Chapter 24: Search

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Luna: "Oh, shit shit shit... They're gone... I swear they were just behind us."

Luke: "They might've run off because something caught their attention nearby?"

He looks around their surroundings, it's just a neighbourhood filled with houses.

Luke: "Hmm, maybe not."

Luna: "Luke! They're gone!"

Luke: "Yeah, no shit! I'm petrified!"

Luna: "We have to go ask the others for help. we have to!"

Luke: "Well, we aren't far from the main hall!"

They make it to the main hall as quickly as they can. They stop outside to hear a familiar voice on a speaker.

Tyler: "Yo yo yo, Lusni!!! Hope you're all enjoying the festival! I'm your DJ for tonight! Here to give y'all some tunes! For all the Peeps out there in the crowd, this one's for you!"

After his announcement, heavy bass plays, and music starts playing pretty loudly. Luke sighs.

Luke: "Let's just... leave the others in there, they're having fun."

Luna: "WHAT?!"



Luke takes her hand, and walks away from the main hall.

Luke: "They're having too much fun. I can't make them worry about this."

Luna: "B-but-"

Luke: "We can go ask for Hanako's help. She's their Mom."

Luna: "One of their Moms. Hehe."

Luke: "Yeah, but let's not waste any time! They're missing!"

Luna: "Right, come on, hon!"

Luna grips his hand, and with a burst of elemental energy, she dashes to the entrance of the Inn in the matter of seconds.

Luna: "Here! We're here..!"

Luke is on the floor. He tripped over.

Luna: "Luke! Are you okay?"

Luke: "Fine... Just fell over. Didn't expect you to... go so fast."

Luna: "S-Sorry. I'll let you know next time."

She barges open the door to the Inn. Hanako is inside, with two other people.

Hanako: "And that's why we're siblings."

Shizune: "That's... considerate of you, Hanako."

Luna: "The fuck?! Sis? Slorethro?"

Shizune: "Hey Sis! What's up?"

Luna: "What are you doing here?"

Slorethro: "We came for the festival. Then we learnt it was mainly for lovers, so we were like... Nah! Fuck that! Let's just go hang out at the inn, and then Hanako was here! So we were keeping her company."

Luke: "That's nice."

Hanako: "Are... the kids not with you two?"

Luna: "Ah! They're gone! They're missing!"

Shizune: "Kids?"

Luke: "Yeah! We were coming back with them, but they just fucking disappeared! We don't know what happened! We tried calling out for them, and we even screamed their names, but nothing!"

Hanako: "This is why I was worried, guys! Where are the others?! Are they searching for them?"

Luke: "They're... still at the main hall. We didn't want to ruin their night."

Hanako: "You idiot, this is urgent!"

Luna: "We both agreed on it. We're the parents, here. So it should be our responsibility."

Hanako: "True..."

Shizune: "Parents?"

Luna: "Oh, yeah. We have two kids. Both are blonde, both the same size-"

Shizune: "You have kids?! You were living a secret life?!"

Luna: "What? No! We adopted them. They're both..?"

Hanako: "Eight. They're Eight."

Shizune: "Eight? Thank God, Sis. You would've been 13 eight years ago. That wouldn't of been fun. Anyways, I'll help you guys look for these kids!"

Slorethro: "Yes! The legendary duo and Swampass McSillyWilly will temporarily team up, and search for these little girls!"

Luke: "Huh. Thanks guys!"

Hanako: "Well, we have five people. Better than three. Well, as Luna was saying. They're both blonde, they're Eight, and they're currently wearing some dresses. It was the festival. I wanted them to look nice for today. Oh, and their names are Faith and Hope."

Slorethro: "All right! Hey, let's exchange numbers, just so we can split up, and alert the others if we find anything."

Luke: "Smart thinking, dude. Let's do it."

They all pull out their phones, and exchange contact information.

Luke: "Alright. That's good."

Shizune: "Hey uh, Sis? Where'd you get that ring?"

Luna: "From Luke. We're engaged."

Hanako: "Hey. Congratulations."

Shizune: "Damn you... you charismatic Paladin... It looks good, too. I'm jelly. I wish I was engaged."

Slorethro: "Yeah right! As if anybody would marry you, Shizune!"

Shizune: "Ugh, shut up. I'm going off to search for these kids. I'll call you guys if I find out anything!"

She runs out of the inn. Everyone else follows her out. They all break off into different parts of Lusni alone, all in search of Faith and Hope.

At Slorethro's Location...

Slorethro: "Find two kids, huh? Alright. I'll just fly into the sky. Get a good view..."

He jumps and starts levitating using his wind power. He starts looking around Lusni from the air.

