Chapter 49: The Escape

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The warden snarls at Matthew, who's currently grinning.

Warden: "Cocky bastard! How dare you even stand up to me?! I'll kill you!"

Matthew: "Oh, Karen. I'd really love to see you try."

She pushes Matthew away, and she swings her baton at him very quickly. Matthew blocks the hit with his shadow scythe, and he starts to block a flurry of attacks coming from her.

Warden: "You'll slip! All you ruthless brutes do! ALL OF YOU DO!"

She's booted away by Matthew, and she leaves a trail on the floor.

Matthew: "Pretty ironic how you're the one who slipped. Fucking idiot."

Her eye twitches violently, and she stomps the floor.

Warden: "No! NO!!! I DON'T LOSE!!!"

She extends out her open palm, and a bunch of rubble from around the prison begins to float. Matthew raises an eyebrow.

Warden: "Graggh... GRAGHH!!!"

Rocks, metal bars, and other miscellaneous objects suddenly fly towards Matthew, and the warden charges ahead.

Matthew: "Shit."

He spins his scythe around, deflecting some of the objects flying towards him, but he has to block the warden's baton too. He blocks that, pushes her away and slices through the other pieces of rubble he can. He gets whacked by a metal bar, but he regains his composure very quickly.

Matthew: "Oh, you fight dirty, lady. You fight really, really dirty."

Warden: "Criminal scum shouldn't lecture me!"

She breaks off more pieces of the prison.

Matthew: "Damn it, you fucking psychic element people and your fucking telekinesis..."


Toby is outside the warden's office.

Toby: "Man... The alarms are still going off, and I think I can even smell a fire."

He sighs.

Toby: "Damn it, I really have to go find the others."

The floor beneath him sinks a little, and he loses his footing.

Toby: "S-Shit!"

He puts his back against the wall.

Toby: "Shit... The supports holding this floor up must be falling. I gotta get down from here."

He quickly makes a run for it.

Toby: "Crap... Just gotta get down from this floor, just gotta get down-"

Tyler: "TOBY!!! HEY!!! OVER HERE!!!"

Toby stops running, and he notices Tyler at the other end of the hall.

Toby: "Tyler!"

They run over to each other.

Tyler: "Hey!"

Toby: "Man... It's good to see you..?"

Toby looks Tyler up and down.

Tyler: "Heh. Trembling before the Boulder Prince?"

He poses, and Toby grins.

Toby: "Heh. So you got his stuff?"

Tyler: "Yup. Then I went to go find you."

Toby crosses his arms, and he smiles.

Toby: "Thanks dude. I was getting pretty worried being by myself."

Tyler: "Yeah."

Tyler looks Toby up and down.

Tyler: "You must be uncomfortable as fuck in that officer's uniform."

Toby: "Yeah, I am."

Tyler: "You can take it off, you know."

Toby: "Yeah, think I might."

He tears off the outfit with his hands.

Tyler: "Woah."

Toby crosses his arms.

Toby: "So... What now?"

Tyler: "Hm... We go and find Matthew?"

Toby: "Matthew? Sounds like a plan."

???: "HOW DARE YOU?!?"

Toby and Tyler quickly look down from where they are. They get a good view of the dining area, where the voice came from.

Toby: "Uhh..?"

Tyler: "The warden, methinks."

He cracks his knuckles.

Toby: "The warden? Would we stand a chance, now?"

Tyler shrugs.

Tyler: "Maybe."

Toby: "Well-"

The warden's feet slide against the floor. Matthew lunges at her again, spinning his scythe and slashing at her with quick speed and precision. She manages to block the attacks with her baton and stray pieces of rubble she's controlling.

Tyler: "T-There's Matthew!"

Toby: "What the? He's got a scythe!?"

Tyler: "Wait..."

He reaches into the Shadow Prince's coat, and he pulls out the revolver. Toby's eyes glisten in curiosity.

Toby: "W-Woah!!"

Tyler: "Yeah, you're damn right."

He aims the revolver down towards the dining area with only one hand.

Toby: "Someone's cocky."

Tyler: "Cocky?"

Toby: "Do you even KNOW how to use a gun?"

Tyler: "Meh, it can't be that bad."

He closes one of his eyes, and he aims down.

Tyler: "Damn, those two are quick-"

The warden breaks off the supports for the floor that Toby and Tyler are standing on, and they both fall.

Tyler: "WAHH!!"

His legs are grabbed by two of Toby's arms.

Toby: "D-Damn, you're heavy!"

Toby's other arms are desperately holding on to the railing of the floor.

Tyler: "Alright..."

He aims down the gun again.

Tyler: "Just... pull the trigger... can't be that hard..."

He takes a deep breath, and he pulls the trigger. The gun shoots out a very fast rocky bullet, and the recoil was so intense that he dropped the gun.

