Chapter 30: No Man's Land

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Meanwhile... At a bar somewhere...

News Reporter on TV: "Breaking news! The city of Lusni Khavarum is currently under attack by unidentifiable green creatures! However, a squad that has been gaining some local popularity, The Peeps, had warned the town, and is even helping with the defense of the town..."

Bartender: "Hey Aaron. It's not common to see you actually paying attention to the TV. What's caught yer eye?"

Man named Aaron: "Caught my eye? Well... Lusni Khavarum is under attack apparently. Say, Blair... Who exactly are these Peeps anyways?"

Bartender named Blair: "The Peeps?  Well, I think they're just a squad. Why?"

Aaron shuffles on his stool, and he traces his finger around the top of a glass.

Aaron: "Well... I've heard that they were amongst some of the people who survived in that Cidade dos Roedores attack."

Blair: "That is true. They're really making a name for themselves, aren't they?"

Aaron simply nods, and goes back to drinking. He looks back up at the TV.

News Reporter on TV: "We have support teams on the way to Lusni Khavarum. We are trying to stop this siege as soon as we can."

The TV cuts to a live showing of an overhead view of Lusni. Parts of the gates are in ruins, and houses have been destroyed. Aaron looks at the TV again.

Blair: "That's horrible. Those poor citizens."

The TV then zooms in to a girl, who's outside of the gates. She's coated in fire, and she is by herself, fighting these creatures. Aaron raises his eyebrows.

Aaron: "Say, that girl's got no arms. Yet she's still fighting for that town pretty impressively."

Blair: "Well, just goes to show that anybody can be powerful, even when they lack some limbs. She must be one of those people that refuse to be put at a disadvantage due to her disability, then."

Aaron: "Hmm..."

At the Lab...

Tyler quickly stands back up, and dusts himself off.

Tyler: "Damn... Good thing I had my guard up."

Lance: "Ah, an astute observation. It seems you possess a modicum of tactical acumen, maintaining your defenses even in the throes of offense. Admirable, yet futile in the face of my impending victory!"

Matthew: "I still don't get it..."

He clutches onto his blade.

Matthew: "Oi! Your fight's with me now, Lance!"

Lance: "Bold move, indeed, to face me alone. Yet, such audacity begs the question: Do you hold no regard for the well-being of your comrades? Or are they but pawns in your reckless pursuit of glory?"

Matthew: "Yeesh..."

Lance clicks his fingers again. Matthew tries blocking whatever is coming at him with his arms, but like the others, he is sent towards a wall from another explosion.

Matthew: "Shit!"

Tyler: "Matthew!"

Lance: "Futile endeavor, my dear adversary. Do you not comprehend the futility of your actions?"

He jumps forwards, and heads towards Luke, who is still on the floor.

Lance: "Your efforts have amused me, I must admit. Yet those who dare impede my ascension to godhood shall meet a fate befitting their folly... Death."

He pulls a sword from it's sheath, and he places it on Luke's neck. He goes to swing, but the sword hits something more metallic, and it slips out of Lance's grip. He turns around, to see that Tyler threw Luke's old shield in an attempt to stop him.

Tyler: "Phew. Knew that shield would come in handy."

Lance: "Oh? Your instinctual prowess is commendable, I must concede. However, it matters not. With such precision, you could have been a formidable ally at my side, yet now you stand as naught but an obstacle to my supremacy."

Tyler: "Man, do you EVER shut up? You're not becoming a God, I refuse to allow it!"

He stomps the floor, and then he creates 3 copies of himself from earth. The copies, and Tyler rush towards Lance at the same time.

Lance: "What sorcery is this? Such a technique blindsided me entirely! You... You're about to invoke a terror unlike any other!-"

The rest stand back up, and watch Tyler's fight. Toby clenches his fists.

Toby: "I have to help him."

Luke: "Me too."

Matthew: "Hmm. Yes, go after him. I'll keep a close watch of his attacks from here."

Luke: "You better do, because here goes, Toby!"

Toby: "Right!"

Back at Lusni...

The voidlings have breached into the city, and they are trying to take down houses and the sorts. Luna is currently riding in the Mech. Faith and Hope are sitting next to her.

Luna: "You're all dead, Voidlings! DEAD!"

Faith: "Yeah! Go bother somebody else!"

Hope: "You dumb meanies!"

The Mech's core lights up, and a huge beam of thunder comes out and begins to zap through the hordes of Voidlings that are currently in Lusni. Luna's face looks serious.

Luna: "Alright, you two! I'll focus on support while the core cools down, go ahead and control it!"

Hope: "Alright, Mom!"

