Chapter 35: Back On The Road

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A whole month has passed since their battle with the void dragon. The rebuilding of Lusni Khavarum was not easy, but they had the support of many civilians, who pitched in their own ways to help rebuild their destroyed city. The city had a much more refurbished, modern look than it did before. However a lot of buildings were still in the process of being in their final stages of being built. The Peeps are currently eating lunch in Hanako's newly built training camp, alongside with Jesse.

Luke: "I know I say this every day, but I think Lusni's looking a whole lot better than it did before."

Tyler: "As someone who lived here? Agreed. It's looking much more cleaner, and less dirty."

Hanako: "Hey, it was never dirty. The colors were just... Less bright."

Tyler: "As I said, dirty."

Toby: "Well, who cares about that now? Lusni looks so much better."

Luke: "Yeah."

He grins.

Luke: "Say, we've been at Lusni for a while, haven't we?"

Liv: "Hyahahaha!  Yeah, we have! It's been awesome as fuck, though! We did so much cool stuff!"

Toby: "And we got trauma."

Tezuka: "Yeah... A lot of trauma..."

Luna: "...We had romance too!"

Tyler: "Yep. A whole lot of events."

Luke: "Oh, yeah! I forgot to ask this. But since we've all gotten to know each other... What's all of your last names?"

Tyler: "Wait, have we seriously not said our last names?"

Luke: "No. You all never told me... Except for Luna."

Toby: "I guess I'll start. I'm Toby. Well, I guess you already knew that, but my last name is Whittaker."

Luna: "Well, Mine's Luna Astoria."

Liv: "My full name is Liv Kaizoku!"

Tyler: "My last name's Glenlamont."

Hanako: "So is mine!~"

Tezuka: "...Sionnach."

Luke: "Good to know, guys." 

He grins.

Tyler: "So... We know each other's last names. Cool, but something's been bothering me."

Luna: "Oh yeah?"

Tyler: "Yeah. I was just... curious on what we're gonna do with Jesse."

He turns to look at Jesse.

Jesse: "Huh? What about me? I wasn't listening, sorry."

Luke: "What do you plan to do, Jesse?"

Jesse: "Plan to do? I don't know. I don't really have anything planned or a place to go..."

Hanako: "Well, you've been staying here, right?"

Jesse: "Yes."

Tyler: "I have an idea-"

Tyler gets interrupted by the door knocking. Luke quickly opens the door, and is met with Matthew.

Matthew: "Hey."

Tyler: "Hey, you're looking better than you did a month ago! Your arm looks 10x better."

Matthew: "Yeah, thanks to some potions I had at home. Healed me back to good shape."

He walks past Tyler, and enters the training camp.

Matthew: "You guys really did wonders for this place, well... Lusni as a whole, too. Looks much more cleaner than before."

Luke: "Matthew?  What brings you here?"

Matthew looks at Jesse, she's currently engrossed in a book.

Matthew: "Well, I have a favour to ask for you guys."

Luna: "A favour?"

Matthew: "Yes. I'm not going to ask for much, though."

Luke: "Alright, sure. What do you need?"

Matthew: "Well, I need you all to take care of Jesse. By that, I mean let her join the Peeps. Like, the main team that consists of you guys."

Luke: "Join the Peeps? Well... I would love for someone else to join, but I'd rather that she did it on her own terms."

Matthew: "Well, what do you say, Jesse? Wanna travel with these guys?"

Jesse looks up from her book to look at everyone. She looks nervous.

Jesse: "I... I don't know."

Matthew: "Well, if it makes you feel better, you're probably gonna be a lot more safer with these guys."

Tyler: "Yeah, if you're ever in a pickle, just know you can count on us! That's what a team is for."

Luke: "Yeah. We all count on each other. We'll even help you reach goals, or try out new things."

Jesse: "You mean it?"

Luke: "Of course we do."

Jesse: "Then... I'll join."

Matthew: "You sure?"

Jesse: "Yes."

Matthew: "Positive? Final Answer?"

Jesse: "Yes. I'm sure. Final answer."

Matthew: "Good to hear."

Luke: "Well, welcome to the Peeps then, Jesse!"

Toby: "Yeah. Welcome to the Peeps."

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