Chapter 52: Roses

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Matthew: "Jesus fuck, Jesse."

Matthew recently entered the inn, and went straight into Jesse's room. Inside the child Jesse took from the alleys was currently wrapped in a towel and hiding behind Jesse.

Jesse: "I-I'm sorry! I-It's just that she was in the alley, and I felt bad, and I really wanted her to be safe and fed, a-and-"

Matthew shakes his head.

Matthew: "No, I understand. You're just compassionate, and also quite the idiot. Looks like Luke's rubbing off on you. Did you not think about the consequences of this?"

Jesse: "I can't just let her die out there on her own! There's awful people out there! Especially the mafia!"

Matthew: "Good grief. Okay... Do the others know about this?"

Jesse: "Uhm... No..."

Matthew: "Why?!"

Jesse: "I-I was scared what they would think!"

Matthew: "Jesse! You realise that this might not sit right with everyone else, right?"

Jesse tears up a little.

Jesse: "I...I-"

Matthew: "Wait, don't cry... Jesus christ."

He puts a hand on her shoulder.

Matthew: "It'll all work out. Worst case scenario you'll have to take her to Hanako. I'm sure she can find it in her heart to take care of this... Squirrel."

Jesse: "O-Okay..."

Matthew looks down at the child.

Matthew: "I can't help but feel a little compassionate for it too."

A rumbling noise comes from the child.

Jesse: "Oh god... I-I think she's hungry."

Matthew: "Well..."

Matthew chucks a big sum of money on the bed, roughly around 1,000 gold.

Matthew: "There's 1,000 gold. I'll give you more next week, alright? That's enough for food, some clothes, and maybe some other things."

Jesse: "A-Are you sure?!"

Matthew: "Well, I can't just let the kid starve, can I?"

Jesse: "...Thank you, Matthew."

Matthew: "No problem."

He steps backwards.

Matthew: "Anyways, I'm heading out. I have something to do nearby here."

He puts his hand on the door handle, and he goes to leave, but his arm is suddenly grabbed by Jesse.

Matthew: "..?"

Jesse: "Uhm... Matthew?"

Matthew: "What?"

Jesse: "I-If she ever gets into any trouble, and she gets hurt... Can you promise you'll be there for her? To keep her safe? Please?"

Matthew: "...Fine."

Jesse: "Thank you."

She lets go of Matthew. Matthew looks back to notice the child looking up at him.

Child: "...Thank you."

Matthew: "No problem."

Jesse: "D-Do you have a name?"

Child: "...Kaley."

Matthew: "Right. Kaley, I'll see you in a week."

Kaley: "O-Okay, mister."

Matthew walks into the hall, and he steps outside the lounge room.

Matthew: "Hmm..."

He notices Tyler and Tezuka sitting down watching some TV.

Matthew: "Hmph."

A shadow forms underneath his boot, and it drags across the floor behind the chair Tyler's on, it pulls him back which causes him to fall onto the floor.

Tyler: "Waghhh!!!"

Matthew: "Hey, dick."

Tyler: "Ughh... What was that for..?!"

He stands up, and he and Matthew stare each other down.

Matthew: "Dick."

Tyler: "I know, I have one."

Matthew: "I'll chop it off."

Tyler: "Try that, and your sword'll will break again."

Matthew: "Bastard. Where's my coat?"

Tyler: "Toby has it. It's in his room."

Matthew: "Where's Toby's room?"

Tyler: "Find it yourself."

Matthew: "Well... I think me and Hanako are due for a conver-"

Tyler: "He's in the end room at the right."

Matthew: "Good choice."

Matthew walks off, and he eventually returns back with his revolver and old coat.

Matthew: "Thanks. Oh, and here's a present."

The coat in his hand gets shocked, and evaporated into ashes. He hands the ashes to Tyler with a smile on his face.

Tyler: "There was no need for that."

Matthew: "Oh, that's because you wore it. Also, that's for getting the blame of destroying the prison fucking pinned on me, you fucking prick. You're lucky I haven't revealed the truth, AGAIN."

Tyler: "Yikes... It was you who planned the idea. It's your fault it happened."

