Chapter 44: Husks Galore!

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Back with Luke and the others...


Jesse: "R-Right!"

Luna forms an orb of electricity, and she lobs it towards the last husk. The husk gets hit by the orb, and it gets electrocuted. Jesse takes the opportunity with swiftness, and she swings her sword, chopping the husk in two pieces. 

Luna: "Heyo! Good teamwork, Jess."

Jesse: "T-Thanks!"

Tezuka: "Well, that's them all wiped out."

Luke: "Well, I believe there'll be a shit ton more the deeper down this dungeon we go!"

Dom: "W-We just have to get my dad's stuff, Luke. We could always turn back after that-"

Luke grabs his ear, and begins to tug on it.

Luke: "Wrong, wrong, WRONG! That is NOT how we do it up in here! When we enter a dungeon, we CLEAR that dungeon, ain't that right, gang?"

Luna: "Sure we do, honey."

Liv: "Yes!"

Tezuka: "True. First time, we absolutely wiped the floor with that uh... Queen Orchid, next time we found Luke's cool ass shield."

Dom: "You've only been in two dungeons, Luke?"

He looks up towards Luke.

Luke: "Uh, actually, I've been in four dungeons."

Tezuka: "Party pooper! Go on, tell me your other ventures!"

Luke: "Well, first dungeon I ever went to, I defeated an army of orcs and their King Velz alongside Toby. Second time, me and Luna went into a dungeon, and that's where we met Tyler..."

Tezuka: "Wow, you met him in a dungeon? That's some place to find a guy like him... Did you two like... befriend him quick or something?"

Luna: "Not at all. He almost killed us, to be honest."

Luke: "Yeah... Whoo boy, not a fun encounter, but I'm glad we have him on the team now."

Jesse: "So then, you're fairly experienced, Luke?"

Luke: "I had a sword in those dungeons... That's took me down memory lane, that has."

Tezuka: "Memory Lane? I went there once with Kai. Such a surreal experience. I miss it."

Liv: "You bullshittin' me? There's a genuine fucking place called Memory Lane?!"

Tezuka: "Would I ever bullshit-?"

Luna: "Yes, you would."

Tezuka: "...True, but believe me this time."

Liv: "I won't believe it until I see it, Stubby!"

Tezuka: "Okay."

Silence ensues the dungeon for a while after that. 

Dom: "Uhm... Can we get going now?"

Luke: "Y-Yeah, let's go buddy."

They continue down the dark dungeon, Luke's orb of light directing their path. Tezuka begins to whistle some tune as they walk down.

Liv: "Hmm... Where've I heard that song before, Stubby?"

Tezuka: "Huh? Oh, sorry. I was whistling that song we were breakdancing to at Lusni's festival."

Liv: "Oh, yeah! I remember now! Ooh, fuck yeah! Keep that whistling up, Stubby! I'll give you some percussion, baby!"

She begins to smack her palms on her cannon, creating a drum beat to the song. Tezuka continues to whistle the song, and the two get off into their own little jam.

Dom: "...Women are so weird."

Luna: "You watch your tongue, boy! Those two are having fun! Tell me, have you ever had a girlfriend, Dom?"

Dom: "N-No..."

Luna: "I thought so, ya little sexist shit. Keep your attitude up and no woman nor man would love you. I dunno how you swing, but you definitely ain't gonna be swinging with anybody if you see women as inferior to men, because we're fuckin' equals. DO YOU HEAR ME?!?"

Luke: "Damn."

Dom: "Sorry, elf lady..."

Luna: "You better fucking be! Next time you see a woman, you give her a genuine compliment!"

Dom: "O-Okay!"

He turns around, and he sees Jesse at a fair distance behind them, looking at what Liv and Tezuka are doing. He slows down his pace to match hers.

Dom: "H-Here goes nothing..."

He pats Jesse on the back, and she flinches and looks at him.

Jesse: "U-Uhm..?"

Dom: "...H-Hey there, uhm..."

Jesse: "W-What?"

Dom: "So... You have a pretty cool sword, where'd you get it?"

Jesse: "I uh... Got it from a friend."

Dom: "...Sweet, it's as uh, glistening and as sharp as you are."

Jesse: "T-Thanks?"

Dom: "D-Don't mention it, queen."

Jesse: "Queen?"

Dom: "Oh, shiiit! My bad! I meant like... You're so awesome you're like royalty!!! Y-Yeah!"

Jesse: "This is where our conversation says farewell."

She puts a hand on his back, and she pushes him back towards Luke and Luna.

Luke: "Strong game, kid."

Dom: "Whatever."

Their conversation falls short, and the only thing that can be heard is Liv and Tezuka jamming out. Tezuka has began to resort to singing instead of whistling.

Tezuka: "C'mon, c'mon, get on the floor! C'mon, c'mon, get on the floor!"

Liv decides to join in on the singing.

Liv: "Yeah, get on, get on, GET ON THE FLOOR!"

Her singing is obnoxious, it causes Tezuka to recoil, and her ears fall flat onto her head.

