Chapter 56: Condense

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Jesse felt cold. Her breath hitched, and she stepped backwards. A huge chunk of ice had suddenly appeared in front of her, and it caught the bullets that fired at her.

Jesse: "W-huh..?"

Aaron puts his hand on her shoulder, and he glares at her.

Aaron: "Get your head in the game, woman."

They both get fired at from walkways above them, and they duck behind the wall of ice.

Aaron: "Well, this is bad. We weren't meant to be seen. This was just meant to be a recon mission."

Jesse: "I-I'm sorry, It's just-"

The ice begins to melt in front of them.

Aaron: "Well, we're in for it now, Jesse. Good luck."

Jesse: "W-Wait-!"

Two members of the mafia rush towards the melting wall of ice, and they're quickly shot in the head, halting their attack. Jesse and Aaron both look behind them to see Dallas aiming his two revolvers. He tilts his hat upwards with one of them.

Dallas: "We ain't gettin' outta here without a fight."

Aaron nods, and he pulls out his metal stick. He slams it into the sewer's water, and it freezes completely. He pulls his stick back out, and a huge hammer with spikes on it emerges.

Aaron: "I ain't dying! Here goes!"

He full force slams the ice hammer onto the ground he was standing on, which causes some of the bricks around them to begin flying in the air. The bricks then start spinning in the air, and their shapes become that of bullets, and they start firing at all of the mafia members.

Luke: "W-What the fuck was that?!"

Aaron & Dallas: "Teamwork."

Luke: "Damn... (I should probably take notes from that. Thanks, you two.)"

He runs forward into the more main area, where Aaron and Dallas had ran off into. In mere moments, he's getting shot at, so he pulls up his shield and he hides behind it. He notices the walkways above them, and he scratches his chin.

Luke: "(Hmm. Good position for a gunner... Man, Toby would've been useful here.)"

He glances at Dallas, who's blowing off the smoke coming from his revolvers.

Luke: "(...Right! I have Dallas!) Dallas! Forward!"

Luke gets down on one knee, and he tilts his shield at an angle.

Dallas: "What's that, partner?"

Luke: "FORWARD!"

Dallas looks over to Luke, and he sees what he's trying to do.

Dallas: "Ahh.. I get ya, partner!"

He looks for an opening, as they're still being moderately fired at. He then takes a chance and runs towards Luke. He jumps onto his shield, and Luke boosts him up towards the walkways. Dallas sticks the landing, and he immediately gets right into the action. Two mafia members try to ascend to the walkways where Dallas is, but he immediately shoots them down as soon as they get into his sights.

Dallas: "Good one, partner!"

Luke: "Ayy! Don't count me out of the fight, guys!"

Luke picks up his shield, and he holds it in front of him to block the bullets coming from the mafia members. His shield forms 2 jet boosters, and he charges right into them. The shield then plants itself right onto the floor as soon as he's next to them. He begins to swing his morning star around, and he whacks one of the mafia members in the face, swiftly knocking him out, and he swings his morning star at the other mafia member. The chain swings around and wraps itself around the neck of the mafia member, and as Luke instinctively pulled it back, it ripped the guy's head clean off of him.

Luke: "GYAHHH!"

Aaron: "What the hell did I just watch..?"

Dallas: "Some bullshit for sure."

Aaron and Dallas quickly get out of cover, and they run towards Luke, who's covered in blood just a smudge. Luke's shield retracts from the floor, and it goes back to normal.

Luke: "Phew..."

Aaron: "Not a good start..."

Dallas: "No, not at all."

Jesse: "I-I'm sorry."

Dallas: "Let's just push ahead. I saw one'a them with some explosive crates."

Aaron: "Explosive crates?!"

Aaron slaps Dallas in the face, which causes his cowboy hat to fall right off.

Aaron: "You dumbass! Why the hell did you not say any shit like that before?!"

Dallas: "I-I wasn't paying attention to anything else then! I was just on the lookout for the people, partner!"

Dallas picks his hat back up.

Aaron: "Fuck, Dallas! You stupid asshole!"

Luke: "Quit the arguing! We've gotta go!"

Jesse: "W-Who know what'll happen if we just leave them with whatever it is that's worrying you, and those beastmen?"

Aaron: "Tch, fine."

They all quickly make their way ahead, and they find one last mafia member with a big crate of TNT and other things such as fireworks.

Mafia Member: "Y-You're all doomed!"

He uses some sort of fire ability to light the fuses next to the crate, and he's quickly frozen by Aaron.

Mafia Member: "T-That thing'll explode in 30 seconds! Y-You and this city are doomed!"

Luke: "Crap! We've got to get the hell out of here before we're blown into damn smithereens!"

Dallas: "Aye. Keep the damn guy there!"

Aaron: "Where're you all off to? I don't think you realise that there's a solution."

Jesse: "Huh?"

Aaron: "I just need to condense the upcoming blast. If I don't, then there's going to be innocent lives taken."

He extends his hands to the side. The air around everybody is getting a lot more colder than before, which causes Jesse to begin shaking.

Jesse: "B-Brr..."

Luke: "Yeesh, it got cold..."

The sewage water around them all begins to freeze due to the sheer coldness of the room. Aaron then points his palms towards the crate of explosives.

Dallas: "I don't know about you, but that thing's about to blow!"

Luke: "I'm not taking my chances!"

Jesse: "S-so cold.."

Luke picks up Jesse, and he quickly dashes for cover with Dallas. They hear a slight cracking noise, and then the inevitable sound of an explosion. Smoke fogs up the area they're in.

Dallas: "...Aaron!"

Dallas quickly gets up, and he runs into the smoke. He slips on the floor and he lands on his ass.

Dallas: "W-What the... I-Is this... I-Ice?!"

Aaron: "Yeah, it would be."

The smoke around them clears, showing that the entire room has been enveloped entirely in ice. Including the guy who Aaron trapped earlier. Aaron picks up Dallas from the floor.

Dallas: "Damn... You really stopped that blast?"

Aaron: "You seriously doubted me?"

Dallas: "W-Well..."

Aaron: "Man... I need a drink."

Jesse: "T-Then let's head back... W-We lost the other mafia members."

Dallas: "True."

Luke: "A-Alright. Let's just get outta here as quick as we can."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15 ⏰

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