the woman who had brought her into this world.

Neri: "Yes, Mom?"

Neri's mother Rquel: weakly "Neri, my dear... I need to talk to you."

Neri: hesitantly "What is it, Mom?"

Raquel: voice trembling "I know I've made mistakes... I've hurt you in ways I can't even begin to fathom. Please, Neri... can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

Neri felt a lump form in her throat as she listened to her mother's plea. Despite the years of pain and betrayal, there was a part of her that longed for closure, for a chance to let go of the bitterness that had consumed her for so long.

Neri: softly "Mom... I've carried so much ill feeling and resentment towards you. But at this moment, as I see you lying here, I realize that holding onto that pain won't bring me peace. I forgive you, Mom. I forgive you for everything."

Tears welled up in both their eyes as Neri reached out to hold her mother's hand, a silent gesture of reconciliation and love.

Raquel: choked with emotion "Thank you, Neri... Thank you for giving me this peace."

In that moment, as they shared their final exchange of forgiveness, a sense of closure washed over them both, bridging the divide that had separated them for so long. And as Neri watched over her mother in her final moments, she found solace in the knowledge that they had finally found forgiveness and healing, even amidst the pain of saying goodbye.

After a few days, Neri's mother Raquel passed away.

During her mother's wake, as Neri sat in the corner, her heart heavy with grief and memories, she couldn't shake the pain that consumed her. The weight of her mother's final plea for forgiveness weighed heavily on her, conflicting with the years of hurt and betrayal she had endured.

Despite her mother's apology and her forgiveness, the wounds of the past ran deep, leaving Neri feeling lost and overwhelmed in the wake of her mother's passing.

As she looked upon her siblings and Red's siblings, their faces a painful reminder of the tumultuous journey they had endured together, Neri felt a wave of sorrow wash over her. The memories of being insulted and cast aside resurfaced, reopening old wounds that had never fully healed.

With each passing moment, Neri struggled to contain her emotions, the pain in her heart too great to bear. She longed for solace, for a way to ease the burden of her grief and find peace amidst the chaos of her emotions.

Amid her sorrow, Neri found herself longing for the comfort of Red's embrace, the strength of his presence a beacon of hope in the darkness that surrounded her. But even his love and support felt distant, overshadowed by the weight of her anguish.

As she sat in silence, tears streaming down her cheeks, Neri yearned for the healing touch of time—a chance to come to terms with the pain of the past and find a path forward, guided by love, forgiveness, and the enduring strength of her family

After Neri's mother's funeral, they went back to Iloilo...

One day, they receive an invitation to their clan reunion... Neri refused to attend... 

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