Chapter 51: Netherbrick Bar

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The next morning, at the inn's lounge...

Luke: "Well well well! My sleepy Peeps have finally gathered, like I asked!"

Toby: "What do you want, man?"

Liv: "Yeah... What do ya want?! I was tryna get comfy in them beds..."

Luke stands up, and he points his morning star at Toby, the spiked ball dangles a little.

Luke: "What does your leader want? Your leader wants full co-operation!"

Tezuka: "Well... We're already kinda here. So I think we are giving you full co-operation."

Tyler: "Yeah."

Luke: "Well!"

He pumps up his shield in the air.

Luke: "Remember the day when we went into that dungeon filled with those traps and gimmicks to go get me this relic shield?"

Jesse: "No. I wasn't there."

Luke: "Oh yeah. Well, does everybody else remember?"

Tezuka: "I remember."

Liv: "Me too, dumbass! What's that dumb shield of yours got to do with us being up early in the fucking morning?!"

Luke: "You know how we talked about maybe potentially getting a new member, and who and what we wanted them to be?"

Toby: "A new member?"

Luke: "Yeah dude, remember?"

Tezuka: "Wait... Are you talking about the Glacial Sage?"

Luke: "Yeah, I am! Guess what?"

Tezuka: "No way... You found a wizard with ice powers?!"

Luke: "Yeah! When I went out for tea with Luna and Jesse yesterday, I found a dude with some weird metal stick that looked like a wand! He froze almost the entire road and he took down like at LEAST 6 dudes! Though I only saw him take down one, I could tell he took down the others."

Luna: "Wait, is that what you said was awesome last night?"

Luke: "Yeah!"

Jesse: "So... Is that why you didn't want to linger about? Because of this... Glacial Sage?"

Luke wags his finger.

Luke: "Nuh uh. He isn't the Glacial Sage just yet. He needs to join the Peeps first."

Tyler: "Are you seriously going to try and recruit this guy just because he has ice powers and a metal stick like a wand?"

Luke: "Yes."

Tezuka: "Why wouldn't we, Ty-Ty?"

Toby: "Yeah Tyler. I remember back when it was just me and Luke, we wanted people with different elements since it would be cool. We thought Luna was a fire element because Shizune was, so we were eager to get her to join.

Tyler: "That day you must've learnt that Elements are not hereditary."

Luke: "It doesn't make sense though."

Tyler: "Huh? Of course it does. Did you not pay attention at school? Well, let me just give you a rundown on the basics, idiot."

Luke: "I uh, I-"

Tyler: "We each have a soul that drives our path, and eventually our resolves. That soul we're given is the sole reason we have mana, which in turn-"

Luke: "Blah blah blah! Tell me another time, dude. I wanna get the Glacial Sage on the damn team."

Tezuka: "Yeah. Me too."

Liv: "But what if he doesn't want to join?!"

Jesse: "Yeah, what if he doesn't?"

Luke: "Hmm... Then I'll call Matthew and make him force the Glacial Sage to join us like he did with Tyler!"

Toby: "Yeah, no. Let's not be stupid and resort to that. I'm sure there's other Glacial Sages out there. We just have to find OUR Glacial Sage."

Luna: "Well said... But wait, who exactly is he, anyways?"

Luke: "You'll have to wait and find out, my dear Peeps."

Tezuka: "Ooh! A mystery! Yayy!!!"

Luke: "Yeah, so come on, guys. Get ready and meet me by the entrance in 5 minutes. Got that?"

Others: "Right!"

Luke: "Good!"

5 minutes later, outside...

Toby: "So... The Glacial Sage is nearby?"

Luke: "Yeah. It's just a 3 minute walk at best."

Tyler: "Alright. Let's get going."

They all leave the inn in high spirits. They begin to walk along the streets of Città.

Luke: "Oh man... I'm so pumped! We're getting a new member of the team, guys!"

Liv: "I'm lookin' forward to finally meeting the Glacial Sage!!! HYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I'M GONNA BE HIS BEST FRIEND!!!"

Tezuka: "Whatever. He's gonna be everyone's best friend."

Luke: "Exactly. We're all friends here!"

Jesse: "Yeah."

Luke: "Alright... We're getting close, guys."

They stop on the road.

Tyler: "...Luke?"

Luke: "What?"

Tyler: "Why are we back at the fucking bar?"

Luke: "Because this is where the Glacial Sage is, dummy."

Tezuka: "Uh... Are you sure?"

Luke: "Absolutely positive. Trust me, guys. Let's all go in again!"

Toby: "Okay, fine. But this is the last time, okay?"

Tezuka: "Yeah. Me and Tyler have a date to get to."

Luke: "Alright, come on, Peeps."

