Chapter 47: The Warden

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The next morning...

The four are sleeping peacefully, until they're woken up by a loud bang.

Officer: "Rise and shine, inmates. It's time for breakfast."

Luke: "Urgh..."

Everyone gets out of their bed.

Toby: "Breakfast... What's for breakfast?"

Officer: "Beans."

Matthew: "Grand."

The officer opens up their cells.

Officer: "You know the drill, scum. Get into a line."

Luke: "Uh, yes boss."

They all form a line in front of the officer.

Officer: "Alright, inmates. Let's get going."

The officer then walks in front of them. Leading them to a dining area.

Luke: "Holy moly. That's a lot of fucking people."

There's a lot of prisoners in the dining area, chowing down and making a huge commotion.

Officer: "Since three of you are new additions, let me just tell you how it's gonna go down. You're gonna go to the line, and get a tray of food. Only one. Don't be greedy."

Luke: "Uhh... Yeah. Okay."

The officer nods, and he stops at the entry to the dining room.

Officer: "Go eat, you pieces of scum."

He opens up the door, and he quickly pushes everyone in.

Luke: "Time for beans, guys."

Tyler: "Yay."

They line up at the queue, with Toby going first, then Matthew, then Tyler, then Luke.

Toby: "A big queue today..."

The prisoner in front of Toby turns around, and he raises an eyebrow.

Random Prisoner: "Oohoo, fresh meat- Wait, a hybrid? Euch. I loathe your kind."

Toby: "I loathe you, you piece of shit."

The prisoner growls, and he immediately grabs Toby by the collar of his jumpsuit.

Random Prisoner: "Y-YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE-"

The prisoner is met with a flying fist to the face from Matthew. He falls into the line of people, who all fall on their asses like dominoes.

Matthew: "Tch, asshole. I ain't surprised a racist like you is in a shithole like this."

Random Prisoner: "Why, you..!"

The prisoner quickly gets up, but he's punched behind his head by another random prisoner.

Another Prisoner: "You fucking douchebag! Making me fall on my ass like that!"

The prisoners start to throw punches at one another, and this causes a chain event. All of the other prisoners decide to join the fray, and they begin to punch whoever they get close to.

Tyler: "Oho, shit! It's party time!"

Matthew: "You're damn right it is! Let's get in there!"

Luke: "Are you two crazy?!"

Tyler and Matthew fistbump one another, and they run towards the bigger horde filled with prisoners.

Luke: "Yeah, you two are absolutely fucking crazy! What the hell are you doing?!"

Toby: "Jesus Christ..."

Luke and Toby look at one another, and they shrug.

Luke: "Uhh... I think I'm just gonna watch."

Toby: "Yeah, me too..."

They quickly back off into a corner.

Luke: "Those two seriously just jumped at the first chance they could at getting into a fight..."

Toby: "Yeah... I uh, would need weapons if I wanted to fight. I'm not too confident."

Luke: "You have four arms though. That's a huge advantage."

Toby: "I guess, but I'm not as skilled with hand-to-hand combat. That's Tyler's whole category."

Luke: "Yeah..."

They look over to Tyler, who's absolutely pummelling a random guard.

Toby: "Did you know he's a boxer?"

Luke: "Figures, those movements with his hands and feet are pretty impressive."

Toby: "Yeah, wait... Why is he attacking a guard?! Why are the prisoners attacking guards!?"

Luke: "Man... this place is going to shit very quickly..."

???: "ENOUGH!!!"

Luke: "Huh-"

Some weird force is making him feel really heavy.

Luke: "Ghk... T-Toby..!"

Toby: "L-Luke..! G-Gyahhh!!"

They fall onto the floor, onto their stomachs. 

Tyler: "Ngh... C-Can't stand..."


They also slump onto the floor, onto their stomachs.

???: "You pieces of shit always find new ways to piss me off! Guards, take them back to their cells, NOW!"

Guards: "Y-Yes Ma'am!"

Luke: "D-Damn it... Damn it..."

He feels himself getting dragged across the floor.

Officer: "Alright, Inmate, back to your cell you go."

He's dragged further, and then eventually thrown into his cell. A few moments later, and Toby is thrown in there too. Tyler and Matthew are also thrown into their own cell.

Luke: "Crap... I couldn't move..."

Matthew: "Hmph. That must have been the warden."

Toby: "The warden?"

Matthew: "Hm, yeah. It was. Must've been, if that was their power. Every prisoner in there. Straight onto the floor in seconds..."

