Chapter 37: Lost in the Wilderness

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Liv: "Gyahhh!!! I knew I shouldn't have gone with you, you freakin' idiot! We're lost!"

Luke: "Hey hey hey! It's not MY fault you went charging after a bunny! They don't even have that much meat on them!"

Liv: "But they're really delicious though. Gyahahahaha!"

Luke: "Man... Going over taste over value? You're more of an idiot than I thought.

Liv: "Ay! Watch that tongue of yours! You may be the leader of the Peeps... but you will NOT talk down to me like that!"

Luke: "Yes I can, you fucking short ass! Where would you be without me, ey?"

Liv: "I'd probably be with that bastard Kinjo, locked up and forced to be his slave!"

Luke: "Kinjo? Oh yeah! I beat that guy up a while ago. Saved you from his ship, I think... right?"

Liv: "Yeah, and I've been thankful since, y'know? Meeting you guys! Eventually meeting the other three as well!"

Luke: "Other three? The hell do you mean the other three?"

Liv puts her hand up to his ear, and she grins.

Liv: "C'mon... You, me, Toby and Luna are the original four... Tyler, Tezuka and Jesse? They're cool, but nothing beats the original four!"

Luke: "What? Don't just call them the other three! Also, I don't care if they're not the 'original four'. They're part of the team, and we're all good in our own ways."

Liv: "Oh yeah?"

Luke: "Like how Toby is smart, Luna is considerate, You're happy-go-lucky, Tyler's saved our asses a bunch, Tezuka's been... Uhm, and Jesse? She's still kinda shy, she just reads books all the time, not that there's anything wrong with it."

Liv: "Woah woah woah. You didn't say why Tezuka's good in her own way. You still being petty over what happened a month ago?"

Luke: "Well, it's just... I don't know. She's strong, and she can be funny, but the way she speaks... It's really hard to get a conversation out of her that lasts more than 5 minutes."

Liv: "Well, maybe you should stop spending time with Luna, and get to know her then, LEADER!"

Luke: "Ay!"

Liv: "Don't AY me! I'm not happy with your bias, douchebag!  You call yourself a Paladin? Paladins are people of order! Justice! How can justice be served if said justice is just biased, huh? Man oh man, I hate when you just take Luna's side without hearing anybody else out!"

Luke: "I-"

Liv: "Maybe when we get back with the others, try and talk about something that'll peak her interest! Maybe you're just a boring old coot, man."

Luke: "I am not boring! I am awesome!"

Liv: "There you go with the bias again, man."

Luke: "Since when did you get so smart, ay?"

Liv: "I have always been smart, jackass!"

Luke: "When?! When have you been smart? You just charge into battles with no thought process!"

Liv: "Yet, I know not to freakin' take sides! I thought you apologised to Tezuka for that, anyways!"

Luke: "I did, it's just-"

Liv: "Do you not want her to be a Peep or something?  Tell me, what's your issue? If anything, let me break it all down to you, buddy."

Luke: "God... fine. Let's sit down on that rock there."

He walks over to a mossy rock. He sits down on it, and so does Liv.

Liv: "Talk to me. What's the things you don't like about Tezuka, ey?"

Luke: "Well... She seems to only ever be interested in Tyler, and whatever he's doing at the time, and it makes me think that she's being biased herself, y'know? I only spent time with her alone once, and we didn't really have a meaningful conversation. When it started going forward, it then just happened to be about Tyler... Again."

Liv: "Well, she just likes him. Simple, no?"

Luke: "But... She only ever spends time with him, and barely spends time with the team!"

Liv: "Well, that's her choice. Quite frankly, with how many jabs you guys take at her, I can see why she decides to spend her time with Tyler, you know?  He's a nice dude to everybody!"

Luke: "I'm nice! I try my best for the team, and I take consideration for everybody!"

Liv: "But does SHE think you're doing that? Taking consideration for everybody?"

Luke sighs.

Luke: "I... don't think so, no."

Liv: "Just 'cuz your little fiancée is on rough terms with her, doesn't mean you have to be rough on her too. She's just a person. A person just like you and me. How would you like it if almost everyone was being a shithead to you just because of the way you spoke, ey?  Wouldn't be nice."

Luke: "Man, what should I do, then? I don't wanna be on bad terms with anybody."

Liv: "Here's a Liv tip: Stop the bias, and make sure you bond with people appropriately. If anybody else is being sour with another person on the team, I think it's your job as the leader to stop that sourness, yeah?"

Luke: "Yeah, makes sense."

Liv: "So, what're you gonna do when we get back to the others?"

Luke: "I'm gonna try my best not to be-"

Liv holds her finger up.

Liv: "Bzzt! Wrong. What're you gonna do when we get back to the others?"

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