Chapter 53: Just The Little Things

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A few minutes later...

Luke: "Okay..! I only just got here! What the hell's going on?"

Jesse: "I-I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"

She's still crying, clinging onto Tyler, who's hugging her in an attempt to calm her down.

Tyler: "Well, there appears to be a kid inside of Jesse's room."

Luna: "A kid?"

Toby comes out of Jesse's room, and he scratches his head.

Toby: "Uh, yeah. There's a little girl in there. She ducked under the bed as soon as I entered."

Luke: "Damn."

Tezuka: "Well... Uhm, what do we do about her then?"

Luna: "I don't think Tyler's willing to put some of his funds towards her..."

Tyler: "What? Of course I am, you assholes! She's just a kid! I can't just throw her back out there and let her fend for herself!"

Liv: "Y'could always just send her off to Hanako."

Toby: "Very true."

Tyler: "Guys... That's just mean! Think about Hanako's feelings. Would she want to be pestered with another kid?"

Luke: "Yeah. I already entrusted her with Faith and Hope. Judging by some of the texts she's sent me, they're already quite a handful."

Luna: "Then what do we do?"

Luke: "Right... Put your hand up if you're for keeping the kid."

Luke, Tyler and Jesse put their hands up.

Tezuka: "Uhm... I have no hands, so what about my vote?"

Luke: "Just... Say I?"

Tezuka: "Oh. Okay."

Luke waits for her response. She indeed does not say I.

Luke: "...So three against four?"


Jesse: "NO!"

She cries a lot louder.

Tyler: "You know what? No! I think we have someone else's vote to account for."

Toby: "Huh?"

Tyler pulls out his phone, and he starts calling someone. He puts it on speaker as soon as they answer.

Matthew: "What?"

Tyler: "Hey, you. I know you know about the kid in Jesse's room."

Matthew: "So, you figured out, huh?"

Luna: "Yes! We did!"

Matthew: "Ohoho! Is the whole gang here? I assume this is on speaker. How'd you find out?"

Tyler: "Well... Jesse is just a very honest woman."

Jesse: "I'm sorry... Please don't get rid of her..."

Matthew: "Get rid of her? What's she on about?"

Toby: "We voted if we were going to take her elsewhere."

Matthew: "...So what were the votes?"

Luna: "3 for, 4 against."

Matthew: "Well, I vote for, so now it's a tie."

Liv: "You're not even a damn Peep!"

Matthew: "Well, since I know about the kid, my vote counts too."

Luke: "Fair enough."

Matthew: "You know what? Why are you all even concerned about her anyways? It's Jesse's problem, not yours. So I believe you should all bugger off and let her keep the kid if she wants."

Luna: "Bugger off!? How are we going to fund the damn kid, Matthew?!"

Matthew: "Listen... Tyler has money, right?"

Toby: "Yes, he does."

Matthew: "So just... mooch off of him, then?"

Luke: "We already kinda do."

Tyler: "Fuck you, Luke."

Matthew: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, I LOVE those 3 words together in one sentence! HAHAHA! I'm joining in on this Luke hating action! Fuuuuuuuuuuck you, Luke!"

Luke: "Come on, man..."

Matthew: "So, are we done?"

Toby: "Guess so."

Matthew: "Alright. I'm hanging up. Oh... I know you guys are going against the mafia, by the way."

Luke: "Yes, we are, why?"

Matthew: "Just don't get yourselves or the kid killed, you morons."

He hangs up, and Jesse cries a little more.

Jesse: "Please... Let me keep her..."

Luke: "I'm for it, Jesse."

Tyler: "Same, just... Calm down, alright? I'll help you with her if needed."

Jesse: "T-Thank you..."

She hugs Tyler a lot more tighter.

Tyler: "Q-Quit it, Jesse..."

Jesse quickly lets go.

Jesse: "S-sorry."

Luke: "Alright... It's getting late, you guys. Let's just go to bed, and see how we feel about all of this in the morning?"

Liv: "Fine. See you all later."

They all head off into their own rooms for the night.

The next day... Luke's Room...

Luke wakes up and he rubs his eyes.

Luke: "Mmh... Huh? Luna?"

Luna's not in the room with him.

Luke: "Hm. Maybe she's already up and early."

He quickly cleans himself and brushes his teeth, and then he puts on his armor. He goes downstairs to see Jesse and a kid sitting together at a table in the inn's restaurant area. Luna's sitting on a stool by herself, just drinking some orange juice. Luke walks up to her.

Luke: "Hey hon. Everything okay?"

Luna: "Hm?"

She nods at Luke.

Luna: "Yeah, I'm okay. Just watching Jesse and Kaley."

Luke: "She already named the kid?"

Luna: "No, that was the kid's name before."

She sighs.

Luna: "She's so kind to her, isn't she?"

Luke looks over to Jesse, who's currently helping Kaley with her cutlery, teaching her how to use it properly.

Luke: "Yeah. She's really sweet to her."

Luna: "It just makes me think... I was such a bad sister to Shizune."

Luke: "Hm?"

Luna: "Not only that... but her right eye is gone because of me. It's never coming back."