Luke: "Yeah, even the ones who weren't doing anything."

Toby: "Like me and you?"

Luke: "Yeah."

Tyler: "Must be a safety precaution or something. Can't trust any one of these prisoners."

He cracks his knuckles.

Matthew: "Well, safety precaution or not... That helped. Yeah, that whole brawl helped a lot."

Tyler: "It helped?"

He raises an eyebrow at Matthew.

Tyler: "Helped how?"

Luke: "Yeah, how did a huge fight help us at all?"

Matthew grins, and he puts his head between his thumb and index finger.

Matthew: "Well, we see what happens when a fight breaks out. That'll most likely be the same outcome for a riot."

Toby: "Wait, wait... You wanna cause a riot?!"

Matthew nods.

Matthew: "Of course I do. I'm gonna get the hell out of here. I've got shit to do."

Luke: "Well, I suppose you ARE the Shadow Prince."

Matthew nods again.

Matthew: "Yes... Well, do you all want to hear my plan?"

He quickly walks up to the bars of his cell, and he looks around for any nearby officers or guards.

Luke: "You know what..? Sure. Hit me."

Matthew grins.

Matthew: "Mmm... Good man. Coast is clear, so..."

He rubs his hands together, and he puts his hands on the bars.

Matthew: "First off, we got to get a huge crowd-"

Tyler: "Heh, I'm your guy for that-"

Matthew: "No, let me finish, dude. We have to gather a big crowd of prisoners. Me and Tyler are out of that equation, since we kinda kicked ass earlier, so we're not on everyone's good sides. Same for Toby, since... They seem to hate your kind."

Toby: "Damn racists..."

Matthew: "Mhm. Someone is going to have to find their way into that warden's office while the riot goes on."

Tyler: "How the hell is someone gonna do that? There's gonna be a whole bunch of officers, and I'm pretty sure that warden lady won't let anybody past her, or even escape the dining hall."

Matthew: "True... Which is why we need a distraction, alongside the riot."

He tries to think for a moment.

Matthew: "Hmm... I'm drawing a damn blank here."

Tyler: "Well, something that makes noise?"

Matthew: "Obviously, you stupid dumbass!- W-Wait... Something that makes noise..."

He raises an eyebrow.

Matthew: "Say, are any of you perhaps good cooks?"

Tyler raises his hand.

Tyler: "Me. I'm a good cook."

Matthew: "Oh really?"

Luke: "I can vouch for that."

Toby: "Same here."

Matthew: "Very well, then. Tyler, when it's recess, go apply for a prison job. Specifically a chef job."

Tyler: "Eh? What's this gotta do with making noise?"

Matthew: "Well, there's going to be gas in that kitchen. Specifically Gas tanks."

Tyler raises an eyebrow, and then he smirks a little.

Tyler: "Oh, I see where this is going."

Matthew: "Yes. You'll gather those gas tanks, and you'll place them around the prison."

Tyler: "How the hell am I gonna- Wait, the riot! Use the riot as a distraction while I place them around the prison!"

Matthew grins and pats Tyler on the back.

Matthew: "So you DO have a brain in there. Good thinking."

Toby: "But where would he even place them?"

Matthew looks back at Toby.

Matthew: "The places with reinforced doors for a start? Maybe some can be thrown into the fray with the other prisoners for some fun if there's enough of them lying around in the kitchen."

Luke: "You wanna give criminals access to explosions?"

Matthew: "Well, all of them want to get out of this place as much as we do, and I'm pretty sure some of these guys are in here for bullshit reasons, like you three. So..?"

Luke: "Fair enough."

Matthew: "So... Luke, you'll have to go and start off the riot. Toby, you're part feline, right? You'll easily be able to sneak into the warden's office. I'm sure there's a whole bunch of dampeners in there that you can disable. Don't disable everyone in this prison's abilities, since that'd just be carnage. Only us. Tyler, you already know what to do."

Luke: "What're you gonna do?"

Matthew: "Well, once Toby disables my dampener, I'll face off against the warden."

Luke: "Really? What about your weapons?"

Matthew sighs.

Matthew: "Shit. I forgot about that. Hey, Tyler. Extra job for you. Go get my shit once you're done placing gas tanks everywhere."

Tyler: "Me? Uh... okay..."

Matthew: "Good lad. Do you all understand what's to be done?"

Luke: "Yeah."

Toby: "Uh huh."

Tyler: "Aye aye, captain."

Matthew: "Heh. Good. We'll start the plan as soon as we can. Good thing it's only just the morning. We'll be out of here in no time."

