Chapter 16: Beginning of an Era

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A few minute before Izuku exploded, the people watching the fight were in awe at such power, many were still shocked to hear he was the Symbol Of Evil's son but were glad that he was fighting on the side of good.

Back at Kamino Ward or whats left of it, there were a bunch of rescue heroes searching the rubble to look for anyone that was caught in the fight but to their surprise, they were already evacuated hours before, meaning someone knew this would happen and planned ahead. The WWP were on sight with the rest of the rescue heroes, Mandalay and Ragdoll were searching the place, while Tiger and Pixi-Bob were moving around rubble but to their relief, couldn't find any victims.

Pixi-Bob: Whoever evacuated everyone made damn sure they were out.

Tiger: I Agree, but it now begs the question of who evacuated them?

Mandalay: Whoever they were, I want to thank them.

They three agreed and looked over to Ragdoll who was looking in the direction of the fight.

Pixi-Bob: What can you see?

Ragdoll: Not much, my quirk is at it's limit but I can still make out faint signatures of the two.

Tiger: But to think such power existed.

Mandalay: Yeah, a power that completely trumps All Might is something I've only dreamt of, the only person I thought would rival All Might in strength was Stars and Stripes but after seeing Midoriya.....

Pixi-Bob: He brings a whole new meaning to power.

Meanwhile at WHA Headquarters, where we see Stars and the Director watching the fight through their satellite.

Stars: Man they're really going at it.

Director: Indeed they are, that level of power could rival every hero on the planet, including you.

Stars: I'm sure your just exaggerating.

She looks back at the screen to see Izuku create a just hand made out of air which almost made her chock on her popcorn before spitting it out.


Director: What do you mean you move?

Stars: You know that move where I solidify the air and shape it into my body but 1000 times bigger.

Director: Yeah, you call it Fist Bump To The Earth, which I still find hard to understand why you call it that.

Stars: Cause it's an awesome name, but besides that, Midoriya is using the same move as me but he's only using body parts, not the whole body!

Director: He shouldn't be able to do that, only you have New Order.

Stars: Well it looks like he has it too, but I think his New Order works differently from mine.

Director: What so different about yours and he's?

Stars: Mines has the limit of placing to rules on anything I touch but he's looks like it doesn't have a limit of how many rules he can place.

Director: Thats......really impressive.

Stars: I know, and I've been trying to increase the limit of how many rules I can place but nothings working, ever since I got my quirk I've been training it to the absolute limit, but I've never went past two rules.

Director: Maybe you can ask Midoriya to help you with that when we go to Japan in month an few weeks from now.

Stars: I guess.

They looked back at the screen to see the fight reaching it's climax.

Back to Japan where the rest of the people were either watching from their homes of are outside looking over the sea, Nezu, Inko, The President and some of the staff were in UA's conference room watching the fight through a satellite Nezu owns for some reason, they could see AFO and Izuku using various quirks to fight each other.

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