Chapter 46: Cellmates

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Tyler and Matthew stare at each other for a bit, Matthew still smirking at him.

Luke: "Uhh... Tyler? Is that Matthew's voice I can hear in your cell?"

Toby: "Yeah... What the hell is he doing here?"

Matthew hops down from the bed, and he puts his hands behind his back as he looks out of his cell towards Luke and Toby.

Matthew: "I could be asking you three the same exact thing."

Luke: "We got accused of summoning that dragon that destroyed Lusni."

Matthew laughs loudly, and he shakes his head.

Matthew: "Damn pigs here'll find any reason to throw you in. Damn crooked bastards..."

Tyler: "Wait, how long have you been here for?"

Matthew: "Hmm... 4 days at the very least."

Tyler: "Seriously?"

Matthew: "Yes, why do you ask?"

Tyler: "Oh... So that's why you weren't picking up..."

Matthew: "Hm? Was there an emergency I needed to attend to?"

Tyler: "Uhh... Kinda."

Matthew: "Well, I suppose it's too late."

Luke: "Nope!"

Tyler: "Wait wait wait, don't-"


Tyler desperately goes to rub his right eye.

Tyler: "No! I downright refuse to let you do that!"

Luke bangs on the bars.

Luke: "Damn it! You have to show it to Matthew!"

Matthew looks at Tyler.

Matthew: "Why are you so worried about cinnamon..?"

Tyler rubs his eye again.

Tyler: "What? I ain't worried about anything, you bastard!"

Matthew: "Oh, really? Hands to your side."

Tyler: "No!"

Matthew: "Hands to your side, now."

Tyler looks towards Luke and Toby for help, and they both give him an encouraging thumbs up.

Tyler: "Fuck."

He places his arms to his sides.

Matthew: "Now... Why are you so riled up about-"

Tyler: "ACHOOO!"

He sneezes, blowing snot on Matthew's face.

Matthew: "One, gross. Two, awfully convenient that happened right as I was about to say-"

Tyler coughs very loudly.

Tyler: "Ack..! P-Phlegm in my throat..!"

Tyler grins at Matthew innocently, while Matthew gives him an unimpressed look.

Matthew: "...Cinnamon."

Tyler's right iris immediately turns green, and starts to glow.

Neo: "Hmm?"

Matthew's look turns confused, and he raises an eyebrow.

Matthew: "Alright... What the fuck? Why the hell is your eye green now?"

He walks up close to him, and he taps his chin.

Matthew: "Green... Green... What the hell does that mean?"

Luke: "That rhymes!"

Matthew glances at Luke, before turning his full attention back on Tyler.

Matthew: "So... This is triggered by someone saying cinnamon?"

Neo: "Well, of course. It is quite a delectable flavour. I rather enjoy it..."

Matthew: "You. What do you call yourself?"

Neo: "Neo."

Matthew: "Neo? I swear you were called Rin. Yes, I do remember you being called Rin, back when we fought Lance. You're different."

Neo: "Yeah, I am. Got a problem with that, Jumpsuit?"

Matthew: "You're in a jumpsuit too, you gopher."

Neo looks down, and he raises an eyebrow.

Neo: "Now that you mention it... Shit, how the hell did Tyler get arrested?! I was... Ugh, idiot."

Matthew stares at Neo, trying to figure out why Tyler's eye is now green, when it should be red.

Matthew: "Fucking Primalurge... One second I have you figured out, and then you come back to bite me in the ass..."

Toby: "Hey, Matthew! Don't worry dude! Rin comes out when you say chocolate!"

Just as he says that, Tyler's right iris turns red.

Rin: "Hey!!! The chocolate guy!!! GIVE ME CHOCOLATEE!!!"

Rin lunges at Matthew, and she begins to shake him violently.

Matthew: "Woahohohohohhhh!!"

Matthew pushes himself away.

Matthew: "What the hell is going on?! Did he get infected twice?!"

He shakes his head in confusion.

Rin: "Hm? Is Mr. Chocolate talking about the Perverted Pillaging Pillock?"

Matthew raises an eyebrow.

Matthew: "Perverted whaaa..?  Uhm... So you're aware of the person that's controls Tyler when his eye goes green?"

Rin nods.

Rin: "Yeah! He's not like me though. Me and Tyler think he entered our body when I touched a red floating orb earlier."

Matthew blinks.

Matthew: "Red floating orb, huh?"

Rin: "Yeah."

Matthew: "Absolute pain in my ass..."

Matthew sighs.

Matthew: "You two, how do I get Tyler back?"

Luke and Toby shrug.

Luke: "You rub his eye when Neo's out... Well, that's what we do."

Matthew: "...Right."

Matthew grabs Rin.

Matthew: "Right... Ooh, I have cinnamon..!"

Tyler's right iris immediately turns green, but Matthew jabs his finger directly into his eye, violently rubbing it.

Tyler: "Ay!!! AYYY!!!!"

He grabs Matthew's hand, and he pushes it away.

Tyler: "Why're you so rough, dickface? That shit hurt-"

Matthew backhands him across the face.

