Chapter 13: Parity

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It's dark. The only colour in the room is from his clothes and his skin. He seems confused. 

Tyler: "Helloooooooooo? Guys..?"

There's no answer.

Tyler: "Hanako..? Luke..? Tezuka?! This isn't funny!"

There's no answer.

Tyler: "..."

He still desperately looks around. Looking for any sign of life. Just anywhere.

Tyler: "Man, this is seriously weird. It's not a surprise birthday party, is it?"

He taps his chin.

Tyler: "Nope... It's April. Mine is on February. Hah. I'm a clutz."

He looks around once more.

Tyler: "Somebody! Please! Just say something! It's such a drag talking to myselffffff!"

His words echoed in what seemed to be infinite darkness. Despite his plead, nobody answered. He looks down.

Tyler: "Matthew? You're not pulling a fast one on me, are you? Is this because I accidentally revealed your name? I mean... I've seen darkness, but this takes the cake."

He hears a noise. Something he's never heard in his life. He feels something fall right next to him. It blends in with the dark. He tries to do something, but he can't.

Tyler: "What the hell..?"

Then it grows. The matter slowly forms color. It starts to take form. Tyler falls back, and tries crawling away.

Tyler: "Oh shit, A-A voidling?! Get away from me!"

It gets closer to him, still transforming.  It's taking the form of something.

Tyler: "Oh shit, oh shit... OH SHIT!"

It stops getting closer to him. It stands there and tilts it's head. Them he hears a voice. Saying things he doesn't understand... But how? This thing's mouth isn't moving. Why is it doing this?

Tyler: "No... No! Why are you doing this?! What the fuck are you?!"

Then, it reaches out to touch him.



Everyone jumps back.

Luke: "Sheesh, it wasn't that scary."

Tyler: "Guys!? Am I back?! What happened? I'm here? No darkness?! The monster is gone?!"

Luna: "Oh. Bad dream, huh?"

Tyler: "Bad dream..?"

He sighs, and flicks sweat off of his forehead.

Tyler: "Thank god. That was fucking scary."

Hanako: "Good morning, mister. You're gonna be in bed all day, as we agreed on it yesterday."

Tyler: "Oh, yeah."

Luke: "Haha! That's what you get for being an ass. Anyways, who the hell is this?"

He points his thumb at Tezuka, who's currently sat down on a beanbag of sorts.

Tyler: "Oh, that's... uh, Tezuka."

Tezuka: "Hello. You could have just asked for my name."

Toby: "We tried. You weren't listening."

Tezuka: "Sorry, I was just looking around. This place is weird."

Hanako: "Weird?"

Tezuka: "Yep. This place is very weird. There's a hybrid, some weird rat human creature, and an elf. This is truly a weird place."

Luke: "Oh. I mean, that's just how Poopbutt McShittyTitty is!"

Tyler: "Poopbutt McShittyTitty?"

Luna: "What..?"

Liv: "What is wrong with you?"

Luke: "I meant The Peeps."

Tezuka: "Lame. I like Poopbutt McShittyTitty better."

Luke: "Thank Uh."

Tezuka: "You're welcome."

Luke: "No, Thank Uh."

Tezuka: "You're welcome."

Luke: "Thank UH!"

Tezuka: "Boy, you must be really thankful."

Luke: "THANK..."

Tezuka: "You're welcome."

Luke: "UH!!!"

Tezuka: "Wow. The emotion in your voice... Really symbolises how thankful you are to me. Brings a tear to my eye."

Luke: "Someone please explain to this neanderthal."

Toby: "Basically, there's a stupid God out there who's name is spelt U-H."

Tezuka: "Seriously? Man. Whoever named him must have been stupid."

They grin at Luke, who in turn sighs.

Tyler: "Yeah. I agree with you, Tezuka."

Liv: "Me three!"

Toby: "Four."

Hanako: "Five~"

Luna: "Oh come on guys, it's not THAT stupid."

Hanako: "You're right, it's absolutely ridiculous!"

Tezuka: "I second that, Burned lady."

Hanako: "It's Hanako! Don't call me that."

Tezuka: "Sorry. I only know Tyler."

Luke: "Sheesh."

Toby: "Right, let's just get to it... I'm Toby."

Tezuka: "Hi, Toby."

