Chapter 15: Standing Tall

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Device: "Nella. I'm sorry we put you through this."

The man in the video looks very upset, and very regretful.

Device: "But... He will become strong. Half-breeds are strong by themselves. But a hybrid that has 5 different types of DNA spread equally? They're strong. Especially your children. Only one seems to be developing now, so you'll be able to see them soon."

Toby looks at the device. He taps the screen and swipes to a different log.

Device: "Log 33."

The same man is on the device, except something's wrong with the video. He seems to be hiding. He seems to be in a different location.

Device: "Nella. Your child's escaped. We tried to stop him, but..."

He pulls down the camera, his chest seems to be ripped open, and his organs are visible.

Device: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry... i'm... sorry...."

The video ends. The device turns black, showing Toby's reflection. He stares at the device.

Luke: "Shit. That looked bad."

Luna: "Yeesh... Who was he talking about, anyways?"

Toby drops the device.

Toby: "They... they must have been talking about me."

Luke raises his eyebrow.

Luke: "You? You, killing a bunch of scientists at such a young age?"

Toby: "I-I... I don't remember much from my childhood. I only really remember things from when I was around 7."

Tezuka: "That might not have been you."

Toby: "Who else was down there?! I was the only kid who made it out of those chambers! I was the only kid who- I recognise that background! That was the old lab!"

Liv: "Old lab? So not the one we went to with Tyler?"

Toby: "That lab was refurbished to look cleaner. I... No. Shit."

Luna picks up the device.

Luna: "I'm sure this has more information on it. Maybe we could bring it to someone in Lusni-"

Toby: "That bastard. That Shadow Prince... No, Matthew. Matthew knows something about this. He's too knowledgeable. I'll find him, and i'll-"

Liv puts a hand on Toby's back.

Liv: "No. You won't. This is coming from me. Don't try him. He's far too powerful, even Tyler lost against him."

Toby: "I'll... I'll just train!"

He smacks Liv's hand away. He sighs.

Toby: "We're going back."

Luke: "Okay, then..."

The walk back to Lusni was quiet. Nobody spoke. Everyone but Tezuka and Toby were looking at each other. Tezuka was just staring at the clouds. Toby was looking at the floor.

Tezuka: "Ooh. What a shape."

Luke: "Huh?"

Tezuka: "That cloud up there."

Luke: "Clouds? The hell're you looking at clouds for?"

Tezuka: "They're inspiring. Pieces of art."

Luna: "You could look at it that way. You have a weird way of thinking. I-In a good way."

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