Luke: "Because of you? Don't be silly, Luna... You were protecting the kids. So was she."

He pats her on the head.

Luke: "Your resolve was to protect those you love, right?"

Luna: "Yeah..."

Luke: "So, no matter how badly you treated her in the past, you've grown up. You've changed, and I think no matter how you look at it, I think it was the best thing that could've happened."

Luna sighs.

Luna: "Sorry."

Luke: "Don't be."

Luke puts a hand on her shoulder.

Luke: "Hey, did you ever find a place that could've done something with them void dragon scales?"

Luna: "Huh? Oh, no. I'll admit I didn't really look much. I was a bit distracted by the beautiful stream."

Luke: "Don't blame ya. I'll come with you, then. To avoid any distractions."

Luna: "But what if I get distracted by your presence, hon?"

Luke: "Eh... Don't be cheesy."

She giggles.

Luna: "Couldn't resist. Sorry. I also wanted to ask, what about the others? Should we get something for them?"

Luke: "Oh, no. I've already talked to them. They're satisfied with their things as of now."

Luna: "Okay."

They both stand up to leave.

Jesse: "Oh. Are you two leaving?"

Luke: "Yeah, we are. Why?"

Jesse: "Oh... Well, Tyler wasn't anywhere to be seen this morning, according to Tezuka. She's a little worried, since he left his phone behind too. Once you're done doing whatever you're doing, could you look for him?"

Luke: "Sure thing. I'll find him when we're done. See ya."

Luna: "See you later, Jesse."

Jesse: "Bye!"

Luna: "You too, Kaley."

Kaley: "..."

Luna: "...Must be a little shy, I guess... Nothing like Faith or Hope... I miss them rascals."

Luna quickly grabs the bag with all of the void dragon scales in it, and her and Luke both leave the inn.

Luke: "Alright, so you said you didn't know where the blacksmith was, right?"

Luna: "No."

Luke: "Well, luckily enough Blair gave me directions from here."

Luna: "That's awfully kind of him."

Luke: "It's a good thing we made alliances so quickly here. Anywho, shall we go, hon?"

Luna: "Hehe. Yeah."

They both take each other's hand, and they begin to walk together, with Luke on his phone taking the directions Blair sent to him. They eventually walk to a small looking building that's open, and has a small wooden sign that says "BLACKSMITH" on it.

Luke: "Huh, this is in a nice place."

Luna: "Yeah... Kinda secretive too. I like it."

Luke tilts his head.

Luke: "But uh... Is anyone inside?"

Luna: "Let's just go in. Maybe the blacksmith is inside?"

Luke: "Yeah, maybe. Let's just... Walk in."

They walk into the building, and they look around, and they don't see anybody around.

Luna: "Uh, hello?"

???: "Oh! Customers! Pardon me, just a second!"

Small little footsteps come from behind the counter.

Luke: "What the..."

A dwarf emerges with a huge grin on his face, he looks up towards Luke and Luna, and he extends his arms out happily.

Dwarf: "Welcome, O'Paladin and Elf! I am Ragorn the Forgemaster! What can I do for you?"

Luke: "Woahoho! A little dude!"

Luna smacks Luke across the face.

Luna: "Hello! We were just looking for someone who could do something about these materials."

Ragorn: "Very well, young lady! Let's see what I'm working with, then!"

Luna nods and she pulls out the void dragon scales from her bag, and she puts them on the table. Ragorn hops on a stool so he can get a better look.

Ragorn: "..!"

He stares at them with bewilderment.

Luna: "Uhm, is something the matter..?"

Ragorn looks at the scales in silence.

Luke: "..."

Ragorn: "..."

Luna: "..."

Ragorn suddenly bursts out crying.

Luke: "W-What the hell?"

Luna: "R-Ragorn?! What's wrong?"

Ragorn wipes his tears.

Ragorn: "No... These aren't tears of sadness... These are tears of joy!.. Uhuhuhuhuhuuuu!!!"

Luke and Luna look at each other with a confused look.

Ragorn: "It's always been a dream of mine... To work on this material!"

Luke: "M-Material? I-Is this material special?"

Ragorn wipes more of his tears.

Ragorn: "Yes! Not only is it the rarest material in the world... Only one person has ever given this material to a blacksmith! That very blacksmith called it Voidless Steel."

Luke & Luna: "Voidless Steel?"

Luna: "What's that?"

Ragorn: "This! These scales melt down just like steel does, and it's made of the void... Hence Voidless Steel!"

Luke: "Oh, right."

Ragorn: "8 scales... I can do a lot with this!"

Luna: "Ooh, can you make a bow for me? I've been really needing one."

Ragorn takes once scale away.

Ragorn: "Very well. One bow, coming right up!"

Luke: "Wait... You only need one scale?"

Ragorn: "Aye! One scale's enough for any type of bow! What else would you like me to make?"

Luke: "Uh..."

Luna: "Any ideas, Luke?"

Luke grins.

Luke: "Oho! You know what would be friggin' badass?!"

Ragorn: "Badass? You're speaking my language, O'Paladin! Lemme hear it!"