Matthew: "Heh. Don't let your guard down in prison. Especially when it's turning into  mealtime. That's when the carnage starts."

He cracks his knuckles, and Tyler shakes his head.

Tyler: "Ow... Wait, carnage? Damn it, are we gonna have to fight?!"

Matthew nods.

Matthew: "Well, there's been daily fights since I've been here, so it doesn't hurt to get ready and pumped up. Just in case."

Tyler sighs.

Tyler: "Great, just what we need. Fights. How many people are in this prison, anyways?"

Matthew: "A shit ton."

Tyler: "Great..."

Matthew nods.

Matthew: "Yes, it's very great. Good thing for you idiots dinner time's only just passed... So enjoy being in that cell for the rest of the day."

Luke: "Damn it! I was hungry!"

Toby: "Me too..."

Matthew: "Sucks for you two. I've ate."

He walks out of their view, and he flops onto the top bunk.

Tyler: "Well..."

He holds onto the bars, looking at Luke and Toby.

Tyler: "You two'll be fine. We'll get out of here."

Toby: "But that'd actually make us criminals."

Tyler: "No, idiot. I meant we'll wait and talk it out."

Matthew: "Already tried. We have to break out of here if we want to get out. These cops aren't exactly officers of justice. They're bad to the bone."

Luke: "So they are crooked cops? Damn it..."

Toby: "Do you think the others are worried?"

Luke: "They better be."

Tyler: "Uhh... Me and Tezuka actually had a conversation the other day..."

1 day ago...

Tyler: "Hey, Tezuka."

Tezuka: "Hey, Ty-Ty."

She leans her head right into his face.

Tyler: "So... I know we've probably been camping too long for me to ask this, but what if one of us goes missing?"

Tezuka: "T-Then I'd obviously go straight ahead and look for you! I-I couldn't bear the thought of you going missing, ever!"

Tyler smiles.

Tyler: "Hey, that's nice to know you'd do that."

Tezuka: "What about you, then?"

Tyler: "I'd wait a week tops to see if you came back or not."

Tezuka: "Tyler?! Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

Tyler: "I-I was just joking! I-I would go looking for you right away!"

Tezuka gets right up into his face.

Tezuka: "You know what? If you do go missing, I'll 'wait a weeks tops' for you to come back. How would you like that, huh?"

Tyler: "E-Ehh..? Are you-?"

Tezuka: "Hmph."

She turns her head away.

Tyler: "Awh... crap... Well, It's not like we'll go missing anyways. It was just a dumb thought."

Back to the present...

Toby: "Tyler... Are you serious, man?"

Luke: "You deadass told your girlfriend you'd wait a week tops for her to come back!?"

Tyler: "Oh, come on! It was just a joke!"

Matthew appears behind him.

Matthew: "That's quite the funny joke. It makes me want to puke."

Tyler looks behind him.

Tyler: "Well you're a gloomy piece of shit with no friends. Don't lecture me about jokes."

Matthew: "Bold of you to say. Took guts for you to say that. I'll let you off this once, but you may have screwed yourself over."

Luke: "Yeah, genius! You fucked us over by saying that! Is that why she was in a bad mood yesterday?"

Toby: "Yeah, she wasn't really speaking to you yesterday. I thought something was up."

Tyler: "Guys..."

Toby: "Nah, nah... Hold up. So you're telling me... That we're going to be in prison for a week maximum just because you told your girlfriend you'd... Wait a weeks tops? Well, I am never counting on you to save us... Ever."

Luke: "Oh, sorry guys! I waited a weeks tops to join the battle! It seems you're all dead now! MY BAD!" 

Toby: "Hey, nice Tyler impression. You really had me sold for a second there."

Luke: "Thanks."

Matthew: "I liked it too."

Tyler: "Wait... What do you mean we're stuck in prison because I said that to Tezuka?"

Luke: "Dude! You've foiled the only fucking chance of us being bailed out!"

Toby: "Yeah dude. Knowing Tezuka, she's probably somehow gone ahead and convinced everyone else to stay at the camp and not look for us."

Luke: "Yeah! You know what could have happened by now? They could have gone searching for us, and maybe find out we were in prison for doing something we never fucking did! Maybe they would have bailed us out and gave us an alibi, but nooooo... Let's wait a week tops-"

Tyler: "Lord, have mercy! What the hell is your problem? I have hope they're searching for us. I know they're not THAT sadistic."

Luke: "You owe me half of your money if they admit they were not looking for us."

Toby: "And you owe me the other half if I find out that they really were going to wait a week tops to come looking for us."

Tyler: "W-Fuck that! I ain't giving either of you shit!"

Luke: "Oh, yes you are."

Tyler: "No. You owe ME money for that time you stole my money!"

Luke: "W-Wait, you already forgave me for that."

Toby: "What the hell, man? Stealing isn't cool."

Matthew: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you just admitted to doing a crime. Good job, idiot."

Luke: "W-I-It was in good favour! The team should share all profits!"

Toby: "...No the fuck they shouldn't."

Tyler: "Exactly. Four years I spent saving up all that. Four years."

Matthew: "Wow... So rich."

