Chapter 27: Danjontoraiaru

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Back with the Peeps...

Liv: "Okay! Come on! Let's get to it, motherfuckers! Let's go get this relic!!!"

Luke: "Yeah!"

The Peeps run straight into the entrance of the dungeon. Inside, they find a long rocky corridor that looks pretty ordinary.

Luna: "Hey, Tyler?"

Tyler: "Yo."

Luna: "When do the trials begin?"

Tyler: "Well, you see this corridor here?"

Everyone else pays attention to what Tyler has to say.

Tyler: "It may just look normal to you all, however this place is fucking littered with traps."

Luke: "Hah! Traps? I'll just bait them out."

Tyler: "It's uh, not really that easy. As soon as you step over that red line, some weird magic makes it so you can't use any powers."

Toby: "Huh? That's shit."

Tyler: "But as soon as you get out of this corridor, you'll get access to them again."

Luke: "So... How did you and Hanako get across?"

Tyler: "Simple. These traps don't really do anything to me. My skin is hard to penetrate. Very, very hard. So I just kinda wrapped myself around Hanako while she booked it to the other side. Very smart, right?"

Everyone just stares at him.

Liv: "Oh yeah?! I don't believe you, shitbender!"

Tyler: "Well, uh... I'll just go on ahead. Try and memorise the traps!"

He then starts booking it to the other side of the long corridor. As expected, tons of traps triggered. However, it was just simple arrows.

Luke: "Oh... Shitballs."

Liv: "Hyahaha! Arrows? I can run past them too! Watch, as the amazing rat Liv squirms through all these arrows and makes it to the other side!"

She attempts to make a run for it, but she is grabbed by Luna.

Luna: "No. Think smart about this. Tyler can do that because... uhm..?"

Tezuka: "It's a condition called Craiceann Cruaidh."

Luke: "Craiceann Cruaidh?"

Tezuka: "Yep. It's very rare, only 5 people have it in the world, apparently."

Toby: "And that makes his skin... so durable?"

Tezuka: "Yep. Sounds good, right? He said to me it's more of a downside. He's quite literally the heaviest human in the world, or so I'm told. He said to ask Hanako for the record, but I never got to it."

Luke: "So you're telling me he's even heavier than obese people?"

Tezuka: "Probably."

Liv: "Hyahahaha! I can lift the heaviest human in the world! That MUST mean I'm strong!"

Luke: "Huh. Now that you think about it... Is he even human?"

Tezuka: "Good question."

Luna: "Enough chitchat. We need to get to the other side!"

Luke: "Yeah, but like... How?"

Toby: "You've got some heavy Paladin armour, Luke. Maybe you could like... Get past the arrows?"

Luke: "Maybe. Let's test it out."

He steps over the line, and walks very slowly. A trap triggers, and the arrows shoot towards him. Luckily, they all bounce right off.

Luke: "Yeah! Haha! In your face, inventor of this stupid room!"

Liv: "Wait... What about us?"

Luna: "Hon, Just book it! And watch your head, too! I saw some shoot from the ceiling when Tyler ran through!"

Tezuka: "Hey. Why don't you do the Tyler and Hanako technique? If Tyler could cover Hanako with his body, your armour could cover some of us."

Luke: "Huh. Not bad thinking."

Toby: "Yeah... But his armour isn't THAT big. It could probably fit two people underneath at the very best."

Luna: "Well... Who's got the worst chance of making it past this room?"

Liv: "Me! As much as I hate to admit my failures, I'm quite slow with this cannon."

Toby: "Wait... Can't you just... control your cannon to fit people inside? You did it with Tezuka a while ago. Surely you could do it for someone else."

Liv: "Hyaha! True. But then that leaves out one person!"

Luna: "You guys go... I'm gonna book it over myself."

Luke: "Eh? But-"

Luna: "I'm a fast runner. The traps took about 0.6 seconds to activate when I was watching Tyler. I can easily get past those traps."

Luke: "Well... I suppose I can trust you. Alright. Liv, Toby, get underneath me. Tezuka? Hop into Liv's cannon."

Tezuka: "Aye aye."

She crawls into the entrance of Liv's cannon.

Luke: "Alright... Wait, do some arrows come from the floor?"

Luna: "Nope."

Luke: "Okay, thank god. Crawl when I do, guys."

Toby: "Okay."

The four strategically crawl down the corridor. Luna watches them go by in about 6 minutes.

Tyler: "Hey hey hey. Welcome to the other side, you four."

Luke: "Luna's gonna make a run for it."

Toby: "I believe in her! Go Luna!!!"

Luna, from the other side, appears to be doing some stretches. She gets ready, and she starts bolting down the corridor. Arrows barely scrape her skin, and in 12 seconds, she makes it across... With only 3 arrows stabbed into her arm.

Luna: "I... Did... it..."

She slumps forward, and falls unconscious.

Luke: "Shit!"

