Chapter 12: Fiery Spirit

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The creatures edged closer. They were surrounded by them. The noises they made were freaky.

Shadow Prince: "Look for an opening, once there is one, we take the candle and get the fuck out of here. Any questions?"

Toby: "I have a question. How the hell are none of our attacks doing anything to them? They just either multiply or-"

A creature jumps at Toby, but Liv swings her cannon at the creature, sending it flying away.

Liv: "Yarghh!!! I've had enough of this! Toby! GET READY TO BLAST YOUR WIND, FUCKER!"

Toby: "Eh? Okay, on your mark!"

Liv puts her cannon on her back. She places both of her palms in front of her. She summons a huge wall of water around the four of them. Toby then pushes the water all around them, which forms a tsunami, causing the creatures to be sent flying.

Tyler: "Woah! Good thinkin'!"

Shadow Prince: "We have our chance! Fucking leg it!"

The Shadow Prince picks up the candle, and makes a run for it. Everyone else follows quickly. Liv is lagging behind for some reason.

Liv: "Hah! I won't let these weird things escape!"

She holds her cannon, and shoots water at the floor. There's no splash, and nothing happens. She starts running faster to try and catch up to the others.

Tyler: "What the hell did you do, Rat?"

Liv: "Just watch them fall for it!"

They hear the sounds of the creatures coming closer. But suddenly. BANG! SPLASH! WOOSH! Powerful waves of water splash everywhere, and the creatures make some sort of noise in pain.

Shadow Prince: "I have no idea what you did, but... nice."

Suddenly, Tyler is hit by some of the impact the water made, and he falls on his face, luckily for him, Liv picks him up with her other arm, and catches up with the others.

Toby: "Tyler! You okay?!"

Tyler: "Just tripped, dude, but yikes... My right arm's really itchy. Lucky for me I didn't get caught by those things. Thanks for picking me up, Liv."

Liv: "Nyahaha! You're welcome!"

They reach the door to the ladder. Liv lets Tyler down. They watch as The Shadow Prince tries to wedge the door shut, but he can't. Toby and the others help him out, and they jam it shut for good. They then desperately climb the ladder.

They manage to make it back out on land. Tyler uses his earth bending to force a brand new blockage to this bunker.

Shadow Prince: "Yeesh. You guys did good."

Toby: "W-What was that all about, huh? You just came out of nowhere and helped us! You know something, don't you?"

Shadow Prince: "If you'd just allow me to explain-"

Toby: "No! That was where I was made, and now suddenly these fucking creatures have came after us, and they're abominations made the same way I was! This clod doesn't know anything!

He points to Tyler.

And you don't know anything, you stupid prince!-"

Shadow Prince: "Yikes. You're giving me a headache. Right. You were made earlier, and you seem to have came out a success. Scientists wanted to do that same expirement again, but they wanted to fuse elements, not DNA. However, they found out the elements were intertwined by DNA, so they had to get a LOT of different samples. Those things in there? Failed experiments. I call them Voidlings."

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