Chapter 29: Warfare

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At Lusni...

Liv: "Hyahahaha! I bet these voidling creatures are stupid as fuck! Watch me go, Oh ho yo!"

She runs along the grassy fields just outside Lusni, placing a lot of ripple landmines on the floor as she goes along. She laughs like a maniac as she does so.

Luna: "Liv! Be careful, they're gonna come at any moment now!"

Liv: "Bah! I'm gonna man the fort outside! Is Hanako gonna warn the citizens of Lusni 'bout this?"

Luna: "Duh! Of course she is!"

Liv: "Where's Stubby?"

Luna: "I uh, don't actually know."

Tezuka runs outside Lusni, and stands next to Liv.

Tezuka: "Huff... Huff..."

Liv: "Where've you been?"

Tezuka: "I was... huff... helping the twins hide Tyler's secret money stash. We buried it somewhere. Just in case, y'know?"

Luna: "Seriously? That's what you were worried about?"

Tezuka: "We might need the money. Especially for the damages this town is gonna go through."

Liv: "Hah! She has a point! So, where're you gonna station yourself, Armless?"

Tezuka: "Outside with you. Might as well."

Luna: "Seriously..? I'm going on top of the gates. Like a true archer."

Tezuka: "Hmm... Girl's night out?"

Liv: "That doesn't have ANYTHING to do with archery. What are you talking about?"

Tezuka: "Us, Hanako and the twins. We're all girls."

Luna: "So?"

Tezuka: "The boys have gone with the Shadow Prince guy. So us girls are left behind."

Luna: "Oh yeah. I didn't think about that."

Liv: "It would  be nicer with better conditions, but hey! This is fun, right guys?!"

Tezuka: "Hell yeah."

Luna: "Wait, would we count Slorethro?"

Tezuka: "One of the cool guys? No. He's not a Peep."

Luna: "True. Then I guess it is a girl's night out."

Liv: "Alright, Whatever! I'm just gonna rush in, and take everything down! YOU HEAR ME, VOIDLING SCUM?!?"

Luna: "...I'll keep an eye on you two."

She zooms up to the top of the gates of Lusni.

Liv: "Alright, you and me, armless!"

Tezuka: "Mhm. When're they coming, anyways?"

They hear a speaker in the background. Hanako's voice is coming out of it.


Liv: "Ah! Now, that's an inspirational message! GO PEEPS!"

Tezuka: "GO PEEPS!"

Luna: "I can hear them from up here... Oh well, GO PEEPS!!!"

They hear the sound of weirdly eerie footsteps coming closer. A lot of footsteps. Suddenly, a huge battalion of voidling creatures come from out of nowhere, and begin charging towards Lusni. Liv and Tezuka get into their stances.

Liv: "Tch... So many of them... I'm a little scared."

Tezuka: "Hey, listen. If you can breakdance THAT good, I'm sure that we can beat all these voidlings."

Liv chuckles.

Liv: "I don't think breakdancing and fighting are correlated."

Tezuka: "I was just trying to cheer you up, buddy."

Liv: "Heh... It kinda worked."

She takes a deep breath.

Tezuka: "Well, are you just gonna stand here and surrender the entire city of Lusni to these monsters?!"

Liv: "Hyahahahaha! Fuck that! A true pirate NEVER surrenders!"

Tezuka: "That's a lot more like it. Alright! Mow 'em down, and go straight through! Any questions?"

Liv: "None at all! Let's fucking do this!"


Matthew, Luke, Toby and Tyler are running past the crowd of voidlings.

Luke: "Damn... There's a lot of them running by us."

Matthew: "Yes... about a million of them. Only just noticed?"

Luke: "It's... Weird to see this much, though."

Matthew: "You've got that right. As soon as they siege Lusni, it'll hitting the news straight away."

Tyler: "Awh, man... I could be totally famous right now. Being broadcasted on the news taking down them fuckers? Like... WAPOW!"

Matthew: "Well, I've got something better for you. We're going to take down Lance like WAPOW."

Tyler: "Oh, hell yeah! I'll take down that motherfucker just like-"

Toby: "Okay, are we getting close to where we're meant to be?!"

Matthew: "Yep, we're literally just at the entrance."

Tyler: "Alright, Lance, here I fucking come!"