Tyler: "S-SHIT! T-THE GUN!!"

Toby gusts the gun back up using his wind abilities.

Toby: "Hold on tighter next time, stupid! Ever heard of recoil?!"

The bullet flies towards the warden, and it hits her directly in the face.

Warden: "GYAHHH!!"

Matthew quickly looks up, and he sees the two dangling up on the top floor.

Matthew: "What in the hell..?"

The warden stands back up, and the entire right side of her face has a burn mark from the friction of the rock bullet. She rubs her face in horror.

Warden: "You... I'LL KILL YOU, INMATES!!!"

She telekinetically breaks off the railings, and she sends them both to the floor.

Toby: "N-No, bitch!"

He lets go of the railing, and he propels himself and Tyler upwards a little with his wind to break their fall. They land perfectly.

Toby: "What? Think I was just gonna fall down like a little bitch?"


Toby: "I might've snuck into your office, dingbat. Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe have better awareness."

Matthew quickly slides in front of them, his back faced to them.

Matthew: "You two can fuck off. She's mine."

Tyler: "Huh? You sure?"

Matthew: "Yeah."

He steps backwards once, and he sucker punches Tyler in the face, but due to his hard skin, he quickly flicks his hand due to the pain.

Matthew: "Fuck! I keep forgetting about your dumbass condition! Why's your skin so damn fucking tough!?"

Tyler: "Heh. It's a bitch, ain't it?"

Matthew: "Whatever. When we get out of here, you give me back my fucking coat."

Tyler: "Oh. Okay, sure."

Matthew quickly propels himself towards the warden again. They begin to swipe and slash at each other very quickly.

Tyler: "Well, guess we just have to get the hell out of here."

Toby: "Alright!"

The two flee the scene very quickly.

Warden: "...I knew it was a bad idea to place them in a cell with you."

She growls, and veins pop in her head.


She suddenly becomes a lot more faster and aggressive, and she starts swinging at Matthew ruthlessly, like she's not even thinking. She's entered a rage mode.

Matthew: "God damn it... She's even got a rage mode? What a pain in the ass."

He squints his eyes slightly. He quickly blocks all of her ruthless attacks, even the stray pieces of rubble that start to fly his direction.


Luke: "Wiyahhh!"

He swings the morning star at a prisoner who was charging at him.

Luke: "Eat shit, asshole!"

He swings the morning star at another prisoner.

Luke: "And you too, shitface!"

He looks around, and there's nobody left.

Luke: "I'm getting a lot more used to this thing."

He swings it around a lot more, watching the chains spin the end of the spikey part.

Luke: "Hehe. I'm glad Tyler gave me this. Good weapon, I like it a lot."

He hears footsteps edge closer, and he turns around.

Luke: "Show your!-"

Toby: "There you are, Luke."

Luke's eyes widen, and he quickly runs over to the two.

Luke: "Toby! Dude, you're awesome. Thanks for taking down those dampeners."

Toby: "Thanks man."

Toby looks behind him.

Toby: "That's... a lot of people on the floor."

Tyler: "Plus blood too. Damn, Luke."

Luke: "Oh, that wasn't all me."

Toby: "Oh."

Tyler grins and points at Luke.

Tyler: "The Boulder Prince has returned, O'Paladin!"

Luke grins and points at him back.

Luke: "Alright, Boulder Mince! Time for you to get-"

Another explosion happens near them.

Toby: "Oh, crap!"

Tyler: "That was a close explosion..."

Toby and Tyler look at one another.

Toby: "...Should we check on Matthew?"

Tyler: "Uh huh. We probably should. Oh, and one thing, Toby."

Tyler reaches into the coat, and he hands Toby the revolver.

Toby: "Oho?!"

Tyler: "Have that. I know you're better with guns than I could ever be." 

Toby: "YES! Thanks! I'm gonna use it on the first officer or prisoner I see!"

Luke: "Where's Matthew at? Do you know?"

Toby: "You weren't actually too far from him. Follow us!"

Toby quickly takes off, and Luke and Tyler follow directly after him. They run back towards the direction of the dining area, but they're stopped by 3 officers.

Officer 1: "Don't move, inmates!"

Toby: "Hmm..."

Toby spins around the revolver with his finger, and he quickly shoots one of the officers. The gun shoots out a very strong gust of wind that passes through one of the officers' heads.

Officer 2: "Gyahh! Axol!"

Officer 1: "You'll pay!"

The officers charge towards them with their batons. Luke quickly swings his morning star at one of them, and Toby quickly shoots the other. They both fall onto the floor.

Tyler: "Hm. Nice work."

Toby: "Let's move."

Luke: "Okay. Let's go."

They go back to running, and they eventually make it to the entrance of the dining area. Matthew and the warden are currently clashing with each other, and rubble is being thrown everywhere.

Luke: "Oh, shit!"