He kneels down by her, and he heals her injuries.

Luke: "Huh... Well, she isn't dead. Thank goodness."

Tyler: "Maybe she got hit by some of the arrows that put you to sleep."

Luke: "Whuh?"

Tyler: "Those arrows have different effects. I'd know, because back when we were younger, we went along with like 20 people, who all died. There were different effects, like Poison... Some even turned you into animals. It was strange magic. God rest their souls though. They only wanted a relic. Too bad nobody tries going down here anymore."

Liv: "Hyahahaha! Too bad for them, WE'LL GET THE RELIC! FORWARD, INTO THE OTHER ROOM!"

Liv charges on ahead. 

Toby: "Crap... She better not die."

Tyler picks up Luna, and carries her over his shoulder.

Tyler: "Alright, we should continue."

Everyone else follows Liv as quickly as they can. They enter a room which is pitch dark. They can barely see anything.

Liv: "Guys... Where are you? I'm scared!!!"

Toby: "Over here, but where are you?"

Luke: "Don't worry, people! I'm here to save the day!"

He opens up his palm, and he forms a ball of light. It lights up the room for a second before it is engulfed by the darkness of the room.

Luke: "Eep! That wasn't meant to happen."

Tezuka: "Fear not, I will do what you failed to do."

She lights herself on fire, lighting up the room a little bit, before once again, the darkness engulfs the light.

Tezuka: "Oh."

Tyler: "Yep... You see, Hanako tried lighting up this room with her plasma. It just kept getting engulfed."

Luke: "Hmm... Call me crazy, but maybe the darkness is engulfing our powers only! Alright, Luke! Operation Flashlight is a go!"

He takes the orb of light from his palm, and he slaps it right onto his shield. The shield actually lights up and emits light. The darkness cannot take it over for some reason.

Toby: "Wahey! Go Luke!"

They look at their surroundings. Still pretty dark, but they can see a little better. Liv runs back to the group.

Liv: "Alright... I'm gonna follow you, Luke! Lead the freakin' way!"

Luke: "Alright. Huddle around, guys!"

Everyone gets close to Luke. 

Luke: "Alright..."

He begins walking, but he suddenly stops to find out there's a huge hole in the ground.

Luke: "Woah!"

Tyler: "What is it?"

Luke: "A hole."

Toby: "Awh... crap."

Luke: "No worries! We'll just keep walking until we find the exit to this room!"

He begins walking alongside the hole, watching for where there could be a potential end. Luckily, a pathway appears. It's big enough for everybody to walk on.

Tezuka: "Hey, it's a maze... I think."

Luke: "You know what? Seems like it to me."

They walk around the pathway, which has a lot of twists and turns. There's even some points where they had to jump across to another side. Eventually, they make it out of the room, and into the third.

Luke: "There we go! Yeesh. Finally, third room."

Toby: "Luna's still unconscious. Should we wait for her to get back up on her feet?"

Tezuka: "Meh, we can still keep going. Just bring her along."

Toby: "Well... Let's hope the next room ain't too difficult."

Inside the third room is yet another hallway. It isn't as big as the first room, however there are 6 full suits of steel armour that stand at the sides of the hall.

Tyler: "Huh. Sweet."

Luke: "Yeah... I definitely think this is another trap."

Tezuka: "There's six of them. Wait for Luna to wake-"

Luna bolts up and screams. She wiggles out of Tyler's grip, and she does a fighting pose.

Luna: "Yeah!!! I'm awake! I'm awake!"

She looks around the hall.

Luna: "Eep! Did the traps change?"

Luke: "Nope, we're in a different room now."

Luna: "Oh. Okay."

Luke: "So... Do you reckon this is a trap?"

She looks at the statues.

Luna: "Well... I'm not taking my chances anymore!"

She pulls out her bow, and shoots a huge bolt of lightning towards one of the statues. It falls down, and in a chain reaction, the other suits of armour awaken.

Luna: "Uh oh. Ghosts!"

Tyler: "We can take em easy. 1 each!"

Tezuka: "Alright. Watch me go."

She walks up to the group of suits. She coats herself in fire, and she controls her mana to create a big fire hand. She grabs one of the suits of armour with the hand, and it begins to melt.

Tezuka: "Easy."

Luke readies his shield, and he starts running towards one of the suits of armour.

Luke: "Here goes!!! GALACTIC BASH!!!"

He slams into one of the suits of armour. It is then sent into the ceiling of the dungeon, causing a large thud. The suit of armour falls down in pieces.

Toby: "Well... Maybe I could do something too."

He pulls a suit of armour towards him using wind, and with the same gust of wind, he dismantles the full suit of armour, causing whatever was controlling it to disappear.

Luna: "I think I should finish mine off."

She shoots another bolt of lightning to the suit of armour she shot. It explodes and leaves no trace of the armour.

Liv: "Hyahahaha!"

