Chapter 26: Veien Til Den Andre Relikvien

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The next morning...


Luke: "That's right. We have only a week to prepare. The Shadow Prince told us."

Toby: "Crap... Voidlings?  Those things from the lab?! Crap."

Luke: "Oh yeah, you Liv and Tyler were in that lab with him, weren't you? What's going on with this voidling thing? Oh, and the two subjects who escaped?"

Toby: "Didn't we tell you about this before..?"

Luna: "We forgot."

Toby: "Oh."

Tyler: "Well-"

Liv: "Let me remind you, O'Paladin scum! We were in that lab, and the power went out! The the Shadow Prince came outta nowhere, and then some goopy void creatures appeared! We booked it out of there, and then the Shadow Prince said something! I forgot!"

Tyler: "There's-"

Toby: "There's two people that were experimented on that escaped the lab... If my memory serves me well enough, There's Test Subject 3: Lance and also Test Subject 9: Jesse."

Luna: "Man... Are they dangerous?"

Tyler: "According to-"

Toby: "Yup. The Shadow Prince said that the Void element is very unstable, and-"


Toby: "Sorry, you just speak a little too much. I was letting your voice go away on holiday."

Tyler: "W-what..? Does that even make sense?"

Tezuka: "Tyler, my handsome Earthbender. Nothing makes sense these days."

Tyler: "Ew. Don't call me handsome."

Luna: "So... What were you saying, Toby?"

Toby: "Uhm... That the Void Element is very unstable. That's all he really said."

Luke: "Man... And we have to prepare for creatures that're also unstable?"

Toby: "It'd seem so."

Luke: "Aw, rats."

Liv: "What you sayin' bout rats, HUH?!"

Luke: "I-I mean shit."

Liv: "You sayin' rats are shit?!"

Luke: "No!"

Luna: "Why don't we train? Tyler, mind mentoring us again?"

Tyler: "I got a better idea. You guys wanna try and get a relic?"

They all look at him curiously.

Luke: "Relic, you say?"

Tyler: "Yeah-"

Hanako and the Twins bursts into the inn again.

Faith: "HELLO!!!"

Tyler sighs and facepalms.

Hanako: "So, Peeps! What's on the agenda today?"

Tyler: "Before you rudely entered-"

Luna: "Tyler was talking to us about a relic. Do you know anything about it, Hanako?"

Hanako: "Why, sure I do! Me and Tyler found a dungeon one day. It was some weird like... Trial thing. We only got through one before we just decided it wasn't worth it. There's definitely a relic in there. You can feel it's presence."

Toby: "Were you still kids then?"

Hanako: "Yup."

Luke: "That settles it! We're going to go to this dungeon, and get that relic!"

Hope:  "Relic?"

Luke: "Hell yeah! We could use another relic."

Tyler: "Ooh. I could use a weapon-"

Luke: "AND! I get it! Why? Because I can. I'm awesome. My shield is good, but it's my only use of attack."

Faith: "Me and Hope could make you a new one, daddy!"

Luke: "No thank you, girls."

Hope: "Aww. Okay."

Tyler: "Could you make one for-"


She jumps into the air, and picks up Tyler from his feet.

Tyler: "Ugh... Why is everyone interrupting me-"

Hanako: "Ap ap ap! Tyler! Before you say anything else, I need to give you something."

Tyler heavily sighs.

Tyler: "What?"

Hanako: "The thing I was making for you? The thing?"

Tyler: "The thing? Oh yeah! The-"


Hanako: "Uhm... It's just some gear. I made it specifically for him."

Liv: "SHIT!"

She throws Tyler onto the ground.

Tyler: "Doof... Why do you all hate me today..?"

Liv: "Man, you're fucking heavy! But the amazing Liv can pick up anything! Hyahahahaha!!!"

Hanako helps Tyler back up.

Hanako: "Here you go."

She hands him some clothes. He grins and dashes into his own room. After a couple of minutes, he steps out. Instead of embarrasing himself with his black jacket, white t-shirt, black pants, and crocs, he instead stands proudly with a brown leather jacket that has a light-brown sweatshirt underneath. His pants are also leather, with a darker shade of brown. For his shoes, he sports some black studded combat boots. He grins and also places some leather shoulder plates with steel spikes onto himself. 