The twins pour their mana into the Mech, and they begin to control it. Luna readies her bow.

Luna: "Alright. Straight into that crowd there!"

She points ahead, and the Mech begins to run forward, albeit very slowly. The drill on the left hand begins to mow through voidlings, and Luna starts shooting bolts of arrows towards the voidlings as well. They take out a hefty bunch.

Faith: "Yeah!!! Get outta Lusni, you stupid-"

The voidlings begin to surround the Mech, and it stops the mech from moving.

Hope: "Eep!!!"

Luna: "Crap... Kids! I won't let ANY touch you!"

She goes to fire her bow, but suddenly the voidlings around them are bounced back by some sort of shockwave.

Faith: "Huh?"

Suddenly Hanako hops into the mech very quickly, and she pours her mana into the Mech.

Hanako: "Christ! You three okay? Don't get too cocky. They can still fight back, they're not entirely useless."

Luna: "You saved us. Thank you."

Hope: "Yeah! Thanks Mommy!"

Hanako: "Alright, Let's continue with this!"

Hanako takes control of the Mech, and she starts attacking voidlings inside of Lusni. 

Luna: "Wait, are Liv and Tezuka okay?"

Hanako: "Those two? I'm not too certain. Weren't they with you?"

Luna: "They were, but I came to help the twins with the Mech. Last time I saw them, they were outside. That was before the voidlings got inside here."

Hanako: "Well... Let's just hope they're okay."

Hope: "And also Daddy, Uncle Rock, and the other two!"

Luna: "Yeah. I really hope your Dad's alright. Same with the others..."

Back at the Lab...

Everyone is on the floor, they've suffered through a lot of Lance's attacks. Matthew stands up once more.

Matthew: "Hmph..."

He looks over to Tyler, who's further away, and then he looks towards Luke and Toby, who are right next to him."

Matthew: "You two are in terrible shape... Not good."

He leans down, and pulls out two potions from his pockets. He pours them over the two, and they spring back up.

Luke: "Gyahh!!! I'm back in action!"

Toby: "Huh..? Oh, thank you Luke..."

Matthew: "It was me, you idiot."

Toby: "Oh... you can heal?"

Matthew: "Err, no. I used a potion, now look alive! Lance'll attack you at any fucking moment!"

Luke: "What about Tyler?"

Matthew: "Hm?"

He looks over to Tyler, he's standing back up by himself.

Toby: "Tyler..? Wait... His eye..."

Matthew: "His eye?"

Tyler is back on his feet. His right eye's iris is glowing red.

Luke: "Hey, it's Rin!"

Rin: "Why are you doing this to my friends, Green Bean?"

Lance: "Green bean? Do you dare affront the divine by likening the supreme deity to a mere legume? Are you so brazen as to mock your superiors?"

Rin takes a step forward. She leaps towards Lance, and tries to land a sucker punch. Lance barely dodges the attack.

Lance: "What manner of swiftness is this? What arcane power lies within your gaze? What unfathomable entity do I now face?"

Rin: "The last thing you'll ever see."

She continues to try and hit Lance, but he's simply too fast. He propels himself backwards, and he summons a void portal.

Lance: "Prepare to be consigned to the depths of hell, you abominable aberration! Your fate shall intertwine with the darkest of devils, where you rightfully belong!"

The void portal makes some noises. Rin propels herself towards Lance again, but she is swiftly stopped by Matthew, who karate chops her neck to knock her out. He yelps in pain as he does it, however he still grabs her body, and dives away from an vertical slash attack that shot out of the portal. The portal disappears.

Matthew: "Could've gotten yourself killed, idiot... Just because you're a category 3, doesn't mean you're automatically strong enough to take him out. Also... Ow... my fucking hand..."

He drags Rin towards Luke and Toby.

Toby: "Did you HAVE to knock her out?"

Matthew: "To stop the fool from trying anything irrational like that? Yes."

Luke: "Man, what can we do now?"

Matthew: "Hmm... I'll buy you both an opening. You got anything good with you?"

Toby: "Well, I have a Barretta M82A2."

Matthew: "Seriously? Awesome. Alright, when there's an opening, shoot that baby."

Toby: "Alright."

Luke: "I'll stay with Toby. Would we be able to do our duo attack with that thing, Toby?"

Toby: "Yeah. But I've only got one bullet. So you better make this thing count."

Luke nods. Toby hands him the bullet, and Luke starts to envelop it with his light energy.

Toby: "Okay."

Toby places the one bullet into the Barretta, and He aims towards Lance.

Toby: "This thing's-"

Luke holds the end part of the Barretta, and holds it steady for Toby.

