Chapter 7: Blindsighted

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Meanwhile... Elsewhere.

Fuzzy Haired Fellow: "Do you think it's actually in here, Tyler?"

Dude named Tyler: "Aye, of course it is, you daftie. Why would it not be? I'm generally correct."

Short Bratty Girl: "No, you're not. I don't ever recall you being right."

The fuzzy haired fellow and the short bratty girl laugh. Tyler just rolls his eyes and scoffs.

Slightly Plump Dude: "Aha! Look! Do you guys see that?"

He points his finger towards a weapon, it has a visible dark aura.

Dude named Tyler: "Well, that thing definitely looks safe to touch. Definitely doesn't have aids."

Short Bratty Girl: "Quit your whining! Treasure is Treasure!"

Slightly Plump Dude: "This thing'll suit you, Tyler. Since you're a stinkin' asshole."

Dude named Tyler: "Hmm. I'm pretty sure you let it crust, dude."

Fuzzy Haired Fellow: "Good one, Earthie. I bet you bend over and take it in the ass, don't you? Now Klara, honey... Would you please pass me that weapon?"

Slightly Plump Dude: "But-"

Fuzzy Haired Fellow: "I'm the leader, Dipshit. Want me to kick you out the squad again? No? Quit it."

The short bratty girl picks up the weapon. She hands it to the Fuzzy Haired Fellow.

Dude named Tyler: "Guys... I seriously don't think we should-"

Fuzzy Haired Fellow: "You know what? Klara, do it."

The short bratty girl uses a water spell on Tyler, he's wrapped in a ring of water, and he seems shocked.

Dude named Tyler: "Wh- What the fuck? Why are you-"

A direct blunt attack of water hits him head on. He falls to the floor, seemingly unconscious.

Fuzzy Haired Fellow: "Let's leave him. While we still have the chance."

They walk out of the dungeon. Leaving him behind.

Back at the inn...

Liv: "But we have to! I need him to get gone!"

Luna: "We can go after Kinjo later, Liv! We need to find that Relic!"

Liv: "Bah! Relics are dumb! I need to take down that damned bastard who kidnapped me!"

Luna: "But how are you going to take him down when you're literally without a weapon, smartass?"

Liv then clenches her fists, and boosts them into the air.


Luna: "...Good luck with that."

Luke: "Guys... Calm down! We can do both of those things."

Toby: "Yeah, I say we kick Kinjo's ass and then get the relic."

Luke: "...I was leaning more towards finding the relic first, Toby."

Liv: "RAGHHH!!! I've had it! You people and your bickering! Come on, hybrid! You come with me, since you have some friggin' common sense!"

Liv grabs Toby's arm, and drags him away.

Toby: "Gahh! Sorry guys! G-Good luck!!! Try and make it back to the inn at night!"

Luke: "Alright! Don't die, you guys!"

Luke and Luna sigh.

Luna: "So... another little one of our dates, huh?~"

Luke: "I wish, anyways. Let's go to that... err, dungeon or whatever."

Luke and Luna leave the inn. They wander back into Cidade Dos Roedores, going to ask around the town about a dungeon with a relic inside.


Toby: "So... Do you even know where the hell you're going?"

Liv: "Of course I am! I can feel where he is."

Toby: "Ooh. So exciting. Please tell me."

Liv: "I've mastered the art of water so well... I can find a person based on the ripples of their blood."

Toby: "Oh, that's actually pretty wonderful. So you're basically tracking him down?"

Liv: "Nobody escapes me alive! Unless they bounty say so, matey!"

Toby: "English, please?"

Liv: "Let's kill him!"

Toby: "Better."

Liv runs very quickly around many corners. They've entered a more rural part of Runcornia. This place seems very old compared to the new Cidade Dos Roedores area they were just in.

Liv: "Hyahahahaha! The bastard thought he could run to a whole different town and hide from me!"

Toby: "You can sense him from a whole different place? That's really something, Liv."

Liv: "Hyahahaha! Thanks for flattering the Pirate Queen, ya hybrid!"

They run around a corner... And there he is. Kinjo. He turns around, and he seems confused.