They enter the bar once again. The same people from yesterday are sitting at the same places, in the same positions. The bartender looks up towards Luke. Luke decides to approach him and he grins.

Bartender: "You're back, are you? Want a drink to start off your vacation or what, O'Paladin?"

Luke: "A drink? Hell no! I want the cool dude with the ice powers I saw on the street the other day!"

Bartender: "..."

The people in the bar all look up at Luke once again. The bartender nods at the cowboy in the corner with his feet on the table. He stands up and he walks to the door behind the Peeps, and he locks it.

Tyler: "Wow. I just suddenly got a bad feeling!"

The cowboy then rolls backwards and pulls out two revolvers, pointing it at the peeps. The person with the beige coat puts on a dark green deerstalker, and a chain falls onto the floor from his belt. The bartender quickly whips out a Steyr AUG and aims it at Luke, and the person on the stool stands up and he pulls out a metal stick that quickly has ice form around it which turns into an axe.

Bartender: "Who the fuck sent you, huh?!"

Luke: "W-W-What..!?"

Bartender: "We don't take kindly to the fucking mafia!"

Luke: "M-Mafia?! I-I'm not part of the mafia?!"

Bartender: "Oh yeah?! Then what are you then? What do you want with Aaron!?"

Luke: "I-I'm the leader of the Peeps! I was just trying to recruit a cool ice dude! I swear!"

The bartender lowers his gun a bit.

Bartender: "...The leader of the Peeps..?"

Luke: "...Yeah, man! I ain't no shitty mafia member! Honest!"

Bartender: "...Dallas! Is there a girl with no arms in that group behind this dude?"

The cowboy raises his hat with one of his revolvers, and he scans the Peeps.

Cowboy: "Yeah, there is!"

Bartender: "No shit?"

Cowboy: "No shit, Blair."

Bartender: "Damn. Everybody, weapons away. These guys ain't a threat. They're good."

Everyone in the bar quickly sheaths their weapons.

Luke: "Phew..."

Bartender: "So... You're here for Aaron, right? Trying to make him a Peep, are ya?"

Luke: "Uh, yeah..."

The bartender shakes his head.

Bartender: "Sorry. He's sticking with us for the time being."

Luke: "D'oh. Wait, who exactly are you guys?"

Bartender: "Suppose we could tell you if you're not part'a the mafia. I'm Blair Fhorn."

He points his thumb at the long haired person.

Blair: "The one you were after is Aaron Borealis."

Aaron: "Hey there."

Blair points his thumb at the man with the beige coat and the dark green deerstalker.

Blair: "Sam Cirrus."

Sam: "It's nice to meet you all."

Blair nods.

Blair: "The guy behind your friends is Dallas Olton."

Dallas: "Howdy."

Blair: "Care to introduce yourselves?"

Luke: "Well, I'm Luke! Soon to be Luke Astoria."

Toby: "I'm Toby Whittaker."

Luna: "I'm Luna Astoria."

Liv: "Liv Kaizoku, don't forget it! HYAHAHA!"

Tyler: "Tyler Glenlamont."

Tezuka: "I'm Tezuka."

Jesse: "Uh... Jesse."

Blair raises an eyebrow.

Blair: "No last names? C'mon, girls, that's rude."

Tezuka: "U-Uhhh... Glenlamont. Yeah, Tezuka Glenlamont."

Jesse: "I... Am also... G-Glenlamont! I am Jesse Glenlamont..! yeah."

Luke: "Seriously..?"

Blair: "Huh. 3 Glenlamonts in the squad? Must be siblings, then... Even if you three look much different than the others... Anyways, sorry for almost attacking all of you."

Luke: "No problem! I was just a bit spooked."

Aaron: "Can't slip up, even for a moment. Who knows when a member of the mafia is gonna waltz up in here?"

Luke: "Why even is the mafia in this damn city anyways?"

Sam walks up to the counter, along with Dallas. They both stand next to Luke at opposite sides.

Sam: "Well, I'm not so sure exactly why they were even here to begin with, but I suppose crime is at every corner, especially here with all the homeless in the alleyways that're willing to do anything just to get their hands on money, but the reason why this town's been overtaken is due to that new scummy mayor."

Luke: "The mayor?"

Sam: "Correct, the mafia overthrew the old mayor, and they've implemented some scummy rules that fund the mafia much more, which forces most of those homeless to join the mafia just so that they're able to get money, but at the cost of their good morals. We believe that the current mayor is the mastermind behind the whole mafia as well."

Luke: "Good heavens. What can we do to help?"

Dallas: "Y'wanna help us, partner?!"

Luke: "Of course I do. I hate these kinds of scummy people in power, they don't deserve it."