Matthew leads them into what seems like the entrance to an ordinary cave. It's filled with lights at the top.

Toby: "We're getting closer to killing this bastard every step we take."

Luke: "Will we even be able to kill him..?"

Matthew: "We can only hope so."

They continue running through the cave, until what seems to be an elite voidling drops from the ceiling, and makes gargling noises.

Tyler: "Gyah! Thought you could sneak up on us?! Let me teach you a freakin' lesson!"

He propels himself towards the voidling, and punches it with a clean strike. It falls over. He puts his hands outwards.

Tyler: "Hyah!!! Rock-"

Matthew quickly steals the kill by slashing it's head off. It dissipates into thin air.

Matthew: "Don't be wasting any mana, Pebble brain. We've got bigger threats."

Tyler: "Heh... Sorry, dude."

Matthew: "Let's just continue onwards."

They continue forwards, getting further into the cave, when they're greeted with a white, shiny pearly door.

Toby: "Looks just like the lab..."

Luke: "Man... Are we gonna be like, okay?"

Tyler: "Yeah. I bet we'll be fine. We've got Matthew with us."

Matthew: "Yeah, well... No promises that I'm going to save you all if you need it though. I'm doing this for my own reasons, Y'hear?"

Toby: "Well, as long as Luke's still conscious, I think we'll be fine."

Tyler: "Yeah. Alright, I'm going in!"

He runs straight into the door, and the rest follow up with him.

Back in Lusni...

The voidlings are getting closer and closer to the gates of Lusni. Liv and Tezuka are getting ready.

Tezuka: "Hey, I know water and fire don't really mix... But maybe we could try something out, Rat."

Liv: "Oh yeah? What're you thinking, Stubby?"

Tezuka: "Just follow my lead."

She coats herself in fire, and she throws balls of fire towards the ground in front of them. Liv then shoots balls of water into the fire balls. They both make them explode, and the whole area turns into steam, blocking the view for the voidlings.

Tezuka: "Smoke screen, baby."

She flashes a smile. It's pretty cute.

Liv: "Eh?! What's the freakin' use of that?!"

Tezuka: "They're blinded, and it's gonna be like a sauna when they run through. They won't see where they're going, and they're gonna be slow."

Liv: "Hey... Now that you think about it, I planted a couple of mines! They were kinda visible, so you've done me a good service, armless!"

Luna shouts from the top of the gate.

Luna: "Guys! What the fuck are you two doing?"

They both shout back.

Liv & Tezuka: "SMOKE SCREEN!"

Luna: "Oh, okay..!"

And as if on cue, loud splashes of water start to suddenly appear from the ground. The water landmines are going off. The voidlings are getting closer and closer.

Liv: "HYAHAHAHAHA! How much do you think that took out, Tezuka?!"

Tezuka: "The useless ones, that's for sure."

Liv: "Hah. You've got that right."

The sounds of the mines soon stop, and eventually sluggish voidlings emerge from the steam.

Tezuka: "Hah. Ready for round two, Liv?"

Liv: "Seriously? What's your plan this time?"

Tezuka: "Time to make these suckers feel pain."

She stomps the floor, and it begins to heat up.

Liv: "Hmm... Wait! I think I get what you mean!"

She slams the floor with her cannon, causing a crater to form. She fills the crater with water, and Tezuka begins to heat up the water very quickly. 

Tezuka: "Ya ready?"


Their makeshift geyser sends jets of water straight into the air, Liv propels the droplets of water to drop onto the voidlings, and they all begin to dissipate due to the boiling heat. The rest of the voidlings charge through.

Luna: "Damn! They're uh, very in sync right now. I gotta get some moves in!"

She pulls on her bow, and aims down to the still massive crowd of voidlings still charging through. Some are flying in the air. She grins.

Back with the others...

They eventually make it into a fairly big room. Inside, they can see a girl who is currently inside a chamber. She's naked, with black hair on the outside, and green hair on the inside part. She's hooked up to a lot of wires and tubes.

Tyler: "Guys..? There's a... a girl in there."

Matthew: "That's got to be Jesse. But... where is-"

Lance: "I find it quite astonishing that you have all gathered here. Is the safety of your precious city of no concern to you? HAHAHAHAHA! How amusing it is to see you all, mere sheep, blindly following your shepherd. But beware, for that shepherd is nothing but a fool, leading you all to your inevitable demise."

