Chapter 2: Justice

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Near Tatooin Station, Katsuki Bakugo and he's smoking buddies are having a conversation and one of them brought up Bakugo's advice to Izuku, they knew that they wanted him dead but didn't think Bakugo would actually sau that to his face, sure he has been sent death threats before but this felt different

Bakugo: The quirkless fuck deserves everything that comes he's way because why was he even born, if he wasn't here, the world would have been a better place if that nerd just gave up on living.

While Bakugo was giving he's 'Deku dehumanization speech', he kicks the bottle of the trapped sludge villain and accidently freeing him, now he was looking for a new host and he just found the explosive Pomeranian in his eye sight and was very happy

Meanwhile Izuku was still on the roof, still looking at the screen that says that he unlocked he's quirk and he was speechless, he didn't know what to do

Izuku: Advanced AFO

After he said that there was an explosion not too far from where he was and slowly made his way down the building and starting walking to the smoke rising up from that area, when he got a bit closer, he saw the villain that attacked him a few minutes ago and wondered how he escaped but than remembers that when he grabbed All Might's leg, he must have knocked the bottle out of his pocket, so this means it was his fault for this current attack. When he got a bit closer, he saw that the villain had a hostage and it was none other than Katsuki fucking Bakugo, this isn't the Bakugo he knew, this was a Bakugo that was scared, scared that he might lose his life. When Izuku got to the front, he found that the hero's aren't doing nothing to rescue him, the only useful person here was Backdraft that was trying to control the fire but the rest where complaining about not having the right quirk for the job, which was stupid because Izuku has already had multiple plans to rescue that Pomeranian, but then he remembered that he recently awakened his quirk didn't know how to use it yes so he had an idea, he thought he could copy the quirks of the current hero's here and learn how to use them later and that's what he did, he slowly made his way to each hero here and touched there backs and he got a notification that said

[Water Pump copied] Evolved [Water Manipulation]

[Arbor copied] Evolved [Wood Manipulation]

The reason he didn't copy Death Arms quirk was because it was an arm strength enhancer not a full body one which he will try to find, but now he had to save that idiot and probably copy his quirk. Izuku rushes out of the crowd and made it past the hero's that were yelling at him to come back, but he didn't listen, he observed the situation and found that the only solid thing on that villain were it's eyes, so he made a plan but he had to act fast or he would get killed. The villain attacked Izuku by shooting it's sludge at him but he dodged them barely and did a spin move where he spun his bag and launched it to the villains eye which loosened its hold on Bakugo and gave him enough time to breathe, so Izuku bolted towards Bakugo and grabbed his arm and

[Explosion copied]

He starting pulling on Bakugo's arm and was slowly being pulled free but the villain managed to recover in time and tried to attack Izuku once again but from out of no where a big muscular man with gravity defying hair jumped in and grabbed the two teenagers

[One For All copied] Evolved [Advanced One For All]

The man pulled the two out of the sludge villain and prepared to finish this with he's famous smashe's


All Might landed the hit which blasted the villain into oblivion but the air pressure kept on going which created a mini tornado, that tornado put out the fire and continued towards the sky. After awhile the tornado disappeared but it started rain afterward and people started commenting on how All Might changed the weather with as single punch.

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