Chapter 14: You're on Fire!

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The dark room again. This time, He recognised exactly what was happening.

Tyler: "Nononono. Oh no. Oh Hell no. Not this freaky place again."

The black goop monster appears behind him. It's still in the form it took previously.

???: "H-Hulo."


???: "No scared. I not scary."

Tyler: "W-what?"

???: "Sorry... I'm still learning language. To communicate with you."

Tyler: "Wait... Wait wait wait... Why the hell do you want to communicate with me?!"

???: "I... want..."

Tyler gulps.

???: "Some chocolate!"

Tyler looks at this thing in complete shock, he rubs his eyes.

Tyler: "Sorry, chocolate..?"

???: "Yesh! Give chocolate!"

Tyler: "How do I even-"

???: "When you eat, I taste it. Tastes are weird! But me LOOOVE the chocolate."

Tyler: "Eh? What the hell..? What even are you, may I ask?"

???: "Sorry... Me can't say."

Tyler: "Hah. Figures. You're creepy. Why're you taking the form of Tezuka of all people?"

???: "To do my best to not be threatening to you."

Tyler: "Well, yeah. I'm not threatened by her at all, I guess. But... I have one complaint. Why her when she was naked..?"

???: "I got a good look of her through your eyes then."

Tyler: "Come on... I don't wanna be traumatised again. Put away the boobs."

???: "Boobs?"

Tyler: "You took the form of her naked, surely you can take the form of her wearing some freaking clothes!"

???: "I'm sorry. Like the language, I'm still figuring out things such as 'clothes'. Please be patient with me."

Tyler: "Okay, sorry. I'm going out of pocket here. Uh, let's see..."

The creature stares at him. It looks exactly like Tezuka, except instead of brown eyes, it fills the brown with a very bright red instead. It tilts it's head at him.

Tyler: "Name. Do you have a name... creature?"

???: "Name?"

Tyler: "You know... what you're called?"

???: "Oh. What you're called. Like when Tezuka calls you Tyler."

Tyler: "Well, duh. That's my name."

???: "Oh. Me understands."

Tyler: "Ooh, can I give you a name, then? It would be awkward if you didn't  have a name."

???: "Okay."

Tyler: "Let's see then... Ooh! I'm gonna call you Rin!"

Rin: "Rin?"

The creature has a blank face.

Tyler: "Eh? Do you not like it?"

Rin: "No. It's nice. I just haven't had a name before."

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