Kinjo: "What the..? You're that hybrid from the other day... Who the hell is this girl with you now? I never saw her with you."


Kinjo: "What? You're a human? But how? W-What the fuck?"

???: "I bet I could explain that to you, Kinjo."

A man emerges from the alleyway behind Kinjo. Every step he takes makes even the ground shiver in fear. He bows, asserting his authority in this situation.

Kinjo: "What the fuck? Who the hell are you? How do you know me?"

Liv stands still. Her body is shaking violently. Toby notices.

Toby: "Liv..? Why are you so afraid..?"

Liv: "This... this is the guy... I can feel it."

Toby: "Wha-?"

???: "Oh, I'm regretfully sorry. Am I popular around here? I swear I've not even seen you a day in my life."

Liv: "You're... the..."

???: "Oh, so I am getting popular. Hm, unfortunate. I suppose I should introduce myself."

Liv: "THE SHADOW PRINCE..! R-right..?"

Shadow Prince: "Mhm. Grand, you're educated enough to harbour a guess on who I actually am. I dare say, Miss Transmogrified Rat, you intrigue me, and not a lot of people do, unless I'm paid to wipe them off the face of this world."

Kinjo: "So, what do you think you're doing, you bastard?"

Shadow Prince: "Well, this.. 'bastard' has a... few questions for you, Kinjo... If that's even your real name."

Kinjo: "You don't kno-"

Shadow Prince: "Kanadori Tsyumazeke, born 6th November, 20NN, am I correct?"

Kinjo: "Y-You..."

A pair of shadow arms appear behind Kinjo. They grab him, and they drag him closer to the Shadow Prince. The Shadow Prince glints at Kinjo, and flashes a menacing grin at him.

Shadow Prince: "I'm feeling nice today. I want you to ask me a couple of questions..."

Back to Luke and Luna...

Luke: "There's something off about this cave, wouldn't you agree?"

Luna: "Yeah. I'm getting the heebie jeebies. Can you hold me?"

Luke: "Don't try that kind of stuff with me."


Luna: "EEP!"

Luke: "Stay on guard, Luna."


Luke and Luna look at each other, they seem very nervous. The sounds of tumbling rocks and slamming can be heard very loudly. Dust starts to settle in the dungeon because of it.

Luke: "Oh god... we should get out of here."

Luna: "I-I agree! Whatever that is clearly isn't happy!""

Just as they begin to leave, a chunk of the wall breaks off behind them.

???: "W-What the hell?! Who are you people..?! You're not slimes!"

Luke: "What? Slime?"

Luna: "I'm an elf! Not a stupid slime!"

???: "They... They... Weren't stupid... THEY WERE MY FRIENDS!"

He punches the air, this causes a piece of the ground to extend and whack Luna's chin, and it essentially uppercuts her. She sustains a lot of damage.

Luke: "L-Luna?! You... You bastard!"

???: "RAGGHH!!!"

The figure runs up towards Luke, on his hands are 2 gauntlets made entirely out of the earth, he charges at Luke and begins pummelling him.

???: "RAGH!!!! DIE, DIE, DIEEEEEEE!!!"

Luke then bashes him back with his shield. The figure wipes off himself.

???: "R-RAGH!!!"

The figure extends the floor, and makes the ground below him extend at an angle and attack him like bullets firing from a minigun.

Luke: "Luna..? LUNA!!!"

Luke slashes through the Earth with willpower alone. He gets close to the figure, and slices his head, but it doesn't even do a single scratch to him. It's like his body is made out of stone.

???: "...Hmph. Pathetic swordsmanship, rookie."

The figure rises upwards, using the ground, and then he rains rocks above Luke, dropping them down as quick as meteorites.

Luke: "Damn it... Damn it!"

Luke stabs his sword into the floor, and he heals up Luna's injury. She stands up quickly, and quickly dashes away with help of her electricity.

Luna: "I can't afford to miss now..."

Luna charges up her bow, she shoots a bolt of lightning at the figure... to no effect.


Luna: "Wait... What?!? No!"

The figure grabs Luna by the leg with one hand. He slams her onto the floor face first, he raises his arm and swings and slams her onto the floor on the other side, and he continues to do this. He continues to absolutely attack these two.