Slorethro: "I'm sure I can find two girls together. If they're lost, then count on the Legendary Swordsman Slorethro to help!"

At Hanako's Location...

Hanako: "They're not in here... Where could they be..?"

She hears a noise, she turns around and sees Luna come in.

Luna: "Faith..? Hope?"

Hanako: "No, not in here, Luna."

Luna: "Oh, shit."

Hanako: "If they're not here... where else could they be?"

Luna: "I have no idea."

At Luke's Location...

Luke: "Hmm... This was the building that we first met."

He looks at the Pastry Shop. It's open.

Luke: "I don't see them in there, though..."

He sighs. He goes to search somewhere else, until he gets a bad feeling.

Luke: "Huh..? What the..."

Then out of nowhere... Someone taps on his back. He turns around and grabs them out of instinct.

Luke: "Hyaha! Step 1! Be prepared for anything!"

Shizune: "Hey! It's me! it's me! Calm down!"

Luke: "Lu-No, Shizune? Oh."

Shizune: "Yeah, dingus. You hungry or something? You're a bad father-"

Luke: "No, this is where I first met the two. I was just gonna leave, but I got this weird bad feeling."

Shizune: "Well, it is dark. Want me to light the place up with fire?"

Luke: "I could do that with my power."

Shizune: "I don't want you wasting any power right now, dude. You were just at the festival, I'm sure you're tired."

Luke: "That is... pretty considerate. Thank you."

Shizune: "You're welcome."

She opens up her palm, and some fire pops out. It actually lights up the place pretty well.

Luke: "Wait... what the hell is that?"

He points at some black shadow that is emitting from an alleyway. Shizune looks behind her.

Shizune: "Huh? What is what?"

Luke: "That!"

He tries positioning her head to look at what he's seeing. But she isn't seeing anything.

Shizune: "Uhm, I can't... see what you're seeing."

Luke: "No... I can feel something wrong here."

He pulls out his phone.

Shizune: "You found a lead or something?"

Luke: "The Shadow Prince! I know this is his work..."

He messages everyone else his current location. In 2 minutes, everyone else arrives.

Hanako: "Huff... I got here as quickly as I could. What did you find?"

Luke: "I found some weird dark trail. I think the Shadow Prince is here. He might've taken the kids."

Luna: "What?! Seriously? That bastard!"

Luke: "Follow me, guys! Er... Shizune, walk next to me, so I can see where I'm going."

Shizune: "Eh? Okay."

They begin to walk down the alleys. Luke keeps looking down at the floor, following this dark trail. They end up at some shady, rusty door.

Luke: "Oh god. I don't feel very safe around here, to be honest."

He gulps.

Hanako: "I don't care! If you think the kids are here, then I'm going for them!"

She places her fingers onto the door, and she tries to pry it open.

Hanako: "Geez... This thing just won't budge..!"

Everyone else helps Hanako try and pry the door open.

Hanako: "We... should've brought Tyler..."

Slorethro: "Wait!"

He pulls out his sword.

Slorethro: "Allow me, ladies!"

He places his blade into a small hole, and he manages to pry open the door very easily.

Slorethro: "Yes! Let's enter!"

They all dash into the door. The sight they see is horrifying. There's a dirty, ragged man with a scalpel. He was about to cut open into Hope's eye. He looks at the five, who just barged in.

???: "What..?"

Luke: "Holy... shit..."

The kids are all bloody, with open cuts, they seem to have been crying for a long time.

???: "I'm doing a practical here, do you all MIND!?"

Hanako opens her palm, and small balls of plasma begin to fire at the man in mere seconds. He slips into a shadow underneath the floor. Luna bolts straight after the kids.

Luna: "Luke! We have to-"

Luke is pushed back onto the floor. The man appears from behind him. He now has a curved knife. He attempts to slash Luke, but Slorethro sends him into a wall. 

???: "Ugh. Leave me alone when I'm doing my practicals."

Shizune: "You're insane, bastard!"

???: "Insane? No. I'm just a normal man."

Hanako: "Luke! Heal the kids, quick!"

Luke: "As if that wasn't already my plan!"

He makes a run towards Faith and Hope, but the man drags him back with shadow hands.

Luke: "Fuck!"

Hanako: "Oh shit, Luke! Damn you, you damn bastard! What sick joy do you get out of letting kids bleed to death?!"

???: "One day... I was just experimenting with a bunch of frogs with my class. The usual dissections I have to fucking do. Then? I accidentally sliced a kid with my scalpel... and I just couldn't help myself! It was so satisfying, hearing their screams! You don't get to hear that with any of the animals you're made to dissect, because they're already dead! I drag kids in the middle of the night straight here... I see how their organs differentiate from one another... And just my luck? TWINS! I want to see if they truly are identical... down to the very organ."