Aaron: "I full heartedly agree, O'Paladin."

Blair: "Well, we have the same viewpoints on the matter, so what do you say you assist us with taking the mafia down, Peeps?"

Luke: "Taking down the mafia?!"

Toby: "The mafia?! Dude, that's going to be tough, especially if they've fucking overtook the entire city!"

Dallas: "Which is exactly why we need yer help."

Luna: "I dunno..."

Luke: "Well, I know for sure I'm helping."

Jesse: "M-Me too!"

Tezuka: "Yeah, we'll all help. But don't expect us to be there all the time... I don't really wanna tussle with the mafia, to be honest."

Tyler: "Same here."

Tezuka: "Hey, can you excuse us, Mr. Bartender? We would like to start our date we planned?"

Blair: "Sure, if you want..."

Tezuka: "Perfect! Cheers! Luke, tell us what's fully going on the next time ya see us!"

Tyler and Tezuka exit the bar.

Toby: "...I'm hungry."

Liv: "Me too! Hyahahahaha! Let's go get some food, Tobes!"

Toby: "Fill us in too, Luke."

Toby and Liv also exit the bar.

Luna: "I'm actually going to figure out if I can do something with that weird void dragon's scale. We brought it here with us, so I'm gonna go find a blacksmith or something... I could really use a bow."

Luke: "Alright hon, take care."

Luna: "You too."

Luna exits the bar.

Blair: "Alright, so you two are 100% positive you want to help?"

Luke: "Absolutely, Blair."

Sam: "As expected from a paladin. Fighting for justice everywhere they go."

Blair: "It's honestly noble of you to help us, though. Anyways..."

He pulls out two glasses and he slides them on the counter.

Blair: "You two want a drink? This one's on the house."

Jesse: "A drink? Of what?"

Blair: "I could get you beer... whiskey... All that."

Jesse: "Then... Beer?"

Blair: "Coming right up, young miss, what about you, Luke?"

Luke: "Haha... Cola?"

Dallas: "So you're one of those kinds of people, are you?"

Luke: "Huh? Wha'dya mean?!"

Dallas: "Soft drinker. I like your jig, paladin."

Luke: "Haha, thanks. Where're you from? You don't sound like anybody else from here."

Dallas: "That's because I'm from the Rusty Creek, partner."

Luke: "The Rusty Creek? Where's that at?"

Dallas: "Just in the desert."

Luke: "Oh, fair enough."

Blair: "Orders up, you two."

He hands Luke a glass of cola, and Jesse a glass of beer.

Aaron: "Ooh, you've got my favourite there, Jesse."

Jesse: "I do?"

Blair: "I forgot to ask what kind of beer you wanted. I just pour out that type out of habit for Aaron."

Aaron: "Well, that's because it's a damn good drink."

Jesse: "Well, I trust your judgement..."

She takes a huge chug of the glass, and she spits it out almost immediately.

Jesse: "Blech..! T-That tasted... B-Blech..!"

Luke: "Damn it, Jesse... Sorry Blair, I probably should've ordered for her. She's actually only just like, regained conscious like a month ago."

Blair: "Really? Fascinating. But anyways, I'll clean that up later. I'll fill you two in on the details later."

Luke: "Alright, how come?"

Blair: "Well, we were planning on another investigation. We're still trying to figure things out, and since you two have only just come to this city, you wouldn't know the layout. You got a phone?"

Luke: "Yeah."

Blair: "Good."

They exchange contact information.

Blair: "We'll add you into the group chat."

Luke: "Alright Blair. I'll keep in touch! Sayonara!"

Luke quickly drags Jesse out of the bar.

Luke: "Well..."

Jesse: "No Glacial Sage on the team. Does that upset you?"

Luke: "No. Of course not. He's with those guys for a good reason, and we're gonna help them out."

Jesse: "Y-Yeah!"

Luke: "Well, I'll probably linger around the place. You can go back to the inn."

Jesse: "Leader's orders?"

Luke: "Yeah."

Jesse: "Okay."

She begins to walk away.

Luke: "Just a second."

Jesse stops and she turns her head around.

Jesse: "Yes?"

Luke: "You're a dumbass."

Jesse: "H-Huh? W-Why?"

Luke: "Jesse Glenlamont?"

Jesse: "I don't know my last name! I just copied their name since I didn't wanna seem rude to the guys!"

Luke sighs.

Luke: "Fair enough..? Still stupid, though. You don't look anything like Tyler or Tezuka."

Jesse: "It was just a thought in the moment! I-I'm just going to go back to the inn, now."

She turns the corner, and she makes her way back to the inn.

Jesse: "Back on this road again..."

She takes the first right, and she stops.

Jesse: "..."