She slams one of the suits of armour onto the floor with her cannon, and then she creates a jetstream of water that blasts the armour into the ceiling, causing the suit to fall fown onto the floor in pieces.

Tyler: "Welp. My turn."

He creates two vertical walls of rocks, and slams them together with the suit of armour in between. The armour is flattened into a pancake.

Luke: "Hell yeah! We're getting stronger!"

Toby: "Well... We just fought ghosts... Or whatever."

Luna: "That was easy."

Liv: "Hyahaha!"

Tyler: "Onto the next room?"

Tezuka: "Onto the next room we go."

They all rush down ahead to the end of the hall. They enter a huge room that holds a cursed relic in the middle.

Luke: "Aha! There it is!"

Tyler: "Wait... I can feel something off about this place. Luke! It's a trap!"

Luke: "Meh, I'm going for it, ladies!"

He runs towards the relic, and just as Tyler warned, the ground begins to rumble. The ground then begins to rise, and a huge stone golem that makes up 2/3 of the room appears and growls at the Peeps.



Luna: "OH SHIT, OH SHIT!!!"


Tezuka: "Uh oh."

Tyler: "Seriously? You guys are babies."

He extends his arms forwards, and controls the stone golem. He places his arms to the side, which  rips the stone golem in half very easily. The golem then turns into dust.

Tyler: "Hmm. Well, that was anticlimactic. I was expecting something scarier, and something a lot more powerful."

Luke: "Well... We got the relic anyways! Yes!!! Thanks for delivering the final blow, Tyler!"

Tyler: "It was the only blow, really."

Toby: "Yeah yeah, well... We've finally gotten the relic! Go and get it, Luke!"

Luke nods and walks up to the cursed relic. It currently looks like a spiked mace, coated in a purple, horrifying aura. He places his hand on the relic.

Luke: "Hmm... What do I want..?"

He closes his eyes, and he pours his mana around the cursed relic. The relic starts to glow brightly and change form.

Toby: "Woah..."

Tezuka: "Awesome..."

The relic floats in the air. Instead of a mace, a shield, one that seems bigger than Luke's current one forms. It falls and lands straight into Luke's grip.

Luke: "Yes! A brand new shield!"

Everyone looks at him in confusion.

Toby: "Seriously?"

Luke: "If Liv's cannon can do cool shit as well... Then let's hope I can too!"

The shield becomes bigger, and the bottom of it slams onto the floor.

Luke: "Ohoho... Yeah. Watch this!"

The front of the shield opens up, and inside the front of what seems to be a flamethrower  extends from the front.

Luke: "Alright, Holy Flames, go!"

White, glowing flames shoot out from the shield, and it goes very far.

Luke: "Woohoo! All-Purpose shield!"

Luna: "Hon... That's actually pretty cool! What else can it do?"

Luke: "Well... Hold on, everybody. We're getting out of here."

Tezuka: "To the shield..? Or you?"

Luke: "Well, preferably me. Hold on tight."

Tezuka: "Erm... Tyler? Can you hold on to me? I won't do good holding onto him."

Tyler: "Fine. You're lucky I have good ass grip."

He wraps an arm around Tezuka, and holds on to her tight. Everyone else holds onto Luke.

Luke: "Alright... Get ready, hold on to your horses!

Toby: "Dear god."

The shield then forms 2 jet boosters on the behind of the shield, and everyone is sent flying full throttle ahead.


Everyone holds onto Luke for dear life. They all make it out of the dungeon in 10 seconds with the help of Luke's new shield. As soon as Luke stops, everyone takes a moment to put themselves together.

Luna: "Hey! That was fast. Hah, that was fun!"

Tyler: "Also very... Convenient."

Luke: "Hell yeah! I finally have a relic of my own!"

Liv: "It's pretty cool... However, not as cool as MINE!!! HYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Tezuka: "Wow. I want a relic now."

Luna: "How're you gonna use one, Stubby?"

Tezuka: "Stubby?"

Luna: "Y'know. You've only got stubs instead of-"

Luna is then met with a swift headbutt to the face. She falls onto the floor.

Luna: "Youch..."

Tezuka: "Why're you guys so mean to me? Calling me Stubby... Not cool."

Tyler: "Uhm... Anyways! Now that we have another relic, don't you guys think it's time to begin training? I mean... Didn't you guys say we have like... A week to prepare for voidlings or something?"

Luke: "Shit, yeah."

Tyler: "Yep, so we're going back to do some extra training."

Toby: "Alright, that's good with us."

Luke: "Alright gang! Hop on, we're going to freakin' Lusni!"

Luke laughs, and he seems quite content with his new shield.

Luke: "Wait... What am I going to do with my old shield?"

Tyler: "Hmm... Give it to me. I could probably do something with that."

Luke hands over his old shield to Tyler.

Tyler: "Okay. Now! Let's get some steps in, and NOT go full throttle into Lusni and destroy everything."

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