Luke clicks his fingers.

Luke: "A Motorbike."

Luna and Ragorn look at him with puzzles expressions.

Luna: "Uhm..?"

Ragorn: "A... Motorbike?"

Luke: "Yeah! Y-You know... The vehicle?"

Luna & Ragorn: "Never heard of it."

Luke: "Wait... Do they not exist here..?"

He grins.

Luke: "T-That's because I uh... Just invented it!"

Luna's eyes light up.

Luna: "You did?!"

Ragorn: "A-And you trust me to create this... Motorbike?"

Luke nods.

Luke: "Yes, yes... Ragorn. I trust you to make my awesome invention! ...But how much would it cost?"

Ragorn sniffs.

Ragorn: "Because you brought the dream of Voidless Steel to me... FREE!"

Luke jumps back in surprise.

Luke: "W-Woah! Seriously?"

Ragorn: "Aye! It's always been a dream. Now, sketch out this 'Motorbike' for me, and I'll see what I can do!"

Luke: "Oohoohoo... I can do that. Got any paper? Perhaps a pencil?"

Ragorn: "Aye lad! Here you go!"

He hands Luke some paper and a pencil, and he immediately begins to sketch to the best of his ability.

8 minutes later... after a very DETAILED sketch and explanation...

Luke: "So... The diesel will power up the bike, and then it'll be able to drive!"

Ragorn scratches his beard.

Ragorn: "I've never heard of diesel... But what if you were to use your mana to power it up instead of these... Batteries and diesel?"

Luke: "You can do that?"

Ragorn: "Aye! I'll get to working on it right away!"

Luna: "Ooh, can I help you, Ragorn?"

Ragorn: "Of course you can! I appreciate any little help, especially since you're also my customer."

Luna nods.

Luna: "Alright! First, we should start working on the bow."

Ragorn: "Aye."

Luke nods.

Luke: "So... Am I no longer needed here?"

Luna shakes her head.

Luna: "You're free to help, hon. But by all means, you can leave. I'll be fine. I'll text you if I need anything."

Luke: "Alright. It was really nice meeting you, Ragorn. Thanks!"

Ragorn: "No! Thank YOU!"

Luke: "No... The pleasure's all mine."

Ragorn: "No, no... Quit being so noble! I insist the pleasure's all mine! Hahahaha!"

Luke: "Heh."

He walks out of the building, waving goodbye to Luna. He's outside by himself.

Luke: "Hmm... What shall I do now?"

Luke looks around.

Luke: "Oh, I should probably look around for Tyler... Jesse wanted me to, after all."

He pats his cheeks, and he starts walking around.

Luke: "Damn it... I don't even know where the hell I'm going."

???: "Perhaps I could help you."

Luke: "H-Huh?"

Someone walks up to him, and he takes off his deerhunter cap and he puts it on his chest.

Sam: "Hello, Luke."

Luke: "Sam! Hey. What're you doing here?"

Sam: "Well, since you asked Blair for directions to the blacksmith... I just figured you'd be around. Detective and Journalist instinct. Besides, I need to speak to you anyways."

Luke: "You do?"

Sam: "Yep. So, would you rather hear what I have to say or are you going to go look for your friend?"

Luke: "Uh... Well, if your words are important, then sure. Lemme hear it."

Sam: "Alright. You and that girl who agreed to fully help us on that case are needed in the bar around 10AM sharp."

Luke: "10AM?  Damn!"

Sam: "I know. Bright and early, especially in a meeting place such as the bar."

He nods.

Sam: "But we could really use your help. We've been stuck at a dead end for ages, and we figured we could get some input from our new members to our little Anti-Mafia team."

Luke: "Well... That group name's pretty boring."

Sam: "Oh, sorry. We don't necessarily have a group name."

Luke: "You know what group name you should have?"

Sam: "Sure, let me hear it."

Luke: "The Peeps, baby!"

Sam: "...Well, maybe after we've taken down the mafia. But be serious here. This is the mafia we're talking about. You guys are pretty famous, so if they were ever listening to us, and the Peeps was our group codename, then I think they'd be very, VERY wary of attacks."

Luke: "Fair enough..."

Luke puts a finger on his chin, and he starts thinking.

Luke: "Well... How about CEO?"

Sam: "CEO..? I said something serious-"

Luke: "It's short for Confidential Extraction Ops."

Sam: "You..!-"

He looks down, and he smiles.

Sam: "Smart. If we say we were meeting up with the CEO... They would believe we were speaking about our company boss, or something along those lines."

He nods, and he looks back up at Luke.

Sam: "Yes... We are the Confidential Extraction Ops! The ones who will take down the mafia!"

Luke: "So, will that be our team name?"

Sam: "I'll tell Blair about it. He'll have thought that name was genius too."

He puts his deerstalker back on.

Sam: "I will take my leave. Good luck on finding your friend."

Luke: "Alright. Thank you, man."

Sam: "Tomorrow. 10AM. Don't be late."

He walks down a street, and he disappears from Luke's sight.

Luke: "Alright... Now I just gotta find Tyler."

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