A piece of rubble comes flying towards them. Toby quickly shoots it with the revolver, and a very strong gust of wind shot from the gun makes the rubble shoot back towards the warden.


She boots Matthew in the stomach, and he gets sent towards the group, Luke catches him.

Luke: "Matthew! You okay?"

Matthew: "Fine."

Matthew stands up, and he sees the warden twitching in anger.

Warden: "I... I can't believe it... Bested by criminal scum..."

She extends her palm to the side, and a huge chunk of rock comes to her hand. She grips it tightly.

Warden: "You're all dead..! DEAD!- H-huh?"

The entire floor starts rumbling beneath them.

Luke: "What the hell's going on?"

Matthew: "...The prison's collapsing."

Tyler: "Collapsing?!"

Luke: "W-We need to get the hell out of here!"

Matthew: "That, we do."

They all make a run for it, they run through a wall that had a hole blasted through it, probably from an explosion. They make it outside, and they run for the gates outside.

Tyler: "Damn! Those prisoners must've made fair use out of those gas tanks!"

Luke: "Yeah. But that means there's a bunch of criminals out there on the-"

They're quickly stopped by the warden once more, since she suddenly appears in front of them.

Warden: "You all turn back... RIGHT NOW!"

She clenches her teeth.

Matthew: "You're probably not gonna make it out of here alive, Karen. Just admit defeat, will you?"

Warden: "No... I won't let you beat me."

Her legs wobble slightly.

Matthew: "...So be it, then."

His scythe disappears into the sky.

Tyler: "Oh... Crap."

Tyler forms a rock shield around Luke and Toby very quickly.

Toby: "H-Huh? Tyler?"

Toby walks over to Tyler, and he puts a hand on his shoulder. Tyler's eyes are closes, and he looks a bit nervous.

Tyler: "...Here it comes."

The warden watches as Matthew's eyes turn fully white. The entirety of the prison then gets enveloped in the shade, and he grins very widely.

Matthew: "I was holding back, Karen. I seriously hate it when people are stubborn like this. You should've just admitted defeat."

A bunch of shadow hands suddenly appear out of nowhere, and they all grab and claw at the warden.

Warden: "W-Wahh..?? WAHH!??! G-GET OFF OF ME!!!"

Matthew takes a step closer to her, and he leans forwards.

Matthew: "Don't worry. I'll make sure to send regards to your boss."

The shadow hands grab multiple of her limbs, and they begin to pull very tightly. She screams out in agony, and both of her arms and one of her legs are torn off brutally.

Matthew: "Farewell."

A bigger shadow hand appears above her, and it extends out it's palm, and slams down against her head, flattening it into a pancake, and ending her life.

Matthew: "Hmph."

His eyes return back to normal. He walks over to the sphere Tyler formed, and he taps his finger on it, knocking on it.

Matthew: "You cowards can get out of that sphere now."

Tyler shifts the sphere a bit so there's a door they can all leave.

Luke: "What the hell was that about?"

Matthew: "Don't worry about it. We're all one step closer to getting out of here, alright?"

They all nod, and they follow Matthew. They successfully make it out of prison, and into a very big unfamiliar town.

Luke: "Great, where the hell are we-?"

Toby: "Luke! Look out!-"

A piece of rubble almost falls on Luke's head, but a big chunk of ice suddenly stops it from landing on him.

Toby: "W-What?"

A man waddles over to the four of them. He's obviously very drunk, due to his rosy, pink cheeks. He's holding a beer bottle in his left hand, and some sort of metal stick in his other. He's a very tall man with long hair covering almost all of his hair except his face. He's got a coat on that's unzipped, with a dark green jumper visible, matching with grey tracksuit pants and some smart boots.

Drunken Man: "Yew basturds the one's hoo've done this?"

Luke: "Uhh... English, please? Do you speak it?"

Matthew: "He's very obviously drunk. This guy'll be a breeze."

The man throws the bottle onto the ground, causing the liquids still inside to freeze immediately. He somehow sobers up immediately, and his hand clenches onto his metal stick.

Man: "Blair made me come after you idiots."

Ice begins to form around his stick, and it forms into a glaive.

Man: "I could'a been drinkin'. But noooooooo. I have to deal with escapees!"

He propels himself forward, but Matthew blocks it quickly with his shadow scythe that he formed again.

Matthew: "Crap... You guys get out of here, run! I'll deal with this guy!"

Luke: "B-But..?"

Matthew: "Just... GO!"

Tyler: "Jeez, alright. But don't kill him! He's a citizen, and not a criminal!"


The three quickly make haste away from the prison, and away from Matthew and the man they encountered.

Luke: "Oh crap, OH CRAP!"

Tyler: "Well? W-We're on the run now, guys!"

Toby: "I don't care! Back to the camp as quickly as we can!"

Luke: "Where do we go from here?!"

