Chapter 34: Lusni Khavarum

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Luke: "Jesus christ, are you guys okay?"

Jesse: "Yes. I am fine, thank you."

Tyler: "Yeah. I'm fine too."

Matthew: "I'm not! My fucking arm burns!"

Luke: "Well... I tried healing you. Maybe your body refused it."

Matthew: "That's extremely fucking inconvenient! Why the hell would my body reject healing?"

Luke: "Maybe because of the elements..?"

Matthew: "Bullshit! There are squads with light and dark elements together, and I know that they're being healed!"

Tyler: "Maybe it's for another reason?"

Luke's shield shrinks back to it's usual size, and he looks down towards the others.

Luke: "Are you four gonna be okay here? I need to go help the others."

Tyler: "We'll be fine, don't worry."

Jesse: "Yes. You should go and help out your friends."

Luke: "What if you guys get attacked again?"

Tyler: "Then I'll stop 'em."

Luke: "But... what about..."

He gestures at Tezuka, who's still crying in his arms. Tyler sighs.

Tyler: "Well... Calming her down is my priority, but I have more things to prioritise., like those two. Jesse can't really fight, and Matthew's in a pretty shitty condition."

He looks at Jesse and Matthew, then back at Luke.

Tezuka: "I... I..."

Tyler: "Shh. It's okay... Just take deep breaths..."

Tyler cradles her. Luke scratches his head.

Luke: "Well... If you're sure, then I'll-"

Matthew: "What are you waiting for, you bastard? Go help the others! We'll be fine! Tyler said he was gonna protect us, so just fucking GO!"

Luke: "O-Okay! You guys just be safe, alright?"

Jesse: "We will be. Now please hurry."

He glances at them once more, and then he runs off in the distance into the ruins of Lusni.

Luke: "I'm coming, guys! Don't worry!"

He spots Toby and Luna in the distance, standing next to each other panting for a breath. 

Luke: "Aha! There's my fellas!"

He runs up to the two of them.

Luke: "Guys! You're okay!"

Luna: "Luke? Ahh! I didn't see you, hon! Welcome back!"

She hugs him tightly.

Toby: "Sup! Hold on, Wait! There's no time for sups! We have that freakin' dragon to deal with!"

Luke: "Hah, don't worry team. Your Paladin is here, and he's gonna make sure you're all okay!"

Luna: "Of course you are~"

Luke: "Wait... Where's the rat?"

Luna: "She uh... She's being Liv."

She lets go of Luke.

Luke: "What does that mean?"

Toby: "Well... She's uh, charging at the dragon by herself. We're trying to help her the best we can. Well, us and those two clowns."

Luna: "Hey! Slorethro and Shizune are trying their hardest! They just thought it was a smart idea to get the kids out of here, and then they said they were coming back."

Luke: "They better do, otherwise the next time I see them, they're actually dead."

Toby: "I second that. They're not going to just get out of this. They're gonna help... Or so help me god I'll claw at them with my freakin' cat claws."

Luna: "...Please don't. You're a good cat."

Luke: "Yeesh... Oh shit, look out!"

He pushes through both of them, and then he extends his shield, protecting the three of them. The dragon spits out a void flame-ball at them, and it comes into contact with Luke's shield. He pushes it back and it disintegrates into the thin air.

Luna: "H-Huh?! You can block those?"

Luke: "Damn right I can! Luna! Shoot at that thing with your bow!"

Luna: "A-Ahaha... Funny story-"

Toby: "Ngyahh! I would've shot at that thing, but I left my freakin' gun at that lab!"

Luke: "Seriously? Are the both of you absolutely stupid or something?"

They suddenly hear Liv screaming in the distance. Luke retracts the shield, and starts running in that direction. Toby and Luna quickly follow Luke. They eventually find Liv lying on the floor. She seems to be in a lot of pain, and she's in a pool of blood.

Liv: "I-I can't... b-breathe..."

Luke: "No! I'll save you, Liv! Don't you DARE give in to that light! Give in to MY  light! HYAH!"

He places a palm over her, and he envelops her in his mana. She suddenly springs right back up into fighting shape, and the blood underneath her disappears.

Liv: "HYAHAHAHAHA! Geez. Thanks buddy... I seriously thought I was a goner. He clawed at my back! It hurt like hell."

Luke: "Do you know where Hanako is, Liv?"

Liv: "Her? I have no fucking idea! Hyahaha..."

Toby: "Fantastic." 

Luna: "Maybe she went along with Slorethro and Shizune to get the twins to a safe place..?"

Luke: "Sounds like her to me..."

Liv: "Well, I couldn't care less! All I care about is taking down that massive dragon! It's destroyed so much of this city! I can't let that go UNPUNISHED AGAIN!!!"

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