Chapter 43: The Passerby

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Meanwhile... At the Peeps' campsite...

Toby and Tyler are on the rock couch, napping together peacefully. Tyler is busy stroking Toby's fur while he naps, and Toby is purring.

Tyler: "Heehee... so fluffy..."

Toby: "Gorogorogorogoro..."

He begins scratching Toby's ears.

Tyler: "Mmh... Your ears feel so nice, Tezuka..."

Toby: "Gorogorogorogorogorogoro..?"

Toby slowly wakes up from his nap, and he immediately feels Tyler petting him. He stares at him in horror.

Toby: "W-W-W-W-W-Whaahahh?!! Stop petting me, you damn stupid dumb stupid fucking shitface!"

Toby makes an attempt to shake him awake.

Toby: "Eww... He's drooling in his sleep, gross..."

Toby sighs, and he makes another attempt to shake Tyler awake.

Toby: "Wake up... WAKE UP! God, how do the others even wake you up?"

He thinks for a moment.

Toby: "I remember Tezuka saying something about jumping on you... Buuuuuuuuuuuuut, I'm pretty sure I can just solve this issue another way."

Toby grins mischievously, and he rubs all four of his hands together.

Toby: "I think the wind current is going to be very strong today, Tyler. Mwehehehe."

Toby sends Tyler flying into the air using a gust of wind, and then he sends him straight back onto the ground. He whimpers as he hits the ground.

Tyler: "Ugh... Why does this happen whenever I try to sleep..?"

Toby lifts him up back onto his feet.

Toby: "Well mister, it's because you're a heavy sleeper! If you would of waken up when I shook you, then none of this would have happened."

Tyler: "Well... I can't help being a heavy sleeper."

He yawns pretty loudly.

Toby: "...Say. Where did everyone go?"

Tyler looks around.

Tyler: "Hmm. I dozed off, so I have no idea. I'm guessin' they went to go find some food?"

Toby: "Didn't we... uhm, do that earlier?"

Tyler scratches his head.

Tyler: "Dunno dude, don't ask me."

Toby: "No, we definitely did. We came back after Luna shocked all those fish, and then we started talking about your eye."

Tyler: "My Eye? Oh yeah, Neo..."

Toby: "Hmm..."

Tyler: "Hmm..?"

They both decide to stare at each other for a couple minutes in complete silence, before Toby decides to say something.

Toby: "Hungry."

Tyler: "Hungry?"

Toby: "Hungry."

Tyler: "So... You want food?"

Toby: "Affirmative."

Tyler: "Well, why didn't you say so?"

Toby: "Because everyone else isn't here, oh, and I'm pretty upset they didn't wake us up before wandering off."

Tyler: "Well, I can always make your own portion even if they aren't here, but... I suppose maybe they didn't want to wake us up? Dunno. So, do you want me to make you something?"

Toby: "Can you?"

Tyler: "Yeah. So, where'd they put the food?"

Toby: "Probably near the grill."

Tyler: "Oh, then we should get to it then."

Toby: "Yeah."

They both stand up, and they walk over to the grill. There's a huge chunk of fish in a net next to it hanging on a tree.

Tyler: "So, how much do you want to eat?"

Toby: "Mmm... The whole load."

Tyler: "Come on, I don't want you getting fat."

Toby: "Okay, fine. I'll have the same as I did last time. Five."

Tyler: "Now THAT'S  a reasonable number.."

He walks over to the net, and he swiftly takes 10 fish for the both of them.

Toby: "W-Wahh... So many..."

Tyler: "You're seriously drooling this much over raw fish? Damn, your feline is showing, Toby."

Toby: "P-Put them on the grill already! I'm freakin' starving!"

Tyler: "Calm your horses, dude. You're drooling like mad!"

He quickly wipes Toby's face with his hands, but more drool just comes out.

Tyler: "Jesus christ, you could be a water element with the amount of drool coming out of your mouth, you stupid cat!"

He places all of the fish onto the grill.

Tyler: "There we go, now we just turn it on."

He summons two rocks, and he clashes them together to create a spark that lights the sticks under the grill on fire. The fish begin to grill, and a pleasant smell surrounds the area.

Toby: "Nyahhh..! My mouth is watering..!"