She looks over at the alleyway from the other day to spot the same child curled up in a ball.

Jesse: "..."

She walks over to the kid, and her lip quivers a little.

Jesse: "You're in horrible shape..."

She reaches out her hand to the girl.

Jesse: "I-I want to help you."

The girl looks up at her.

Jesse: "..."

The girl takes Jesse's hand very hesitantly. Jesse's eyes light up only slightly.

Jesse: "So fragile... Is... Is this what those guys are fighting to prevent?"

She suddenly picks up the girl.

Jesse: "I am going to save you!"

She runs off into the inn as quickly as she can. She runs upstairs and she immediately rushes into her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

Jesse: "Huff... Huff... phew."

She settles the girl on the floor.

Jesse: "..."

She shakes her head.

Jesse: "Uhm... The shower is... in that room behind you, and..."


Jesse: "KYAHHH!!!"

Toby: "Jesse? It's just me and Liv. Are you all good?"

Liv: "You slammed the door! I didn't know you had it in ya! Hyahahaha!"

Jesse quickly opens the door and she shuts it as quickly as she opened it. She stands outside grinning at Toby.

Jesse: "Y-Yeah! I just slammed it a little too hard by accident, is all. W-What are you doing here? Did you two already eat?"

Toby: "Hm? Oh yeah. We just kinda got something to go."

Jesse: "...I see."

Liv: "Yeah, it was actually pretty delicious! Yummy in my tummy!"

Jesse: "Oh, okay."

Toby: "Well, what did you gather from those dudes at the bar?"

Jesse: "They went out for the day to go investigate something, I think..."

She sighs and flicks some sweat off her forehead.

Jesse: "Uhm... Where's Tyler? Do you guys know?"

Toby: "Tyler? Oh, he's here with Tezuka in the lounge part. Their date was ruined by some asshole making fun of Tezuka the entire time. They just got out of there before it got violent."

Jesse: "Okay... I kinda need him for something."

Liv: "Do you now, Jesse Glenlamont?"

Jesse: "I-I just said something in the spur of the moment! I don't know my last name, so I just copied Tyler and Tezuka!"

Toby: "Oh. Fair enough."

Liv: "Sorry for pokin' fun at ya! Hope you learn it soon! Or... something. HYAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Jesse walks by the two, who just go into their own room as soon as she walks away. Jesse pokes her head into the lounge area.

Jesse: "Tyler?"

Tyler and Tezuka both turn their heads towards the entrance of the lounge.

Tyler: "Hey Jess, what's up?"

She walks up to him.

Jesse: "Uhm... Uhm..."

Tyler: "..?"

Jesse: "Can I... Borrow your phone really quickly?"

Tyler raises his eyebrow.

Tyler: "My phone..? What for?"

Jesse: "I uh, need to call the Shadow Prince."

Tezuka: "Ooh, Matthew? How come?"

Jesse: "I just really need him."

Tyler: "He did say something about running tests on you every once in a while, I think. ...Okay, but bring it back as soon as you're done."

Tyler throws Jesse his phone, and she quickly catches it.

Jesse: "Okay, okay! Thank you so much, Tyler!"

She runs off into her room, and she quickly fumbles with the phone, going straight into the contact section.

Jesse: "Uhh... Which one is the Shadow Prince's..? These nicknames are weird..."

She hovers her finger over some of the names.

Jesse: "Lollygagger..? Loose Ally..?! Who even is Loose Ally?!?"

She checks the contact information.

Jesse: "O-Oh... It's Luke. W-Why is that his nickname?! I-I'm going off track... I'll ask Tyler about it later..."

She sees more contacts.

Jesse: "Salmon Enjoyer... Sister. Well, that's probably just Hanako..."

She sighs.

Jesse: "Oh... His contact is literally just Shadow Prince... I did all that looking for nothing."

She taps on his contact, and it begins to ring.

Jesse: "Please..."

It rings again... and once more.

Jesse: "Pick up... I beg."

It rings once more.

Jesse: "Crap..."

The ringing stops, and Matthew finally answers.

Matthew: "This better be worth my time, Shitbender."

Jesse: "Huh?"

Matthew: "Huh?"

Jesse: "I-It's Jesse... Not Tyler."

Matthew: "Oh. Hey Jesse. You okay?"

Jesse: "I... I need your help!"

Matthew: "You do? Why couldn't you have gotten Tyler's-"

Jesse: "No! I couldn't! I need your help specifically!"

Matthew: "I see. Well, where are you guys now?"

Jesse: "Città Rovesciata."

Matthew: "I assume you're at the inn?"

Jesse: "Y-Yeah."

Matthew: "Alright, I'll be over as soon as I can. Sit tight."

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