Luna, from the pain, begins crying. A teardrop falls onto the figure.

???: "..!"

He drops Luna. And he falls to his knees.

Luke: "Luna! Are you..?"

Luna: "I'm fine... is he?"

The figure is on his hands and knees.

???: "Why... Why would they leave me... I-I did everything for them. So WHY!?"

Luke: "Are you okay... uh..?"

Tyler: "Tyler... Call me Tyler."

Luna: "You're strong."

Tyler: "I... I wont be for long."

Luke and Luna tilt their heads. 

Luke: "What do you mean, dude?"

Tyler: "This dungeon is gonna collapse. They already took the relic. They're... they're gonna go on a rampage. You two go. Leave me here to die."

Luke: "What?!? Who? Who took the- Nevermind that! You're coming with! I do not give you permission to die!"

Tyler looks up at Luke.

Tyler: "Why..? Why not?!"

Luke: "Because. I don't leave bros behind."

Tyler: "I-What..? I'm not your fucking bro!.. I tried to kill you..!"

Luna: "You stopped attacking me when your anger subsided. I think that's enough proof to show the both of us who you really are."

Tyler: "Forget it... I'm probably gonna collapse from the energy I used-"

He falls onto the floor, unconscious.

Luna: "Luke! We need to get him out of here!"

Luke: "Get his head! I'll get the rest! Go go go!"

As the dungeon rumbles, they run. They run run run as fast as they can. Their hurried feet dashing quickly as they carry Tyler out of there.



Shadow Prince: "So, the thief didn't work under you, huh? Tell me the truth."


Shadow Prince: "And that so happened to be me, asshat."

Kinjo: "I'll... I'll give you anything you want! Just please spare me!"

Shadow Prince: "Hmm... Tell me. Where is the Paladin?"

Kinjo: "Paladin... huh?"

Shadow Prince: "Yes. The Paladin you encountered."

He grabs his collar.

Shadow Prince: "Do not FUCK with me. I know you encountered him. I NEED to find out where the hell he is. Understand? If you lie once, I'll make sure you regret it."

Kinjo: "He's... He's dead..."

The Shadow Prince punches him in the nose, and with one simple swing, Kinjo's nose breaks, and he cries out in pain.

Kinjo: "I-I swear! He is!"

Shadow Prince: "No the fuck he is not. You're a pussy ass bitch who probably couldn't even lay a single fucking finger on him, you weak pathetic waste of space. TELL ME! WHERE IS HE?!"

Kinjo: "Cidade Dos Roedores! He's in Cidade Dos Roedores!"

The Shadow Prince punches him in the gut, his ribcage snaps, however a shadow hand covers his mouth, and then his entire body is forcefully snapped in half, and dragged into the shadows.

Shadow Prince: "Hmph. I told you I'd make sure you regret it. What an absolute idiot."

Liv appears from behind the corner.

Liv: "U-Uhm... Mister Prince... Is he dead..?"

Shadow Prince: "Precisely. He's a goner."

Toby: "Thank god for that."

The Shadow Prince walks up to Toby. He looks at him.

Shadow Prince: "My. I didn't even notice you before. A Hybrid? Before my very eyes? You're a rare one."

Toby looks back up at him. Seemingly fearless.

Toby: "Uh huh. I am... And... I'm proud to be a hybrid..."

The Shadow Prince claps.

Shadow Prince: "Well done, Hybrid. Well done. You actually made me care for a moment. Now then. You two should probably be... Wait a minute."

He stands still, and he grits his teeth.

Shadow Prince: "Fuck. FUCK! I can feel a relic nearby... They're meant to stay in those dungeons! That fucking idiot, whoever they are. You two, you can follow me. I'm sure they're nearby."

Liv: "Eh? You sure, Shadow Prince?"

Shadow Prince: "It's either that or... I leave you in the shadows. If you catch my drift."

Toby: "But... why do we even need to follow you... Well. I guess I'll bite."

The Shadow Prince takes a step forward. Terrified, Liv follows behind. Toby lags behind as well, since he has nothing better to do.

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