Hanako: "Fuck you. I know exactly who you are now. The teacher who killed all of his students? Got away just in time? 5 million gold bounty on your head? Huh? Mr. Mortimercaine?!"

Mr. Mortimercaine: "You don't think I'm aware of that bounty? I've been hiding in here the whole time. The whole 5 years. None of you heroes could find me until now. Just how?"

Luke: "I saw the trail you left. I ain't an idiot."

Mr. Mortimercaine: "Well, you are. I've already sliced open your neck."

Luke: "Yeah, right-"


Shizune barges Luke out of the way. Unfortunately, she was slashed in her right eye, and she falls onto the floor.

Slorethro: "Gyahh! Shizune!"

He clutches onto his sword, and he seems to focus on Mr. Mortimercaine.

Slorethro: "Luke! Get her to Luna, and heal her alongside the kids! Hanako! Me and you, against this bastard! Right here, right now!"

Hanako: "Alright! Luke, go!"

Luke picks up Shizune, and makes a run for the other side of the room, shadows form around him. Slorethro pushes them away with his wind abilities.

Slorethro: "Not today, bastard!"

Mr. Mortimercaine goes for it again, this time from the floor. Hanako throws a plasma bubble at Luke's back, and he's propelled to the other side of the room in an instant.

Hanako: "There you go, Luke! Slorethro! Don't let him near Shizune or the kids!"

Slorethro: "I ain't called the Legendary Swordsman for nothing! Here I go!"

He runs after Mr. Mortimercaine, and he throws his sword at him. He easily dodges, and charges right at Slorethro.

Mr. Mortimercaine: "You think throwing your weapon was gonna help you, kid?"

Slorethro: "Yeah. I think you're forgetting what element I am."

The sword comes flying back, and slashes at Mr. Mortimercaine while he's not looking. He gets hit, but he slinks into some shadows, and comes back out.

Mr. Mortimercaine: "Sorry, you hit my shadow. Not me. Heh. You all suck."

Slorethro: "Ah, so that's your true form? I figured it was gonna go something like this. Just gotta draw out the real you some way."

He clutches onto his sword once again. He raises his eyebrow.

Slorethro: "Hanako! He'll probably cower into some shadows! Got any way to deplete his mana?"

Hanako: "Yeah. If I can just hit him with something, I'll drain his mana."

Slorethro: "Aye aye, captain! Look for an opening, I'll get him!"

They go after Mr. Mortimercaine again. Luke and Luna are by the kids and Shizune. Luke has just finished healing them up the best he could.

Luke: "There you go, you two... You feel better?"

They sniff.

Faith: "Y-Yes, Daddy."

Hope: "I-I'm scared... It hurt so bad."

Luke: "I imagine it would..."

He looks at Shizune.

Luke: "I can't heal your eye, Shizune,... I'm sorry."

Shizune: "It's.. okay... I wasn't prepared for an attack, that was my fault."

A red bolt of lightning barely misses her head. It was fast, and quite powerful for just a small portion. Shizune looks up, Luna looks furious.

Shizune: "S-Sis?"

Luna's body is shaking furiously. Her fingers are dug into her palms, and there's blood leaking out. Veins are visible all around her body, and her whole body seems to be covered in a reddish lightning.

Luna: "I'll..."

Luke: "L-Luna?!"

Mr. Mortimercaine: "No matter... I'll just kill the kids while you're not looking. That's what you came here for, right? The kids?"

Mr. Mortimercaine's shadow form is blasted away by wind. The real Mr. Mortimercaine drops from a shadow again, and Hanako throws an orb of Plasma at him. It hits, and he's enveloped in plasma for a bit. His mana gets depleted pretty quickly.

Mr. Mortimercaine: "Damn you..! I'll-"

Luna: "That's enough."

Hanako and Slorethro look at Luna. Her entire body is radiating a red electric aura. She takes one step, and the floor underneath her cracks. She takes another, and the floor is cracked once again.

Mr. Mortimercaine: "What the..."

Luna: "I just... want to talk."

She grabs Mr. Mortimercaine by the neck. She seems to dig her nails into his neck. The electricity forming around her shocks him.

Mr. Mortimercaine: "Hehehe... You're pissed, aren't you? I wouldn't suggest traumatising your kids anymore, ELF BITCH!"

She looks at him with nothing but pure fury.

Luna: "I know. That's why I'm taking you outside. To talk."

Mr. Mortimercaine: "You? You're weak... You're too weak to hurt me. To kill me, even."

