chapter 29 : pool

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During the Christmas break, Red and Neri decided to attend a family reunion, bringing along their four children. However, upon arrival at the venue, they were met with heartbreak as they were ignored by their relatives. Despite being accompanied by their kids, they felt the sting of rejection from their own family. The situation became unbearable for Rouge, their eldest, who lost his patience and walked out to the car. He began honking the horn, signaling for them to leave the painful gathering behind. With heavy hearts, Red and Neri exchanged glances, knowing they had to follow Rouge's lead and depart from the hurtful situation.

Red: trying to remain composed "Stay calm, Neri. We knew this might happen."

Neri: holding back tears "But it still hurts, Red. How can they ignore us like this, especially with our children here?"

Red: "I don't know, love. But we can't let it ruin our holiday spirit."

Rouge: sighs heavily "I can't take this anymore, Dad. I'm going to the car."

Red: "Rouge, wait."

Neri: placing a hand on Red's arm "Let him go, Red. He needs some space."

Red: nodding sadly "Alright, Rouge. We'll be right behind you."

As Rouge walks out to the car and starts honking, Red and Neri exchange a pained glance, feeling the weight of rejection from their own family. But amidst the heartbreak, they find strength in each other and their children, knowing that they have each other's unwavering support. With heavy hearts, they follow Rouge to the car, ready to leave the painful memories of the reunion behind and focus on the love and warmth waiting for them at home.

As Red and Neri headed towards their car, Tito Marco and Tita Xandra rushed after them. They urged them to go straight to their house in LC Residences to rest and relax. Then, after some time, they promised to join them. They extended an invitation for Red and Neri to spend Christmas at Isla El Paraiso. It was painful to travel from Iloilo only to be ignored.

Marco: "Red, Neri, wait!"

Xandra: "Please, don't leave just yet."

Red: hesitant "Tito Marco, Tita Xandra..."

Neri: tears welling up "We don't want to cause any trouble..."

Marco: "You're not causing trouble, my dear. Please, proceed to our house in LC Residences... wait for us there...."

 Xandra: "Yes, rest and relax there while waiting for us."

Red: grateful but uncertain "Thank you, Tito Marco, Tita Xandra. But we don't want to impose..."

Marco: "It's no imposition at all. Consider it our Christmas gift to you and your family."

Neri: emotionally "Thank you, Tito Marco, Tita Xandra. We appreciate it more than words can express."

Xandra: "And after some time, we'll join you. We have something special planned."

Red: curious "What do you mean?"

Marco: "We're inviting you to spend Christmas at Isla El Paraiso with us."

Neri: surprised "Isla El Paraiso? But that's exclusive???"

Marco: "Yes, it is... but we are one of the owners there. With our sponsorship any guest we want to bring there can stay there, unless the guest will cause trouble, they will for sure be ejected immediately.

Xandra: "Yes, please join us...  it's a bit of a journey from Iloilo to be here...we want to make sure you have a Christmas filled with love and warmth. Trust us, you'll enjoy there...."

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