Chapter 19: Hero Licence Exam

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It's been a week since Izuku rescued Spinner and started living with him, they haven't been doing much expect talk about minor stuff. Kaina hadn't the time to visit because the work the President gave her required her to stay at the commission building, so they only communicated through phone whenever they're not busy. During the week, Izuku has been doing research on the Holy Moonlight Greatsword with the limited information he had on it but managed to find something that could help him understand the purpose of the Creature Rejection Clan.

"Ludwig the Accursed and the Holy Moonlight Greatsword"

"Before coming to the status of legend, Ludwig often delved into the Chalice Dungeons as a Tomb Prospector doing the Healing Church's work and furthering their understanding. This changed when he found the Holy Moonlight Greatsword in one of the dungeons. To him, the sword was alive and supposedly even "spoke" to him, granting him "guidance", becoming his "mentor" and eventually turning him into the great and powerful warrior that inspired his peers.

The Holy Moonlight Greatsword helped propagate the myth of Ludwig, the Holy Blade, due to how sparingly he uses it's beautiful moonlit state. The great blade gave him so much confidence and it's elusiveness such romanticism that eventually managed to inspire the populist masses of Yharnam to fight the scourge of beasts in massively organized hunts. After he departed, the Healing Church Hunters deemed it necessary to carry his legacy by making their own Greatsword in honor, thus the Ludwig's Holy Blade came to be."

Izuku: So, Ludwig's followers created their own greatswords in honor of him, but it looks like someone is taking it too far trying to remake something that can only be described as godly, and I'm guessing the catalyst for the Moonlight Greatsword is the Quirk Factor of mutants that can be fussed into a normal Holy Blade, creating the blade and also creating a link to the great ones if they still exist.

Izuku just sighed and rubbed his temples because of the amount of shit they'll be in if Wei Shin manages to create the sword, he heard the door open to see Spinner walk in with a slightly nervous look.

Izuku: Is something wrong Spinner?

Spinner: No, everythings fine, it's just I've made a decision.

Izuku: Really.

Spinner: Yes, I'll find the rest of the league and bring them to you and if they agree, we'll join you in whatever your planning.

Izuku: Excellent!

Izuku exclaims while standing and walks towards Spinner, his hands started to glow and out came an old burner phone.

Izuku: Take this, when you find them, just send me a message that will be directed to me and only me, oh and lets not forget your costume.

Izuku uses Matter Creation and makes Spinner a new costume, it still looked like the original with minor changes, instead of the colors being like Stain's, it was now all black, he also made him blades that Stain used to use to fight, but they were much more durable and light, he gave them to Spinner who was in awe of the new costume and weapons.

Izuku: Come on, suit up and I'll drop you off where you think they might be close.

Spinner: Of course.

Spinner excused himself and went to his room to change, while Izuku went to the first floor lounge to wait for Spinner. A few minutes later, Spinner walks out with his new costume and weapons, he really looked like Stain but more stealthy, but was a lizard.

Izuku: Oh yeah, I've got one more thing I forgot to ask you.

Spinner: What is it?

Izuku: How would you like me to evolve your quirk.

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