Drool begins trickling down Toby's face, and Tyler shakes his head and chuckles.

Tyler: "You damn crazy feline..! Heh, What do I do with you, you fucking lunatic?"

Tyler then shapes a rocky chair to sit on for the meantime.

Tyler: "Now we wait for these to grill."

Toby: "Yes... I can't wait for that sweet, succulent taste to envelop my taste buds as they dance happily knowing I'm about to consume the most tastiest food I've ever had in my liiiifeeeeee~!"

Tyler: "Grilled fish is the tastiest food you've ever had in your life? Seriously?"

Toby: "Yes! Oh, yes! This food rocks! The food we had at Lusni from Hanako was horrid!"

Tyler: "Ay! That's my sister you're talking about."

Toby: "Your sister is a mediocre cook at best. Maybe she should go a training camp for cooking!"

Tyler: "...True. I wonder how she's doing anyways."

Toby: "I wonder what she's doing right now. Maybe she's in the middle of training somebody, you know?

Tyler: "That quick? Maybe. Or maybe she's trying to become mayor? I should check my phone-"

???: "Oh, my! What is that heavenly smell?"

Tyler: "Hm?"

A tall woman quickly rushes over to the two. Her hair has the Ombré style, with the top being blonde, and the bottom being a dark purple. Her face is very round, and she has heterochromia. Her left eye is yellow, while her right is dark purple. She's currently wearing an orange kimono with flower patterns on it, and she's wearing geta on her feet. She seems to have a yari sheathed on her person.

???: "Woah... So this is where it's coming from! Just further down the pathway... Eheehee..."

Tyler seems shocked by this bizarre looking woman.

Tyler: "Woah! Now that's a character! Who're you, lady?"

???: "Well, aren't you just a cutie, being polite like that?"

Tyler: "S-Sorry. I was just... mesmerized? You definitely stand out... N-not in a bad way, though."

???: "Well. For your information, I am just a woman, just on her travels back to her hometown, on a visit to her old friends back where she was raised."

Toby: "Hmm. I see."

???: "How about you, darlings? What are you two doing all the way out here?"

Toby: "We're camping!"

Toby points to their campsite, which isn't too far away. The woman smiles.

???: "Oh! I see. Just come from Lusni, I'm guessing?"

Tyler: "Yep. We just came from Lusni."

He smiles.

???: "I heard that Lusni was destroyed."

Tyler: "Yeah, it was. A huge dragon went and destroyed the place."

The woman looks horrified.

???: "Y-You're kidding, right? Oh god, were there any survivors?"

Tyler: "Yeah. We managed to escort a bunch of residents out of there before it got ugly."

The woman tilts her head.

???: "Wait, you escorted them?"

Tyler scratches his head.

Tyler: "Well, not me, per se. The rest of the Peeps did."

The woman looks confused.

???: "Peeps?"

Tyler: "Oh, have you not heard of us? If you heard that Lusni was destroyed, then I'm surprised that you don't know who we are."

???: "Sorry, I just heard from a friend that the place was destroyed. I've never heard of... These Peeps before."

Tyler: "Oh, I see. Well, don't worry about Lusni now. It's been rebuilt, and it's a hell of a lot more modern too."

???: "Was the orphanage rebuilt?"

Tyler nods.

Tyler: "Of course it was. It was one of the first things we had rebuilt."

Tyler tilts his head.

Tyler: "Say, you said you were raised in Lusni, yeah? I was too."

???: "Mhm, I figured that was the case. You have the accent."

Tyler: "Yeah... Guess I do."

The woman smiles at Toby.

???: "You have it too. So, were the Peeps formed in Lusni?"

Toby: "U-Uh, no. We formed in Runcornia."

???: "Oh, really?"

Tyler: "Really? So that's where the Peep's official journey began, Tobes?"

Toby: "Oh yeah, I forget that not everyone was a day one member. But yeah, we did start off in Runcornia. Me and Luke, the originals."

???: "That's good to know. It's good you two are from Lusni though, makes you closer, right?"

She smiles at them both.

Tyler: "Yeah. I'd say us two are probably really close friends at this point. Say... Before I forget, let me introduce myself. I'm Tyler Glenlamont. This here's Toby."

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