Chapter 31: The Void

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The dragon is circling around the city of Lusni. The hordes of voidlings have dropped significantly. Only 10 thousand of the million remain. The rest of the Peeps, including Matthew and Jesse make it back to Lusni just barely in time.

Luke: "Oh, shit..."

Most buildings in the city have been utterly destroyed. They can barely just see Hanako in the distance, fighting off voidlings. They all run towards her and give her a hand.

Tyler: "Hanako! Are you okay?"

Hanako: "Tyler?  Oh, thank god!"

She hugs him.

Tyler: "Where're the others?"

Hanako: "They're taking out the rest of the voidlings."

Matthew: "How can you two just express affection as if  there's not a fucking dragon in the sky?"

Hanako looks towards Matthew, she sees Jesse behind him.

Hanako: "Is... is that..?"

Toby: "Yeah, it's Jesse. We barely saved her. Her oxygen tank was destroyed."

Jesse: "H...Hello."

Luke: "Hey! Here come the others."

Luna, Liv, Tezuka and the twins run to the others.

Liv: "Guys! Dragon! DRAGON!!!"

Luna: "Yeah! What the hell is that thing?!"

Matthew: "I don't even know. Lance... he..."

Tezuka: "It's pretty cool, but it tore down lots of buildings, so it became less cool in my eyes!"

Tezuka runs straight into Tyler, who hugs her as a response.

Tyler: "You okay, Tezuka?"

Tezuka: "Yeah. Don't worry about me. Are you alright?"

Tyler: "Yeah."

They stop hugging.

Tezuka: "Okay, good."

The dragon roars in the sky.

Luna: "How the hell are we going to take down that thing, guys?"

Liv: "I'll SHOOT that fucker down!"

She steadies her cannon, and aims towards the dragon.

Matthew: "Wait, don't-"

She shoots at the dragon. It hits it straight on. The dragon roars once more.

Liv: "Hyahahaha! Bullseye!"

The dragon's mouth seems to be emitting some sort of particles. The particles start shooting outside of the mouth.

Tyler: "Great. Look at what the fuck you just did, Liv."

Matthew: "Yeah, fuck that. I ain't taking my chances."

Hanako: "Eep! Me neither!"

Matthew drags Jesse and makes a run for it. Hanako grabs the twins and also makes a run for it.

Tezuka: "Wow... Look at the sky!"

The particles form a portal in the sky, and it suddenly starts dragging Luke into it.

Luke: "Woah, woah woah woah woah!!! HELP!!!"

Toby tries to jump up and get him, but he also gets dragged into the portal alongside Luke.


Liv begins getting sucked into the portal. She desperately clutches onto Tezuka, who starts floating alongside her.


Tezuka: "Well... I'm probably dead, thanks to you. You silly little biscuit."

They are both sucked into the portal.

Luna: "Shit! What are we gonna do?!"

Tyler covers his feet in rock, in an attempt to lock himself into the ground. Luna is slowly sucked into the air, but she's grabbed by Tyler, who tries to keep her down with him.

Tyler: "Hold on! I can't... let... us... get..."

The rocks underneath him break, and the two are slowly sucked into the air.

Tyler: "GYAHHH!!!"

Luna: "NOOOO!!!"

They all disappear. The portal closes, and the dragon roars again.

Matthew: "Oh... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck."

Hanako: "They're uh... going to be okay, right?"

Matthew: "Well. They're probably fucked."

He shrugs.

Hanako: "Well... If they're fucked, then WE'RE FUCKED!"

Matthew: "True."

Faith: "Mommy..? What should we do..?"

Hanako: "You and Hope go get the Mech. I'm taking that dragon down."

Hope: "Aye aye, Mom!"

The twins salute, and run off.

Matthew: "Good thinking. Jesse, can you control your power?"

Jesse: "I... don't know..."

Matthew: "Well, you're on rescue duty. Try and see if you can get those suckers out of the void. They might die."

Hanako: "DIE?!"

Matthew: "Yep... just the type of reaction I expected out of you."

Hanako: "I can't just let them die! You! Jesse! Hurry and do something!"

Jesse: "I... will try..."

Matthew: "Good. Go get the mech, distract the dragon while we focus on getting them out."

Hanako: "Alright... Count on me."

Meanwhile... In the void...

Toby: "GYAHHH!!!"

Toby hits some sort of floor. He stands up, and looks around.

Toby: "Guys..? Luke..?"

Nobody answers.

Toby: "Oh... Absofuckinglutely fantastic."

Toby sighs, and scratches his head. Until something starts forming from the void.