Luna: "Oh yeah, SHITFACE?! Let's talk. LET'S FUCKING TALK!!!"

She lifts him outside. Slorethro closes the rusty door as soon as she steps foot outside.

Slorethro: "I've uh, never seen your sister that mad, Shizune."

Shizune: "Neither have I..."

They hear a huge shock. They hear violent blood-curdling screaming, followed by the sounds of a very loud short circuit. Then... BANG! They hear liquids being splattered outside. Luna opens the door, covered in blood.

Luke: "Uhh... Shit, are you okay?"

Luna: "..."

Shizune covers the Kids' eyes before they get the chance to look at Luna.

Hanako: "Luna..?"

Luna: "I get it now. I get exactly what he said."

Luke: "Eh..? Who?"

Luna: "Tyler. Most resolves have some sort of events that trigger them. He said that a while ago."

She takes a deep breath.

Luna: "I... I couldn't stop my sister from getting hurt... the kids... I-I..."

Slorethro: "Hey, deep breaths now."

Luna: "...My Resolve, huh?"

She clenches her fist.

Luna: "My resolve? I want to protect those dear to me. Shizune... Faith... Hope... and you too, Luke. I love you four. Seeing you all get hurt just... hurts me more. It pains me, and makes me angry..."

She sighs.

Luna: "My true Resolve... is to protect my family! To protect those I love!"

She feels a sharp pain in her stomach.

Luna: "Ugh... Ow... owowowow... this hurts..."

She falls onto the floor.

Shizune: "Luna?! LUNA!?!"

Luke holds Shizune back. 

Luke: "Wait."

Luna then suddenly starts levitating a bit. The blood flicks off her body into nothingness. Shizune lets go of Faith and Hope's eyes. They watch as Luna's appearance changes. Her green bodysuit turns into a yellow bodysuit with long sleeves that show the shoulders, green track pants appear on her, her fingerless gloves stay the same, and her footwear turns into a pair of black boots. She slowly descends onto the floor.

Luna: "Huh?"

She looks at herself, she slowly seems to get adjusted to her own body.

Luna: "So... It happened. Good."

She looks up. She sees everyone huddled around her.

Luke: "Looking good, Luna."

Shizune: "Hey, looking good, Sis."

Slorethro: "Awesome!"

Faith: "Mommy! You look so awesome!"

Hope: "Hurray for Mommy!!!"

Hanako pats her back.

Hanako: "Hey. Good job on figuring out your resolve."

Luna: "Hehe, thanks guys."

She takes a deep breath.

Luna: "Alright, I think you two get to go home with Mommy."

Hope: "Mommy 1 or 2?"

Luna: "Uh, Why don't you two make it easier for yourselves? Call her Mother, and me Mommy?"

Faith: "Hmm... Elf Mom?"

Hope: "And Burned Mom!"

Hanako: "Oi!"

Hope: "Sorry, I mean Mom."

Luna: "Elf Mom? Okay."

She looks over to Shizune.

Luna: "You should... Go home. Sorry I dragged you into this, Sis."

Shizune: "It's all good, Lunes. I'm okay."

Luna: "But-"

Shizune: "This is what being a hero is about, right? This is why I'm part of the most legendary duo! To save people, Lunes! I'm happy to have been able to help you get your daughters back safe."

Hope: "Hmm... Auntie Elf? Thank you for helping!"

Faith: "Thank you as well, Uncle Wind!"

Slorethro: "Haha! You're welcome, lil' rascals!"

Luna sighs, and hugs Shizune, she lets go and looks at Slorethro.

Luna: "Make sure she doesn't hurt herself, alright?"

Slorethro: "Yeah, you can count on me. I'll take good care o' her."

Luna: "Good."

She sighs.

Luna: "I'm tired... Let's go back to the Inn, guys."

Luke: "Agreed."

Hanako: "I'll take the kids home. Slorethro? Shizune? You two gonna be alright?"

Shizune: "We're pretty tired too. I think we'll take a break at another inn, and go off on our own again."

Luke: "Alright."

Shizune: "As for you? Our truce is over! Mwuahahaha! I'm gonna defeat you next time, SwampAss! Even if I'm down an eye!"

Luke: "Heh, alright."

Hanako seems to have already left with the kids. So the rest of them leave the weird room. As they all go outside, they walk past a charcoal body, with it's head totally gone. The walls of the alley are painted in blood.

Luke: "Whoa... Is this..?"

Luna: "Uhm..! Ignore that! Let's just... Go, C'mon! Back to the inn, hon!"

Luke: "Eh? Okay."

They break off from the legendary duo, and return back to their inn for the night.

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