chapter 20: singapore

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On the morning of their wedding anniversary, Neri woke up with a mixture of excitement and anticipation, eager to celebrate another year of love and commitment with Red. As she waited for him to greet her with the usual warmth and affection, she couldn't help but notice a sense of unease creeping into her heart.

Neri: "Good morning, Red,"

But Red's response was not what she had expected. Instead of returning her greeting with a smile and a kiss, he merely glanced up briefly before returning his attention to his phone, his expression distracted and distant.

Red: "Oh, morning, Neri."

Neri's heart sank as she realized that Red seemed to have forgotten their special day. The realization left her feeling hurt and disappointed, a sharp pang of sadness piercing through the excitement she had felt just moments before.

Neri: tries to hide her disappointment "Um, did you... forget something?"

Red looked up, a furrow forming on his brow as he tried to recall what Neri was referring to.

Red: "Forget something? Like what?"

Neri's heart sank even further as she realized that Red truly had forgotten their anniversary. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a day of celebration and joy.

Neri: forces a smile "It's nothing, forget it."

But inside, Neri couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment and hurt that threatened to overwhelm her. She had hoped for a day filled with love and happiness, but now, it seemed that their anniversary would pass by unnoticed and uncelebrated.

As she struggled to contain her emotions, Neri couldn't help but wonder what had gone wrong. Had their love faded away, replaced by the demands of everyday life and the distractions of the world around them? Or was there still hope for their relationship, buried beneath the surface, waiting to be rediscovered?

With a heavy heart, Neri tried to push aside her doubts and fears, clinging to the hope that somehow, they could find their way back to each other and reignite the spark that had once burned so brightly between them. But as the day stretched on and Red remained oblivious to the significance of their anniversary, Neri couldn't help but wonder if their love was truly meant to last.

As Red mentioned their plans for the day, Neri's heart sank even further. The hurt and disappointment she had been feeling since morning deepened as she struggled to come to terms with Red's apparent disregard for their anniversary.

Neri: trying to mask her hurt "You want me to pack for two days?"

Red: "Yeah, we have to see this client out of town. It might take a couple of days."

Neri's heart clenched at Red's words. It felt like a slap in the face, a painful reminder of where she stood in his priorities. How could he be so focused on work, on a client, when he couldn't even remember their special day?

Neri: forcing a smile "Sure, I'll pack."

But inside, Neri was seething with resentment and frustration. She couldn't understand how Red could be so oblivious to her feelings, so callous in his actions. Didn't their relationship mean anything to him anymore?

As she packed her things, Neri couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal that gnawed at her from within. It felt like a cruel joke, a mockery of the love and commitment they had shared.

With each item she placed into her suitcase, Neri felt the weight of their crumbling relationship pressing down on her. She wondered if there was any hope left for them if they could ever find their way back to the love they had once known.

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