Tyler: "I was! I spent a lot of that money giving funds for rebuilding Lusni!"

Matthew: "That's a good deed. After hearing what you said to your girlfriend, I think you may have potentially redeemed yourself."

Tyler: "Really?"

Matthew: "No."

They hear footsteps coming down the hall. An officer bangs a nightstick on the bars of their cells.

Officer: "Alright, inmates. Enough conversation. Lights out is happening soon. Get to bed."

He walks off.

Luke: "Oh man... Dedicated bed times? Damn it."

Toby: "Well, I have no issues with that."

Luke: "Dibs on top-!"

Toby pounces on the top bunk, and he immediately closes his eyes.

Toby: "Nope! You snooze, you lose. Hah! It's all mine!"

Luke: "Damn it..."

He lies down on the bottom bunk.

Luke: "Hmph. Enjoy that top bunk while you have it, kitty."

Toby: "Kitty? Go choke on a hairball."

Luke: "Nah."

He sighs, and he closes his eyes.

Matthew: "I have top bunk."

Tyler: "Sure. I'm perfectly fine with bottom bunk."

Matthew quickly jumps onto the top bunk, and Tyler sits down on the bottom bunk.

Tyler: "Say..."

Matthew: "Hm?"

Tyler: "It slipped my mind earlier, but why actually are you here?"

Matthew: "Me? Well... I was caught robbing a place not too far from here."

Tyler: "...Why?"

Matthew: "Well, I needed information."

Tyler: "Information?"

Matthew sighs.

Matthew: "Yes. Information. Information about Primalurge."

Tyler: "Seriously?"

Matthew: "Well, yes. I need to better understand it. And after what I've seen with you... You've just made everything a bigger pain in my ass."

Tyler: "Well, what do you know about it?"

Matthew: "What do I know about it? Do you really want me to explain everything I've found out so far?"

Tyler: "Sure. Hit me."

Matthew: "Well, there's been a lot of scientific research on it. When it was first found out, they just ruled it off as some sort of symbiote, but when they started to do research on the people infected with it, they found out that the Primalurge did not share any similarities to any other symbiotes. Which is quite strange-"

Tyler: "They're not symbiotes? They sound like it to me."

Matthew: "Well, they're not. If they were, then most of the scientific research done on them wouldn't of ever happened. In the logs, they're classed as their own entities. Very strange."

Tyler: "Yeah."

Matthew: "Very strangeeeeeeee... You know, you're one lucky dude."

Tyler: "Really? I am? How so?"

Matthew: "You were amongst the lucky few to get infected with Category 3 of Primalurge."

Tyler: "Category 3? Wait, I think I've heard about this somewhere... Uhh, what do they mean? The other categories, I mean."

Matthew sighs.

Matthew: "Well, I'll describe them how they were described in the logs I found at that lab, if that's easier for you."

Tyler: "Sure."

Matthew: "Okay, so there's three main categories. Category 1: This is when the Primalurge fuses with it's host, and it simply reins control whenever they please. They're usually very, very awful people, and they get very bloodthirsty when their Primalurge takes over."

Tyler: "Oh, so... Like Adam?"

Matthew: "Adam? Toby's brother? Yeah, he was infected by Primalurge, and a Category 1."

Tyler: "I see. Wait, so they take control whenever they please, and they're evil?"

Matthew: "Before you get worried, you seem to have fair control over yourself."

Tyler: "Okay..."

Matthew: "Second up, Category 2: That's when the Primalurge simply takes control of a deceased host. Basically they just turn into bloodthirsty husks. Category 1's can turn into Category 2's sometimes, but it's pretty damn rare."

Tyler: "Yeesh..."

Matthew: "And you, my friend. Are a Category 3: When the Primalurge fuses with their host, and instead of taking complete control of them, they decide to bond with their host instead. Why is it different to Category 1, you ask? Well, that's because they do not share these... urges that the others do."

Tyler: "Interesting."

Matthew: "Yes, and if a Category 1, or Category 2 encounter a Category 3, they will dub them as traitors, and will try everything in their power to completely erase them."

Tyler: "Eh? Seriously? Is that why I've been getting called a traitor by those things?"

Matthew: "Yes, and I'm not too sure why they're like that."

Tyler scratches his head.

Tyler: "Well... If I recall correctly, I remember something about Rin saying she doesn't share her father's hatred to Moros."

Matthew: "Moros?"

Tyler: "Uh, Adam when he was infected. He called Rin a traitor then as well."

Matthew: "Hm... Interesting, so... The reason why there's this whole civil war between the Primals is because the Category 3's don't share the same hatred that their father does?"

Tyler: "Seems like it."

Matthew: "But... who exactly IS the father?"

Tyler: "Dunno, man. Beats me."

Matthew: "Well... You've given me some well needed answers. I appreciate it."

He yawns.

Matthew: "But, I need some damn sleep, and so do you. So get to it. Oh, and you better not snore, or else I'll beat your ass."

Tyler: "Same here. If you're snoring, I'll pummel you into a pancake."

Matthew chuckles.

Matthew: "Yeah, right..."

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