Tyler: "Hmm..."

He looks around him.

Tyler: "Uhh... That way!"

He points in a random direction. Everyone else just runs that direction, hoping for the best.

Luke: "Alright! Let's just hope we can find our way back!"

2 long gruelling hours later... Back at the camp...

Luna: "...I don't think that I cooked it right."

Jesse: "...It's very undercooked."

Liv: "I've ate worse. I'm a rat, for god's sake."

Tezuka: "At least it's better than the ashes I made."

Jesse: "...We need cooking classes, desperately..."

Liv: "Oh lord! If you can hear my prayers, please just bring back the fucking idiots. I beg."

Liv kneels down, and opens her arms up, looking at the air.

Tezuka: "I second that prayer."

Luna: "Me too."

Jesse: "Me three."

They suddenly hear a bunch of footsteps coming their direction.

Tezuka: "Hey..."

She stands up, and she quickly moonwalks over to the pathway to see three people walking down the pathway.

Tezuka: "W-Wah..! T-Tyler and the others!"

She immediately rushes towards them, and she gives Tyler an armless hug.

Tyler: "Oof! Hey, Tezuka."

Luna: "Luke!"

She quickly wraps her arms around Luke, who returns her hug.

Luke: "Hey hon."

Luna: "W-What the hell?! Why are you all in prison jumpsuits?! A-And why does Tyler have the Shadow Prince's coat on?!"

Tyler quickly looks down.

Tyler: "Awh, fuck. I forgot to give it back to him."

Tezuka: "...You look pretty cool, though."

Toby: "And I have his weird gun that shoots elemental bullets."

Liv: "Hyahahahaha! They got arrested? You've got to tell me everything!!!"

Luke: "Wait a minute."

Luke quickly breaks his hug with Luna, and he looks towards them.

Luke: "Uhm... Did you guys come looking for us?"

Luna: "U-Uhm! Of course we did, silly!"

Tezuka: "Ooh, yeah. We even searched back in Lusni with Hanako, but no."

Jesse: "W-We were seriously worried?"

Liv looks at the three of them, and she has a disappointed look on her face. Everyone else looks at Liv expectantly.

Liv: "...Nah. We didn't even search for you at all! Tezuka said we should wait a weeks tops to see if you would come back."

Luna: "Liv!-"


Tyler: "W-Wait! Not this again! I already apologised!!! C-Come on, man!"

Liv: "Hyahahaha!"

Luke: "Heh."

Luke stands at the camp, and he takes a deep breath.

Luke: "I'm... getting changed, immediately."

Toby: "Same."

Tyler: "Me too."

A few moments later... The boys come out of their tents in their normal outfits again, with Tyler still sporting Matthew's coat.

Luke: "Alright gang. I think we should hit the road, and go to Città."

Luna: "Right as you've returned?"

Luke: "Hell yeah! I wanna get back on my journey!"

Tyler: "Yeah... Say, where the hell is my hat?"

Tezuka: "Beats me."

???: "RIGHT HERE!"

Two people jump out of the bushes-

Luna: "Slorethro, Shizune... Please stop."

Slorethro: "W-What?"

Luna: "Oh, sorry. I've just been in a bad mood. But the guys are back, so you can go back to your normal stupid routines.

Shizune: "Wahey! You guys are back!"

Slorethro: "Happy days! Did you know these girls didn't even bother searching for you?"

Luke: "Yeah. I know."

He glances over at Tyler.

Shizune: "Anyways, we found your hat on the road."

She leans up and puts it on Tyler's head.

Shizune: "There ya go, dude! Lookin' as cool as ever! Glad to see you're alright, my main man."

Tyler: "Thanks, Shizune."

Tezuka glares at Shizune.

Tezuka: "...Luna?"

Luna: "Huh? You okay, Tezuka?"

Tezuka: "...Operation Ball Game."

Luna grins mischievously.

Legendary Duo: "Operation Ball Game?"

Luna picks Tezuka up from her feet, and she grins.

Luna: "Hey, Liv. Be the pitcher."

Liv: "You got it, Lunes!"

She quickly stands behind Slorethro and Shizune, who're standing still.

Tyler: "Oh... I see what's happening."

Everyone else backs off.

Liv: "READY?"

Luna & Tezuka: "YEAH!"

Liv summons a huge wave that engulfs Slorethro and Shizune in seconds. They're washed over to Luna and Tezuka. Luna swings Tezuka, who's lit the top part of herself on fire at the two like a bat, and they're sent flying into the air.



They disappear into the sky.

Luke: "..."

Toby: "..."

Luna: "..."

Liv: "..."

Tyler: "..."

Tezuka: "..."

Jesse: "That was mean."

Everyone looks at Jesse.

Others: "Nah, that's normal."

Jesse seems stunned by them all suddenly being in sync.

Jesse: "O-Okay..."

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