Luke: "Heavy? Don't worry, I got ya."

They both hold it as steady as possible. They aim towards Lance, who's currently distracted by Matthew. Eventually, they see the opening they were hoping for.

Luke & Toby: "HOLIEST BULLET!!!"


The two fall over from the recoil. The bullet goes full throttle into Lance's chest. The bullet then explodes a bit, leaving a huge, gaping hole in his chest. He falls backwards.

Matthew: "My god. We did it."

Luke: "Yes!"

Toby: "Yeah!!! Fuck that bastard!"

Luke: "Should we... Go after the-"


Lance rises upwards. Something around his neck dissipates into thin air. He puts a hand to his face, and starts laughing maniacally. The gaping hole in his chest seems like it was never there. All that remains is his torso.

Lance: "Fools! Fools! Did you really think killing me was the smartest move? Hehehe... I'll have you know, I had a relic that would revive me upon death."

Matthew: "Bullshit. There's barely any of those left."

Lance chuckles.

Lance: "Ah, how pitifully obtuse you are. Do you comprehend, mortal, that as a deity, I am beyond mortality? Invulnerable? Your feeble attempts were futile from inception. And now? Await your inevitable demise, for your end draws near."

The machine he came up with begins operating again. It makes the entire room rumble and shake. The computers hooked up to Jesse's chambers start indicating that the oxygen tank has stopped working.

Luke: "W-What the hell is going on..?"

Lance starts talking gibberish, some weird magical engravings start to form underneath him. Matthew dives for him, but he's already gone. He teleported out of there.

Matthew: "Shit, shit!"

Luke: "Matthew! What the hell is that?!"

He points to the ceiling. A huge crack made from pure void opens, and they hear a giant roar. Suddenly, a huge dragon-like creature comes out of the crack, and the lab begins shaking.

Toby: "Gyahh!!!"

The ceiling collapses, and the dragon flies up into the sky. The crack made from the void seals itself back to normal.

Matthew: "Shit, Shit... I need to get her."

Matthew swiftly runs over to the chamber holding Jesse. He smashes it open, and drags her out. She stares at him for a while, not really knowing what to do.

Jesse: "..."

Matthew: "You should probably put some clothes on."

Jesse: "O-Okay."

She runs into a corner, and she takes some clothes off of a hanger. For now she's wearing a dark green costume that covers up her body.

Jesse: "What... is happening?"

Matthew: "We need to get the fuck out of here."

Toby: "Tyler's still unconscious!"

Luke: "Damn it!"

Luke picks Tyler up, and he makes a run for the exit. So does everyone else. Matthew takes Jesse's hand, and drags her along with them.

Matthew: "Crap... Crap... This is bad, this is really bad."

Toby: "That dragon... Where the hell is it going?"

Matthew: "I don't know. Maybe it's on the way to Lusni."

Tyler: "Lu...sni..?"

Tyler wakes up. He's still being carried by Luke.

Matthew: "Well, since the voidlings went to Lusni, maybe the fucking dragon has gone to it, to finish the job."

Tyler: "Finish the job..?"

Back at Lusni...

Tezuka is now in the mech, zooming through and ramming into the remaining hordes of voidlings. The twins are having fun with her. Luna, Liv, Hanako, and the legendary duo are taking out a horde.

Tezuka: "You two ready? We're about to spin like crazy."

Hope: "Yay! I wanna spin!"

Faith: "Auntie Fire! It's spinning time!"

Tezuka: "Here goes! Let's go help out the others!"

She boosts right into the middle of everyone.

Tezuka: "Alright pussies, get in!"

Liv: "Hyahahaha! Here's the saving grace!"

Everyone hops into the mech, and sits behind Tezuka.

Tezuka: "Alright! Hope none of you are gonna get sick from this!"

Slorethro: "Sick?"

Shizune: "Sick from what?"

Luna: "Uh oh."

The mech begins spinning rapidly in a 360-degree motion. The arms of the mech goes to side, and it begins to slam into all the voidlings that are getting close. They're all sent flying into the air.

Tezuka: "OVERDRIVE!!!"

She somehow makes the mech spin even more faster. She boosts into another horde, and the mech overheats.

Tezuka: "Alright! I did it!"

Everyone hops out the mech immediately due to the dizziness.

Liv: "Urgh..."

Faith: "Yay... that was fun..."

Shizune: "Uhh... Guys? What the fuck is that?"

Slorethro: "What the fuck is what?"

Hanako: "Holy shit."

They look into the sky. A huge dragon is hovering over Lusni, and it's the same colour as the voidling creatures.

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