Luke: "Eh?"

The floor in front of them opens, and out comes a machine, and a figure. He has black hair, and a dark green suit, with a green undershirt beneath it. He laughs.

Tyler: "Uhm. You're facing the wrong way."

Lance: "Ah... shit."

He turns around. His hair covers up one of his eyes. His visible eye is a very bright green, and he has a very evil smirk plastered on his face. 

Lance: "Simpletons. You stand here, jesting at my expense, oblivious to the imminent moment when you shall kneel before me, as I ascend to godhood. I, a deity, shall unleash my righteous fury upon you, delivering the appropriate punishment for your everlasting defiance against me."

Toby: "Fuck you! What makes you think you're a God, huh?"

Lance: "Ah, my dear skeptic, it's not what makes me think I'm a god; it's what makes you doubt it. But fear not, for soon enough, you shall witness firsthand the manifestation of my divine power, and all doubt shall be cast aside like mere dust in the wind."

Toby: "Divine power, huh? I'd like to test that power out, you fuckin' shithead!"

Lance: "Then... Have at it."

Tyler: "Toby, no!"

Toby tries to rush at him, but Matthew grabs his hood, and drags him back.

Matthew: "Wait for him to strike. He's got an unstable power. It's dangerous to rush in there."

Toby: "But-"

Luke: "Listen to the man."

Lance: "Ah, it appears that among you mortals, a flicker of discernment yet remains. Very well, indulge me, as I present to you an exhibition of my unfathomable power—a mere glimpse of what awaits those who dare  to question my supremacy!"

He clicks his fingers. Suddenly, something explodes right next to Luke, and it sends him flying into a wall with a hard thud.

Luke: "G-Gyuk..."

Toby: "Luke! Damn you, Lance!"

He pulls out two Kriss Vector SMGS from their holsters, and he immediately opens fire on Lance. He swiftly dodges most of the bullets, and clicks his fingers again. Toby is then sent flying into another wall by another explosion.

Toby: "Gyahh!!!"

Tyler: "Oh, shit..."

He stands next to Matthew.

Tyler: "Crap... Got any ideas?"

Matthew: "Hmm... Try going after him, something isn't right."

Tyler: "Eh? Seriously?"

Lance: "Why the tremor, I wonder? Is it the weight of impending dread settling upon you?"

Tyler: "Eh... The way he's speaking is pissing me off. Alright, I'll bite."

He propels himself forwards towards Lance, but he clicks his fingers just in time to send Tyler straight back into another wall with yet another explosion.

Tyler: "Crap..!"

Matthew: "Hmm..."

Tyler hits the wall hard. He lands right next to the chamber Jesse is in. She suddenly opens up her eyes.

Back at Lusni...

Tezuka: "Flaming Tiger Fury!!!"

She envelops herself in fire, and creates fire hands. She runs on all fours, and charges into the crowd of voidlings. The fire takes shape into a Tiger's head, and then it's mouth closes onto many voidling soldiers. She immediately rolls backwards to get away.

Tezuka: "Crap, they've all got weapons. I've gotta be careful."

Liv: "Careful? Screw that! We've got Luna looking after us!"

A voidling soldier from the sky tries to swoop in towards Liv and Tezuka, but it is taken out by a bolt of lightning very quickly. They look up at the gates to see Luna giving them a thumbs up.

Tezuka: "Heh. You were right about that."

She looks at Liv.

Tezuka: "I just realised... This might not be the only entry point they're gonna go for."

Liv: "Oh yeah. We uh... Kinda left the other parts open."

Liv shouts to Luna.


Luna shouts back.




Tezuka: "Gyah! Look out, Liv!"

She roundhouse kicks a voidling who almost got a slash at Liv. They both back up to see that in mere seconds, they got outnumbered very quickly, and circled.

Liv: "No! I won't go down this easily!"

She lifts up Tezuka, and puts her right onto her shoulders.

Liv: "Hang on, and don't get dizzy!"

She begins to swing her cannon around like crazy. Bashing and sending the voidlings out of their way. They find an opening, and retreat backwards a bit.

Tezuka: "Crap."

Luna: "You guys! They've just breached into Lusni!"

Liv: "What?! Are you freakin' kidding me?!"

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