???: "Tobyyyyyyy~"

Toby: "What. The. Fuck?"

Toby turns around. He sees what seems to be Adam. Except something isn't right. His eyes aren't yellow. They're green. Like the void around him. But why?

Adam?: "Tobyyyyyy~ Hello... Dear brotherrrrr~"

Toby: "Yeah... You ain't Adam. I'm not an idiot."

Adam?: "Oh, am I not..? What makes you think that, you waste of space?"

Toby: "Well... Err... Let's see. The obviously wrong colored eyes, the weird voice, the posture is slightly off, and you don't exactly radiate the evil that radiated from him when I first encountered him."

Adam?: "Sooooo..?"

Toby: "You're a lousy doppelganger."

Adam?: "Well... You're still a lousy... loser... who..."

Toby: "Seriously? Wow. You really suck at doing an Adam impression."

Adam?: "YOU SUCK!"

Toby: "You suck, Moros."

Adam?: "WHO IS MOROS?!"

Toby: "Proved my point."

Toby runs towards the fake Adam, and begins to pummel it while it's distracted.

Adam?: "I- am... not a fake..."

Toby continues to straight up pummel him. He then stomps on his chest, and pulls out a TAC 14.

Toby: "Remember this shotgun, Adam?"

Adam?: "N...No..?"

Toby: "Well, I reckon you wouldn't. I did blow out your fucking brains with it. Want an encore?"

Adam?: "Wait-"


Toby shot the creature's head off. It starts to dissipate, and some sort of soul comes out from where it once was.

???: "You... freed me?"

Toby: "Huh. I KNEW  something was off. Who're you?"

???: "I was... a terrible person. I tortured many. I was sent into prison. They sent me into a lab for testing one day, when a man in a dark green suit pushed me into some sort of crack. I fell in here, and I was consumed by one of these void creatures."

Toby: "But... what are you?"

???: "I am the soul that was trapped inside that creature. But... You've set me free. I thank you, mister."

Toby: "You're... welcome?"

The soul slowly disappears into the air. Toby watches it leave.

Toby: "Phew... That was... kinda easy."

The area around him begins to shake slightly. And a small crack appears.

Jesse: "I... I found one!"

Matthew: "Good! Whoever's in there, get out! Reach for my hand!"

Matthew reaches his hand through the crack. Toby quickly jumps up and takes his hand. Matthew drags him out, and he's back in the world.

Toby: "Gyahh!!! I'm alive? I'm alive!"

Matthew: "Jesus. Welcome back."

Jesse: "Are there... uhm, any others in there with you?"

Toby: "No! I was by myself. I uh, don't know about the others."

Matthew: "So... You were in there by yourself? Jesus. I'm surprised you're not dead."

Toby: "Wait... You need to go get the others. I was forced to fight some weird version of my brother. Who knows what the hell the others are fighting in there..."

Meanwhile... Somewhere else in the Void...

Tyler: "Rin..? You here? Wait... No. This isn't right. It's a lot more greener in here. Something isn't right."

The silence around him is vaguely threatening. He pulls up his fists, and he gets ready for a fight.

Tyler: "Show yourself!"

He vaguely hears a noise. He hears something forming around him in the void. He grits his teeth.

Tyler: "Crap... What's there?! Rin?!"

Something takes form in front of him. Tyler's eyes widen.

Tyler: "N-No... You're dead."

???: "Oh, but I'm not, anymore, you freakin' idiot!"

Tyler: "No. I saw you dead, Larry. I saw you dead on the floor. Matthew killed you."

Larry?: "But did you check my pulse? Did you TRULY see if I was dead? No. You didn't. Because you're just an idiot."

Tyler: "I'm-"

Larry?: "An idiot. I just said. Do you seriously believe you have a purpose? Other than being my slave?"

Tyler: "You... you were my friend..."

Larry?: "Seriously? You think we were friends? Do you remember how quickly I decided to just leave you alone in that cave?"

Tyler: "..."

Larry?: "Honestly. You're lucky Luke and Luna decided to get you out of there. Why did you even attack them anyways? Because they made fun of me?"

Tyler: "I-"

Larry?: "You seriously started rampaging over someone who just left you to die?"

Tyler: "Why are you telling me this?"

Larry?: "I'm just making fun of you."

The creature grins.

Tyler: "Well... Fuck you! I found a better squad! A squad that loves me for who I am!"

He looks at Larry, and he wipes his mouth.

Tyler: "Give me your worst."

Larry?: "If you wish..."

