Chapter 1: Refurbished

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A plethora of beginning heroes crowded the area which was titled "The Tutorial." Our protagonist Luke was amongst these heroes. He pushed along the crowds, trying to find an area that wasn't as cramped as the area he was currently in. He manages to find an open space, which seems to only contain a duo that seems to only have started out their journey.

Random Swordsman: "Check this out!"

The swordsman does a spin-slash attack, and accidentally lets go of his sword. The sword flies and stabs into Luke's Armour.

Random Swordsman: "Oh Crap!"

Random Archer: "Slorethro... You jackass..."

Luke: "Hey! Apologise for trying to strike down the mighty Paladin Luke!"

The swordsman stares at Luke. He randomly laughs.

Random Swordsman: "The mighty Paladin Luke? I've never heard of you... What exactly is it that makes you so mighty, Huh?"

Luke: "I was chosen... By... UH!"

Random Swordsman: "Uh..? Uh, what?"

Luke: "His name is... Uh."

Random Archer: "Uh? Slorethro, is this guy for real?"


Luke, for the first time, initiates an actual battle. Against this Random Swordsman, and the Random Archer. The two randoms hug each other in fear. Luke unsheathes his massive sword and shield, and like how any Paladin would, he slams the randoms in the head with his shield, knocking them out.

Luke: "Yeah! Battle won! I'm level 2 now, assholes! ...That's what I would say if this was a game. But clearly this is not."

Officer: "Hey! You can't attack fellow heroes, hero! Or should I say... VIGILANTE???"

Luke: "It was in self defence! I promise! Do you not see this sword that's literally wedged into my armour that's most likely roughly around 3 inches from cutting into my soft, delicate skin?"

Officer: "Oh... I mean, I do see that sword, and it does look pretty bad... Okay, I'm sorry, have a nice day, O'Paladin."

The officer walks off. Leaving Luke alone. Luke sighs and pulls the sword out of his armour.

Luke: "Ohhhh yeah! A win for Poopbutt McShittyTitty!!! Woowee... Wait. No, that jackass made my team get called Peeps... What a Douchebag."

Luke scoffs, and then he just... starts walking in a direction.

Luke: "Well... This journey is rather boring by myself. Hopefully I can gather a team full of strong people. And hopefully not a team full of assholes that try and be edgy and mysterious. Like... Come on, work with the team instead of being bitchy about being healed. Quit being all like 'I'm better on my own!' when the only reason you were alive is because we saved your ass! Well, I'll only accept it if they're goated... I mean, what're the chances of me getting someone like that, though? That stuff only happens in video games."

Around 2 hours later... He finally stumbles upon a path. Huzzah for our protagonist! He stumbles across a sign. It reads:

Luke: "Velz Cave? Huh. I mean... I could probably use my light magic to light up the cave in there... Maybe. But fuck that. I'm going to sleep. No way am I entering a fucking cave at night."

He sits down.

Luke: "If only I had brought a bed. Or a sleeping bag. I'm a fucking Neanderthal. Oh well, not the first time I've slept on the floor."

He closes his eyes. Drifting off to sleep... Well, here's the thing. This jackass is one of those stupid assholes who need to sleep in a comfortable place in order to actually get a wink of rest. This asshole is uncomfortable in his huge ass paladin armour. No shit, like. But surely it must have come with something comfy inside of it, no?

Luke: "I wish I could take out this soft material from my armour and just... sleep on that."

What a jackass.

???: "Hey... Hey... LUKE! YOU ASSHOLE!"

Luke: "Wuzzah??? Daddy?"

Uh: "No, It's me-"

Luke: "Uh! Uh! I missed you! Even though it's only been about 8 hours!"

Uh: "Bloody Nora... Anyways, you're about to enter Velz Cave. Your first part of your long journey, maybe. Unless you just fucking die by an orc. Which... I hope not, because you're the MC. But, enough fourth wall breaks, those are getting tiring... Luke, When you wake up, you shall enter Velz Cave, fight those Orcs... and make sure you won't-"

Luke: "I won't die! I promise.


Luke: "I got it! I'm going to kill every orc I see in that cave! And other enemies too!"

Uh: "No, you don't. Thanks for answering my question."

Luke: "What question?"

Uh: "...Just don't die."

And like that, Luke wakes up. A blossom falls onto his face, and he sneezes. He stands up and wipes off his dusty armour.

Luke: "I won't die, Uh. I promise."

Luke takes one step, and he runs into the uncertain darkness of the cave. Leaving only one question... When the fuck is someone else going to join the Peeps?

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