Luke: "I'm the leader, Luke!"

Tezuka: "Oh boy."

Luna: "I'm your dazzling archer, Luna!"

Tezuka: "Enchanting."

Liv: "And I'm Liv! Don't you forget it!"

Tezuka: "Okay."

Hanako: "Repeat everyone's names."

Tezuka: "Hmm... Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler... and ooh, Tezuka."

Tyler: "Heh."

Toby: "Tell me you're joking. You're joking, right?"

Tezuka: "No, I'm Tezuka."

They let off a grin.

Tyler: "Shit! Tezuka got you there, guys."

Tezuka: "Luke, Toby, Luna, Liv, Tyler and Hanako. I got it."

Luke: "Thank God, I thought you were going to be an idiot."

Liv: "Hey, armless! What happened to you?"

Everyone glares at Liv. Tezuka answers quickly, with no sort of angry intent.

Tezuka: "Birth defect. They had to remove my arms, so now I only have these little stubs, see?"

They wiggle around little stumps from where their arms would be.

Tezuka: "See? I'm easy to talk to. I don't get offended."

Luke: "You're one strange dude. I like you."

Tezuka: "I reject you, but you're also one strange dude."

Luke: "Huh? Well, okay. Anyways... What do you do in terms of a fight?"

Tezuka: "Martial arts. Don't think of me as weak because I have no arms. I can still kick ass. Which... I have no other option, really. Oh, and I have the fire element. Cool, right?"

Luke: "I think I'd use the word 'Hot' there... Hehe... Get it? No? Okay."

Luna: "Just like my little sister. She's a fire element just like you."

Tezuka: "Nice. Anyways, can I join your squad? I would very much like to be a Poopbutt McShittyTitty member."

Luke: "Yes! I welcome you to the squad!"

Tezuka: "That was extremely easy."

Liv: "Huh, so... you don't want anything from us?"

Tezuka: "Nah. I just want friends. I just wanna be cool."

Tyler: "I can't tell if that's really sad or really inspiring."

Luke: "Sad."

Tyler: "Hmm... Leaning towards inspiring."

Luke: "Anyways, I was gonna go off to a dungeon. Who's coming with?"

Luna: "Me!~"

Toby: "I'll come with."

Liv: "Hyahahaha! I wanna kick some ass!"

Tezuka: "Me too."

Tyler: "Count me-"

Hanako: "No."

Tyler: "Out... Count me out."

Hanako: "Good boy."

Tezuka: "Hmm... Hey, Luna."

Luna: "Yes?~"

Tezuka: "Can you help me change?"

Luna: "Oh... Ew, no."

Tezuka: "...Liv?"

Liv: "Hell no! I ain't your slave."

Tezuka: "Please help me change, Hanako."

Hanako: "Oh... I- uh... I have to go fetch something..."

Luke: "I'll meet everyone who's coming outside."

He leaves the inn pretty quickly. Everyone else but Tyler and Tezuka are currently inside the inn for now.

Tezuka: "Rats."

Tyler: "What's up?"

Tezuka: "I need help."

Tyler: "Oh, uh... What with?"

Tezuka: "Getting changed. Bit difficult without arms. I was refused 3 times."

Tyler: "Really? Man. I aughta knock some sense into the others. Let me help you, then."

Tezuka: "I uh, I dunno..."

He looks at their wardrobe. Tezuka seems to have a plethora of Kimonos lined up. They all have one thing in common. They seem to have a color similarity. Red. Red with black patterns.

Tyler: "Hey, nice Kimonos here."

Tezuka: "They're the ones that don't have many flap thingies around the waist. Good leg movement, and it really helps."

Tyler: "Cool, and uh... Do you need help with..?"

Tezuka: "Yep. Everything. You miiiiiight  feel very, VERY awkward."

Tyler: "Yeesh, I already do."

He rummages through Tezuka's stuff. 

Tyler: "Wow! You have uh, very feminine stuff in here."

Tezuka: "Really?"

Tyler: "Yeah. I didn't know you uh, wore this stuff. You kinky or something?"

Tezuka: "Well... I don't see anything wrong with it."

Tyler: "Oh my. You're a freaky dude! I see why you needed friends so bad."

Tezuka: "Huh? What?"

Tyler pulls out some... unmentionables.