Tyler: "There we go. Good as new!"

Everyone seems impressed by his new outfit. He looks awesome. Tezuka especially is amazed. She seems to just be staring at him.

Luke: "Damn, Tyler! You definitely had an upgrade in fashion sense!"

Tyler: "You think?"

Hanako: "Oh yeah, and if you think that wasn't cool enough, there's also some extra leather underneath his clothes too, to give him some extra armour."

Tyler: "Hell yeah! Who can touch me now?!"

Toby slams him onto the ceiling with a gust of wind. He falls onto the floor with a hard thud.

Toby: "Step one. Be prepared."

Everyone laughs, except for Liv.


Luke: "Oh yeah! Right! Let's get going!"

Luke exits the inn. Everyone but Hanako and the twins follow.

Hanako: "Good luck."

Twins: "BYE DADDY!!! BYE ELF MOM!!!"

Hanako Grabs Tyler's arm before he leaves.

Hanako: "I almost forgot."

She hands him some leather fingerless gloves that have rocky knuckle dusters on them. He slips them on quickly.

Tyler: "Woah! Knuckle Dusters! Thanks, Sis!"

Hanako: "You're welcome. Oh... and one more thing, too."

She places a hat onto his head. It's beige, and also very dusty and dirty.

Tyler: "Hey. Now that's nostalgic. My old cap."

Hanako: "Hehe. Love you, bro."

Tyler: "Yeah... Whatever."

He brushes her out of his way, and follows the rest of the Peeps.

20 minutes later...

Tyler is leading the group right now. Tezuka is walking next to him, rambling on about some nonsense. Toby is speaking to Luke, and Luna and Liv are engaged in a conversation.

Liv: "So, ELF!"

Luna: "So... RAT."

Liv: "Do you have a place where elves live?"

Luna: "Uh, yeah. The Elven Forest."

Liv: "Wow! That's great. You plannin' to go there someday?"

Luna: "I was born there, but yeah. I would like to go there again someday. Maybe I'll bring you guys along."

Liv: "Hyahahaha! You gon' have yer wedding with Luke there?"

Luna blushes.

Luna: "Uhm..! Uhm... M-Maybe.. That would be nice."

Liv: "Well... Fuck that! My hometown is fucking rubble! That stupid shitbender destroyed it in his battle with the Edgy King!!!"

Luna: "Woah... uhm... Don't take it out on me, dude. Take it out on Tyler."


Tyler turns his head to look at Liv, who is behind him.

Tyler: "What?"


Tyler: "Eh? Oh yeah. I did do that. Sorry."


Tyler: "Well... They actually pinned the blame on the Shadow Prince. Hanako saw it on the news. So uh, I got off scot-free."

Liv: "Seriously?!"

Tyler: "Yep. If they pinned the blame on me, wouldn't I be classed as a vigilante or something? Wouldn't the Peeps be like... sought after?"

Liv: "That's true, but That's also fucking stupid. Right, go away now."

Tyler: "You-"

Liv: "ANYWAYS!!! Luna! I'm gonna destroy your Elven Forest, and I'm gonna blame it on... hmmm..."

She looks behind her. She points at Toby.

Liv: "I'll blame it on the Hybrid! HYAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Toby tilts his head, confused with no given context. He shrugs and starts talking to Luke again.

Luna: "You're uh... crazy. You know that?"

Liv: "Hyahahahaha-"

Tezuka: "She's not crazy, She's Liv."

Tezuka grins at Luna, she's walking backwards as she does so.

Luna: "Right... Whatever you say, Terry."

Tezuka: "Terry? Ew. Disgusting. That's like calling me Tez. Just call me Tezuka."

Tezuka turns around and starts bothering Tyler again.

Luna: "Easy."

Liv: "Huh."

Luke and Toby walk a bit faster to catch up with the others.

Luna: "Hey, hon. What were you two talking about?"

Luke: "Oh, you know. What I might make the weapon into."

Toby: "Yeah, he blessed that weird sword thing into that cannon for Liv."

Luna: "Oh yeah! You said you just thought of the person as you did it, right?"

Luke: "Yep."

