Chapter 41: The Other Me

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Luke and Jesse have only now just woken up. Liv successfully snatched Tyler's phone, and she begins to try and call Matthew. The phone rings... And it rings... And it rings... And it rings...

Matthew: "Hi. You've reached the Shadow Prince voicemail, if you have reached this stage... 1, Why are you still here?  2, I'm either dead or don't want to answer you. Don't  leave a message after the beep. Thank you, and fuck RIGHT off."


Liv: "Wow. What a fuckin' asshole."

Jesse: "Aw man... That isn't cool at all. That's just really mean."

Luke: "Well, what do you expect from him?"

Liv: "For him to come over here and check out this douchebag's eye! It's gone green guys, it's gone green!"

Luke: "Ugh... We know."

Liv seems taken aback.

Liv: "You kiddin' me?! How do you guys know?"

Jesse: "Uhm... Well, we were awoken last night to a... conundrum."

Liv: "Oh. But hey! The dude's eye changes green when you say-"

Tyler covers Liv's mouth.

Tyler: "You don't need to know that information! It's not going to do anything!"

He suddenly feels something wet and slimy on the palm of his hand. He flicks it away from her mouth.

Tyler: "You... What the fuck is wrong with you? YOU JUST FUCKING SPAT ON MY HAND, YOU DISGUSTING WEE FREAK!!!"

Liv: "Yeah, I DID! What're you gonna do about it-"

He wraps his hands around her neck, and begins choking her.

Luke: "Ay! AY!"

Luke and Jesse split them apart.

Liv: "Hyahahaha! He REALLY doesn't want me to say-"

A rock falls on her head, and she falls onto the floor.

Tyler: "Shut the fuck up! Seriously! I won't let you say cinnamon!"

Luke & Jesse: "Cinnamon?"

Tyler's right iris goes green.

Tyler?: "Hm? Somebody say-"

Tyler quickly rubs his eye, and he looks defeated.

Tyler: "Man... I'm so fucking stupid for that."

Jesse: "H-Hey! Don't worry about it... I guess your eye really likes Cinnamon."

Tyler's right iris goes green once more.

Tyler?: "That, I do."

Luke: "Hey, hey! It's green! The... what was it again? Other Tyler!"

Neo: "Oh, no. Call me Neo now. Tyler gave me a nickname."

Luke: "Neo, huh? 3 letters, just like Rin."

Neo: "...I guess so. Anyways, you mentioned Cinnamon? I do enjoy me some Cinnamon flavoured stuff. Got any?"

Liv eventually gets up from the floor, and she points at his eye.

Liv: "Hyahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! See? SEE?!? Didja say Cinnamon guys?! That's how it works!"

Neo: "...How what works?"

Liv: "Tyler just utters foods and stuff to summon people to control his body!"

Neo: "Uhm... No, that is not-"

Liv: "MILK!"

Neo: "Sorry, what?"

Liv: "Oh, nothing."

Neo: "Okay then-"


Luke: "The hell're you doing, Liv?"

Liv: "Just testing out a theory of mine."

Jesse: "Uhm, I don't think it's working-"

Liv: "BANANA!"

Neo: "Okay, now you're just pissing me off."

Liv: "Yeesh... You're no fun, Nemo."

Neo: "It's Neo."

Liv: "Theo."

Neo: "NEO."

Liv: "Leo-"

Neo wraps his hands around her neck, and he begins choking her.

Jesse: "S-STOP!"

Luke and Jesse separate the two once again. Liv falls onto the floor and starts gasping for air.

Neo: "You're lucky you ain't dead, bitch! I was held back, y'hear?! HELD BACK!!!"

Luke: "Alright, that's it, Neo! You're a mean guy, and that doesn't make any sense, since green is a good  guy color! Away with you, you go!"

Luke begins rubbing Tyler's eye, and he goes back to normal.

Tyler: "Whew... Back in my body."

Luke: "Huh. Why does that work with him, but not Rin?"

Tyler: "What?"

Liv: "Huh, yeah. Rin rubbed her eyes controlling you once, but she was still in control. How the hell did that even work?"

Tyler: "I dunno. Rin usually forces control. Dunno about Neo, though."

Jesse: "Confusing..."

Tezuka: "Greetings, lazy shits!"

The three others come back to the camp.

Luke: "Oh, hey guys."

Luna: "Hey hon~"

Tezuka: "We got a good haul, maybe. We went to the river and Luna shocked the water. Fried every damn sucker in there."

Luna: "Yep! Tezuka told me to do it, and what do you know? It worked!"

Toby: "Yeah, we're eating good tonight once more!"

Tyler: "Man, seriously? You guys are naturals at this. Well... I guess I'm off to-"

Liv: "Not so fast, T-Man! Hey guys! Check this out!"

Everyone looks at Liv.


Tyler's right iris goes green... once again.

Neo: "Okay, are you edging me?"

Tezuka: "Woah! His eye, it's green! I thought saying Chocolate-"

His right iris goes red.


Luna: "GYAHH! No, Rin! No chocolate! Back to the abyss from where you once came!"

Rin: "No chocolate?! Are you serious?! Then.. W-Why'd you say it?"

Liv: "We're just testing out some things, Rin!"

Rin: "Testing out things?"

Liv: "Hah, yeah! We're trying to see if there's more like you in that eye of Tyler's!"

Rin: "There's only Tyler, Me and Neo."

Liv: "Oh, come on! You're lyin' to me, Rinny Winny!"

Rin: "...Rinny Winny?"

Liv: "Hyahahahaha! That's a perfect nickname for you, I think I'll-"

Rin wraps her hands around Liv's neck, and begins choking her.

Rin: "Don't EVER disrespect the name Tyler gave me!"


Everyone else separates the two, Liv starts breathing desperately for air. Toby tilts his head in confusion.

Toby: "Wait, So... Saying chocolate makes his eye go red, but saying cinnamon makes it-"

Tyler's right iris goes green... once more.


Luke: "You guys are idiots! Stop saying the words!"

Luke grabs Tyler, and begins rubbing his right eye, bringing him back.

Tyler: "Ugh... my head... Why the hell are you so fascinated with this, Liv?"

Liv: "Nobody else's eyes that I know of changes color like that! It's so cool!"

Toby: "I suppose it is kind of cool, but there's different people in there from what it seems. They all have feelings too, Liv. Make sure you aren't annoying them."

Liv: "I guess I never really considered that..."

Tezuka: "Wow... You get cooler every single second, Tyler."

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