He shrugs, and he opens up his palms. He sends Tyler up into the air with wind, and begins stirring him around the air, spinning him around to make him dizzy.

Larry?: "Hahahahahaha! What're you gonna do?! You won't be able to do anything to me, you stupid bastard! I could do this all day!"

Tyler tries to position himself upwards, but Larry continues to twist him around in the air, throwing him off.

Larry?: "Come on, COME ON! SPEAK TO ME!!!"

Tyler: "I... I hate you."

Larry?: "Good... Me too! I hate you so much, you asshole! I used you just for my personal gain! I used you for your money, and I used you just so I could-"

A rock is thrown towards Larry, he nimbly dodges it just in time.

Larry?: "Hah! Nice try-"

Suddenly, it's raining rocks like a meteor shower. Larry gets crushed underneath one of the rocks.

Larry?: "Ngh... No!!! I can't... I'm paralysed!"

Tyler falls from the sky, and he lands next to Larry.

Tyler: "You know, using the same techniques you've used every time we've fought ever doesn't make it better. It just makes it a lot more predictable."

He kneels down to Larry, and he grins.

Tyler: "You know... We were never on the same skill level. I was just going easy on ya. I'm happy you're gone. Slimes? No. It's time for a new squad. The Peeps is where I belong. You? You belong in the gutter. In hell."

He lifts up his foot.

Larry?: "Wait... I-I'm sorry..! You can come back in the squad-"

Tyler's foot stomps on the floor of the void. His foot easily going through Larry's head. He takes his shoe away, and he looks at it.

Tyler: "Huh..? Where the hell's his blood at..?"

He looks at Larry, who is beginning to dissipate. He turns into what appears to be someone else... A lost soul.

Tyler: "Huh? What the hell is going on here..?"

???: "I'm... freed?"

Tyler: "Well... I guess you are..?"

???: "I was... dragged in here by Lance. He said I was going to become one of his key features into his ascension to godhood... I knew I shouldn't of been one of his followers. I was blinded by greed."

Tyler: "You're free now, right? You can rest, I think."

???: "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart."

The soul disappears. Tyler sighs.

Tyler: "Man... So that wasn't Larry? Strange."

He hears a noise. He turns around to see some sort of familiar crack in the sky.

Jesse: "I found another!"

Toby: "You did?! Hello?! I'm here, whoever's in there! Grab my hand!"

Toby's hand reaches out from the crack. Tyler chuckles, and talks to himself quietly.

Tyler: "Heh... Have fun dragging me up there."

Tyler reaches for the hand, Toby tries his hardest to lift him up, but he has to get help from Matthew. They both drag him out successfully.

Tyler: "Woah! That was freaky. You alright, Toby? I thought you were dragged into that same portal I was."

Toby: "Yeah! I-I'm fine. I uh, got out."

He hugs Tyler. Tyler pats his back.

Tyler: "Where are the others?"

Matthew: "Still in the void. Luckily you got out. What was it like in there?"

Tyler: "I uh, was in some weird green space lookin' place. I then had to fight somebody."

Toby: "Were they a fake? Did a soul come out from them when you defeated them?"

Tyler: "Yeah..."

Toby: "Then, I assume everyone else is going through something similar."

Tyler: "Seriously? Shit."

Jesse: "Thank goodness you made it out of there."

Tyler: "Huh? Well, thank you."

Matthew: "Alright. Jesse? If you can find anybody else, let me know."

Tyler: "Wait, is anybody else besides you three out here?"

Matthew: "Well, Hanako and those little girls are busy distracting the dragon."

Tyler: "Oh, should I..?"

Matthew: "No need, I know you're probably worried, but she's handling herself pretty fine."

Tyler: "Okay, good."

Jesse: "I'm trying my best to look for you guys. I think I can only get them out when they do what you two did."

Toby: "Defeat the creature, and save their souls?"

Jesse: "Uhm... I think so."

Tyler: "Sheesh... I hope they're gonna be alright."

Toby: "Well, we're fine, aren't we?"

Tyler: "Yeah... I'm just worried."

Matthew: "You have the right to be worried. They're in a whole different dimension. Trapped with no guaranteed exit."

Tyler: "Man... Jesse, you really saved my hair. You're awesome."

Jesse: "Thank you, sir."

Tyler: "You don't have to call me that. Call me Tyler."

Matthew: "Yeah, I believe you'll both become well acquainted very soon."

Jesse: "Okay."

Toby: "Man... This is a horrible situation, isn't it?"

Matthew: "We might have not been in this mess if it weren't for your stupid little friend."

Tyler: "Heh... Yeah."

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