Tezuka: "My eardrums..."

Luna: "Gyahhhhhh! You stupid rat! My ears!!!"

Liv: "Hah! I put so much passion into my singing, it hurt everyone's ears!"

Dom: "Guys? Are you speaking?  I can't hear anything, or myself."

His ears are genuinely bleeding.

Luke: "Jesus christ!"

Luke places his palm on him, and he envelops him in his light mana, healing him.

Tezuka: "You're banned from vocals, Liv. You made the poor kid's ears burst."

Dom: "I can hear! Huzzah!"

Luke: "Yeah, yeah..."

Jesse rushes ahead and swings her sword very quickly, slicing 3 husks in half.

Luna: "EEEP! I wasn't paying attention!"

Jesse: "Maybe you guys should speak less about singing, and more about the next horde on the way!"

Luke: "Oh, shit! We're surrounded!"

Tezuka: "Great. Your obnoxious singing has gotten us all killed, you stupid rat."

Liv: "Well, I think MY  singing is good, and that's all that matters!"

Luna: "No, your opinion doesn't matter at all, you freaking animal."

The husks grab and claw at everyone except Dom, who's currently trembling and holding onto his short sword with one hand.

Luke: "S-SHIT!!!"

Jesse: "See what happens when we don't bring the entire squad?! Toby, Tyler! By some miracle, PLEASE COME AND HELP USSSS!!!"

Dom's mouth opens, and he feels a weird feeling in his stomach.

Dom: "No... I... I can't let them die... I-I won't let them die how my father did..! NOT BECAUSE OF ME!"

He clutches onto his sword, and he closes his eyes for a moment, and then he opens them

Dom: "H-Huh?"

Nothing is moving. None of the husks are moving, and none of the Peeps are moving either.

Dom: "T-This... this is... m-my chance!"

He lunges forward, and he begins to slash at the husks, sending slashes onto their arms, legs, and neck. He closes his eyes again, and he reverts back to the spot he was at before. He opens up his eyes to see the body parts of the husks being cut off, and their movements going away.

Luna: "What just..?"

Dom: "Are you guys okay!?"

They all stand up, and brush themselves off.

Luke: "Yeah... That was strange, all of them just kinda... fell apart."

Jesse: "Were their bodies like, actively falling apart? I thought I was a goner..."

Tezuka: "Maybe Liv's singing tore them apart!"

Liv swings her cannon at Tezuka, and she falls onto the floor.

Liv: "Funny joke, you dickhead!"

Tezuka: "Hah. You're really self conscious about your singing now."

She stands back up, and she grins at Liv.

Dom: "Well... Actually I did that."

Everyone looks at him.

Luna: "Oh, really?"

Dom: "Yeah... I... I think I froze time for a moment..."

Luke raises his eyebrow.

Luke: "Huh... Good going, kid."

Dom: "Uhm... Aha... thanks. I-I've never done that before."

Tezuka: "Well... I'm glad I'm not husk meat. If anyone were to eat me, it'd be-"

Luke: "Ap ap ap! I don't wanna hear it, Tezuka. Nobody is ever gonna eat you."

Tezuka: "Not in the way you're thinking."

Luke: "...I..? J-Just shut up, would you?"

Liv: "What's worse? My singing or YOUR stupid obsession with the SHITBENDER!?"

Tezuka: "Your singing, definitely."

Luke: "I agree with Tezuka."

Luna: "Me too."

Jesse: "Me three."

Dom: "Well... seeing as I would've gone deaf without the healing... I guess I'd prefer the red lady's obsession with the guy."

Liv: "Man... is it seriously that bad? My freakin' ego hurts bad..."

Luke: "Man, the further I go down this cave, the more I just get creeped out. Those husks are absolutely everywhere."

???: "Blergh..."

Dom stiffens up, and he begins trembling from the voice.

Luke: "Hm? Dom? Y-You okay?"

Dom: "T-That's... m-my..."

Luke looks ahead to see a husk with it's entire stomach ripped apart open, there's no signs of any organs. He looks quite similar to Dom.

Luke: "Awh... Shit."

He forms an orb of light, and he points his palm at the husk, and the orb turns into a beam of light, which completely eradicates the top half of the husk's body.

Dom: "D...Dad..."

He falls to his knees, and he scrambles towards what used to be the husk. He holds him tightly in his arms.

Luna: "I-I'm so sorry."

Luke kneels down alongside Dom, and he pats his back.

Luke: "Well... He's in a better place, I can assure you that. He died protecting you. So you better fight on for him, alright?"

Dom slowly looks up towards Luke, and he stares at him.

Dom: "...I-I will..."

He lets go of his dad. He takes some of his stuff, and then he clasps his hands together, and he closes his eyes, tears trickling down his cheeks. He seems to be praying.

Liv: "Man, that's beautiful."

Liv joins in on the prayer, and so do the others... Except Tezuka.

Tezuka: "Hmm..."

She forms fire arms, and she clasps them together. Dom eventually stops praying, and so does everyone else.

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