Luke: "Sounds very good to me. I just want to get out of here. I wanna go back to the others. I miss Luna."

Tyler: "Yeah... I miss Tezuka."

Toby: "...Yeah. I just miss everyone."

Matthew: "Well, don't worry. We're going to get out of here. I promise that."

Luke: "Alright. Let's just sit around and wait."

He smacks his cheeks lightly with his hands.

Luke: "Peeps! A-and Matthew, I guess..?"

Matthew: "...yes?"

Luke: "Let's get this show on the road!"

Toby & Tyler: "YEAH!"

Matthew: "Uh huh."

Meanwhile... At the camp...




Tezuka: "Oh, come on guys. I just lightly burnt it."

They're all staring at a pile of ash on the grill.


Luna: "I was looking forward to eating for once..."

Tezuka sighs.

Tezuka: "None of us are good cooks, huh?"

Jesse: "No... not really."

Luna: "Well... J-Just let me take care of the food for now."

They all just stand in gloomy silence for a while.

Luna: "...I miss Luke."

Tezuka: "Yeah, I miss Tyler."

Liv: "Blehhh! Whatever. We'll just spar again. We've been having fun doing that!"

Jesse: "I've been having fun honing my skills, yeah."

Tezuka: "Meh. I've just enjoyed watching you guys go at it."

Luna: "Well, you don't want to fall behind, do you?"

Tezuka shakes her head.

Tezuka: "Hell no. I wanna be just as strong as you guys."

Liv: "Well, stubby! Don't you even worry! You'll figure out your resolve eventually, and you can be as powerful as me and Luna!"

Luna: "Yeah."

Tezuka: "I already know my resolve. It really, really blows that I'm not as powerful as you two."

Jesse: "Resolve?"

Luna: "Oh, I suppose our newbie doesn't really know yet, huh?"

Jesse: "Is that what drives your will? I think Matthew said something about it to me when he was doing those tests to me the other day."

Liv: "Bingo, right on the money! If you figure out your resolve, you'll be pretty damn powerful! Toby, Luna, me and Tyler know our resolves, so we're all good and powerful!"

Jesse: "I see."

Luna: "Yeah."

She crosses her arms.

Luna: "Err... Liv?"

Liv: "Yo."

Luna: "What was your resolve again? I don't think you ever told me."

Liv puts her hands on her hips, and she grins with pride.

Liv: "To become the best pirate ever, duh!"

Tezuka: "Ooh, and how exactly would you do that, Rat?"

Liv: "By always standing on the deck with my crew! Never being a traitor, or someone to flee at the sight of danger! I will stand with everyone here, hand in hand!"

Tezuka: "Wow."

Liv: "Hands in feet too! I don't discriminate, stubby."

Tezuka grins.

Tezuka: "Thanks for the diversity awareness, buddy."

Liv: "Buddy?"

Tezuka: "Yeah. Buddy. Everyone here is my friend now."

Luna: "Heh, do we get to make a decision on that? Can I object?"

Tezuka: "Hmm... Nah. You're my friend too, Luna."

Luna rolls her eyes playfully, and she puts a hand on her hip.

Luna: "Yeah... Whatever you say, Tezuka."

Jesse: "I'd be honoured to be your friend, Tezuka!"

Tezuka: "Yay. I'll tell Luke and Toby that they're my friends too."

Jesse: "What about..? O-Oh yeah. I forgot."

Tezuka: "You doofus."

She grins.

Back at prison...

Officer: "Alright inmates. It's time for recess. You all have free reign of prison for now, but you'll all be back in your cells in an hour unless you've got a job to do!"

Luke: "Alright."

Officer: "Hmm... I think I'll be nice today. Anyone up for a job?"

Tyler: "Me! What jobs do you have?"

Officer: "We just need another chef. One of the chefs were killed in that fight earlier today."

Tyler: "Yeesh..."

Officer: "Alright, inmate. You can follow me. As for everyone else? Get the hell out there. Live a little."

The officer and Tyler walk off.

Matthew: "Well, that was actually very, very convenient."

Luke: "Seems like everything's working out in our favour! Haha!"

Toby: "Yeah!"

Matthew: "Alright, boys. We're close to getting the hell out of this place."

Luke: "Yeah! One step closer to returning to my squad!"

Matthew: "Let's just hope that Tyler actually does what he needs to do."

Luke: "Yeah. I hope he doesn't wait a weeks tops for us to start actually doing this plan. I'd kill him."

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