Izuku Midoriya: Origin Part 2

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14 Years

14 Years was how long they were abused by society.
14 Years of suffering for something they have no control over.
14 Years of being at the business end of people trying to keep them down or erase them from this planet.

But they had a plan, a plan that could set them free from this corrupt society so that they can live normal lives that didn't involve pain or suffering.

Your probably wondering what that plan is, well to know the plan,we need to go back to when Izuku turned 10.

Izuku and Inko have not been living normal lives, ever since the first day of the attack, things have been getting worse, ranging from physical assault, docking pay, openly ridiculing them in front of everyone, whether it be at school or work, they were everyone's punching bag but on this particular day was something they both never thought could happen.

Izuku's pov:

It was birthday today, I was turning 10, my body still hurts from yesterday's beating, but something felt off about that last one,it felt like they were purposely holding back for reasons I don't know of.

Not wanting to be late for school, I slowing got out of bed, carefull not to reopen my wounds,my mother had been a big help in bandaging my wounds and even the basics of first aid in case something happened and I was alone, by the way my mother gets the same treatment as me at work for having a quirkless son,so they assault (not in that way) everyday to remind her that she was a defective mother that can only give birth to trash.

Me and her have scars all over our bodies, ranging from burn scars to deep cuts and acid burns.
I'm more scarred than my mother because the children at my school don't hold back and they actively try to kill me, but I'm too stubborn to die because I still want to be a hero and I refuse to leave my mother alone, so I fight for my life every day just to see my mother and hug her knowing she also suffers the same fate as him, he tried to make her quit her job but she insisted on keeping it since it's still a well paying job, even though they dock her pay but it's still enough to live a comfortable life, or as comfortable it can get, the money my father left us is still there, untouched,  she's planning on saving as much as possible so that when Izuku graduates middle school, they can move to the more quirkless side of Japan.

Japan has a town that mostly consists of the quirkless and people that have weak quirks or 'villainous' quirks, where they don't discriminate and mostly help each other out.

I made my way to the bathroom and took and warm shower, washing away all the sleep from his body.
When he finished, he made his made his way back to his room to get dressed in his worn out uniform that had stitches at specific areas, this is because his uniform would nearly get destroyed everytime they assault (not in that way) him.
He put it on and made his way down the hall to find his mother already dressed in her work clothes, on the table was a healthy breakfast and two muffins to celebrate his birthday.

Over the years, he started wanting smaller birthdays so that they can save up more on money, at first her mother wasn't pleased with this but changed her mind after a bit of convincing, he told her that the birthday party wasn't really important, only that he can spend it with her and vice versa with her birthday.
Every birthday they spend it together doing normal Mother and Son thing's

He's mother greeted him with a gentle hug since she too was in pain but also noticed that yesterday something was off, after they separate they sit down and start eating, during breakfast, Izuku asked her mother something.

Izuku: Mom, do you feel like something was off yesterday.

Inko looked at her son and thought about what he just said, this can't be a coincidence.

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