Tyler: "Well, this here matches. But hey, only the best for the freak, right?"

Tezuka: "Hey! I know I have no arms, but..."

Tyler: "Hey, I don't judge."

Tezuka: "But you literally just called me a freak."

Tyler: "Right... Let me just-"

He starts helping Tezuka change attire, when something comes to realization.

Tyler: "Holy shit you're a girl. Why the fuck didn't you get Hanako's help? Liv's?! Luna's?!?"

Tezuka: "I tried. That's what I said earlier. Just uh. Forget this ever happened... Ooohh~ I'ma gonna make you forget everything..!"

Tyler: "I hope I do, seriously."

After an uncomfortable amount of silence... Tezuka is ready to go. She's standing confidently.

Tezuka: "Booyah world. Here comes Tezuka!"

Tyler sighs.

Tyler: "I'm never... ever-"

Tezuka: "Hey, thanks for that."

Tyler: "Eh?"

Tezuka: "You're a real pal. Maybe I just won't ask for the other's help next time. Just yours."

Tyler's face flushes. 

Tyler: "Just... Just go. I can't deal with you."

Hanako bursts back in.

Hanako: "Howdy, Tyler! Oh, you're still here, Tezuka?"

Tezuka: "Yuup."

Hanako: "Ehehe... Whew. I uh, sorry I didn't help you change. Tyler did it, right?"

Tyler: "Y-Yeah."

Hanako: "Ehehe... Sorry. I know you'd struggle and all... But, I figured it'd be more easier with another boy, right?"

Tyler: "Y...Yeah."

Tezuka: "Is everyone still out there?"

Hanako: "Yep. Waiting for you, bud."

Tezuka: "Good."

Tyler: "Yeah... Please just hurry on outta here."

Tezuka: "Very well. Thanks for the help... Amigo."

She grins at Tyler. And she mindlessly wanders off...

Hanako: "You should go back to sleep."

Tyler: "Maybe I should. Maybe I'll forget that awful dream, and maybe I'll forget what I've learnt... and saw."

Outside the inn...

Luke: "Roll call! Toby!"

Toby: "Huh?"

Luke: "Luna!"

Luna: "What're we doing this for?"

Luke: "Liv!"

Liv: "Ooh, ooh! Here, here!"

Luke: "Tyler's absent. Hanako's orders... and Tezuka?"

Tezuka opens the door. If there was any smoke or any effects. She'd look badass. It looked like she kicked the door open.

Tezuka: "Here."

Luke: "One absent, but otherwise a full squad today."

Tezuka: "Poopbutt McShittyTitty is just Poopbutt McshitTitty without Tyler."

Luke: "Yeah. It ain't shitty with him around. Just shit."

Tezuka: "Terrible. Downright terrible."

Luke: "Indeed. I miss him already."

Tezuka: "Yes. Me too."

Luke and Tezuka actually seem very upset by this.

Toby: "Alright, instead of loving Tyler, how about we go to the dungeon?"

Liv: "Yeah! Me and Toby already know the path. Follow us! En garde!"

Luna: "Yeesh. You fit in perfectly, Tezuka."

Tezuka: "Thanks."

Luna whispers to Tezuka.

Luna: "So uh..."

Tezuka: "Uh?"

Luna: "Why did you ask me to help-"

Tezuka: "Because! As a girl, I thought you'd understand another girl's desperation. You have a cruel heart. I'm armless, y'know."

Luna: "Eh? Are you pulling my leg?"

Tezuka: "With what? My feet? My teeth?"

Luna: "You're seriously a girl? Oh... Oh my. Well, now thinking about it... You did look feminine for a boy."

Toby: "Transgenders exist, you know. You transgender?"

Tezuka: "No, I'm not transginger. I was born with red hair. It's bright red. Not a shade of orange. I'm NOT ginger."

Toby: "That is NOT what I said."

Luke: "So, Tezuka is a girl. Wow! Who knew! Surely this must've surprised someone, right?"

Tezuka: "Maybe. Wouldn't that be funny?"

Liv: "Wow! I feel like an asshole for assuming your gender."

Tezuka: "Don't you all?"

Luke: "Yep."

Luna: "Anyways... You all better be ready, because we're back in business! Time to fight the good fight! Err, without Tyler. He deserves this break."

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