Liv: "God forbid what your STUPID BRAIN is going to come up with. I'm soooooo excited. Woopiedoo, motherfucker!"

Luke: "What you saying, rodent?"

Liv: "What I'm saying is you're going to make an absolutely stupid weapon that'll either surprisingly work very well, or be so stupid it makes you weak as shit!"

Luke: "Hey! I can make something strong! Look at your cannon! That thing is powerful, admit it!"

Liv: "Yeah. It is pretty sweet, dude."

Luke: "Exactly. Hehehe."

Luna: "I know you're going to make something awesome for yourself, hon."

Toby: "Yeah. Hopefully it's powerful too. I know you're a Paladin and all, but you could use some offense."

Luke: "I'm cool with just healing everybody. As long as you're all alive and kicking, that means I'm doing my work as leader properly, yeah?"

Luna: "That's... Pretty sweet of you, hon."

Luke: "Well, those are my true thoughts."

He grins. He then shouts for Tyler and Tezuka.

Luke: "Ay! You two! C'mere!"

The two slow down a bit. 

Tezuka: "Hi."

Luke: "Do you two think I'm doing good as a leader?"

Tyler: "Hell yeah dude! You fixed my broken arm for me."

Tezuka: "You also made me feel much better when that evil Toby attacked us."

Luke: "Hah! Peeps? I'm not gonna lie. We're a pretty solid team!"

Toby: "Yeah, all 6 of us!"

Luna: "Or uh, would it be 7?"

Liv: "7? There's 6 of us! Can Elves not count?!"

Luna: "I was talking about Rin. Does she count as a member?  Or does she not count?"

Luke: "Well... uhm... What do you think, Tyler?"

Tyler: "What do I think? Well..."

Tezuka: "Sometimes in the night she takes control of him and speaks to me. She's quite weird. But if she can only appear through Tyler. I'd say just count her as Tyler."

Luna: "Oh, okay. So we're a group of 6."

Luke: "Heh. I'm content with us 6. Do you guys think we'll ever get any new members?"

Toby: "Maybe. Who knows? Maybe we'll have a Wizard on our team."

Liv: "Fuck yeah!!! I want a wizard on our team!!!"

Luke: "That would be awesome as fuck."

Luna: "What element would they be, though?"

Tezuka: "Maybe they would be a wizard with ice powers. They could be called... 'The Glacial Sage.'"

Liv: "That..."

Toby: "Name..."

Luna: "Is..."

Luke: "AWESOME!!! Now I'm hoping the next guy we get to join the Peeps is an ice wizard!"

Tezuka: "Yes. Me too."

After countless minutes of fanboying for an imaginary new member, they finally make it to the entrance of the dungeon they had been searching for. 

Tyler: "Here it is. The entrance to the dungeon that's going to test us."

Luke: "Oh, great."

Tyler: "You'll get a relic from it though. Maybe. Unless we all just fucking die here."

Luna: "So wait... you could DIE here?"

Tyler: "Yeah. Why do you think me and Hanako didn't go any further than the 1st trial?"

Toby: "Wait... Is it 1 trial per room?"

Tyler: "I think so..? Well... I hope so. I don't really remember."

Liv: "Well. I'm willing to sacrifice myself to get my leader the next relic."

Toby: "Well then... Shall we, Peeps?"

Tyler: "Yeah, be prepared. This ain't gonna be easy..."

Meanwhile... somewhere unknown...

A young man is sitting down on a fancy, cushioned white chair. He's currently watching a video on a device. 

???: "The... Peeps...? The Peeps. Curious."

He grins mischievously. He stands up from his chair, and begins walking across his pearly white floor over to a chamber. Inside is a girl. He puts his palm onto the chamber.

???: "Ah, the essence of family. Where actions are driven by an unspoken bond forged in love. It's the cornerstone of familial ties, and the very fabric that binds them together."

He looks down.

???: "In their blindness, they endeavor to construct the most idealized version of you in their minds, demonstrating unwavering trust and readiness to extend outrageous assistance, akin to a true family member rushing to your aid in any circumstance."

He looks back up at the girl inside the chamber, and his grin widens.

???: "While you may indeed be my sister, your role as the catalyst for my ascent to godhood cannot be overlooked."

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