Matthew: "Don't get smart with me. Anyways, I've gave Jesse some money. So don't worry about her. I'm out. See ya in a week. PEACE!"

Tyler looks at the ashes on his hand.

Tyler: "...Got a jar with you, Tezuka?"

Tezuka: "A jar? There's probably a jar somewhere..."

10 minutes later... Outside.

Jesse: "Okay..! Kaley, we need to preferably go find you some clothes."

Kaley: "Clothes?"

Jesse: "Yes. I can't have you wearing those dirty ones all the time... Luckily the last people who were in our hotel room left some clothes behind... But those aren't yours, so I'll get you some for your own."

Kaley: "T-Thank you."

She eventually finds a clothing store with a beautiful looking exterior. There's a lot of pretty dresses and fashionable suits on mannequins on windows.

Jesse: "Finally, a clothes shop... And it looks pretty fancy too, ay Kaley?"

Kaley: "..."

Kaley tightly puts her hand onto Jesse's, and she looks up at her.

Jesse: "Shall we go in?"

Kaley nods, and Jesse walks into the clothing store with Kaley's hand in hers.

Jesse: "Woah..."

Jesse looks around, there's a lot of different clothes on display, and she seems pretty amazed.

Jesse: "Alright, Kaley. Pick whatever you'd like."

She looks down at Kaley, who's still holding onto her hand. Her face is blank, and she's just standing still.

Jesse: "Kaley?"

Jesse tilts her head.

Jesse: "You can uh... Pick out anything. I don't mind."

Kaley looks up at her, still standing still.

Jesse: "...Uhm..."

Jesse's eyes dart around, and she spots a changing room area.

Jesse: "W-Wait, maybe I can..."

She walks over to the changing rooms along with Kaley, and she lets go of her hand.

Jesse: "Alright, Kaley... I-I'll uhm, go find some things. I'll be back in a second..."

She quickly leaves, and she comes back with a huge pile of clothes. She plops them inside one of the changing areas.

Jesse: "Okay! Are you watching, Kaley?"

Kaley looks up at her.

Jesse: "Alright. Good."

She walks into the changing area, and she closes the curtain, and after a couple of minutes, she comes out in a completely different outfit.

Jesse: "Ta-daaa! Look at me! I'm uh... Wearing something else! Not that dark green costume that just... Kinda clung to my body!"

She looks over to Kaley, who's eyes are shining slightly.

Jesse: "Oh? Did... Uh, Did you like that, Kaley?"

Kaley: "Y-Yeah."

Jesse: "Okay then, I'll change again! Keep watching, Kaley!"

She disappears behind the curtain again, and after a couple minutes, she comes out in yet another completely different outfit. 

Jesse: "Ta-daaaaa!"

She notices Kaley's eyes shining a lot more.

Jesse: "...Again?"

Kaley: "Again! Again!"

Jesse: "Alright!"

She closes the curtain once more, and after a couple of minutes, she appears in another brand new outfit.

Jesse: "Ta-daaaaa! ...Again!"

Kaley: "Yay!"

Jesse: "Do you want to give this a shot, Kaley?"

Kaley: "C-Can I?"

Jesse: "Yes, of course you can. I said that to you as soon as we got in."

Kaley: "A-Are you sure..?"

Jesse: "Positive."

Jesse takes her hand and she pulls her behind the curtain.

Jesse: "Let's just get you changed until you like something, okay?"

She turns her head towards the mirror.

Jesse: "There. You can see how you look while you change. Isn't that cool?"

Kaley: "Y-Yeah."

Jesse: "Go all out and pick whatever you want. I'll probably find something to wear myself too."

Kaley: "Okay."

Jesse and Kaley began to try out a variety of outfits, each trying on things they've never had the chance to wear in their lives.

Jesse: "Kaley! Check me out!"

She's now wearing a light blue knitted sweater, along with a grey skirt with some black shorts underneath, and some quarter-length socks with some black heels.

Jesse: "How do I look?"

Kaley looks up at her, and she nods.

Kaley: "Pretty."

Jesse looks in the mirror.

Jesse: "Pretty? Nobody's really complimented me like that before."

She smiles and looks down at Kaley.

Jesse: "Thank you."

Kaley: "D-Do I look okay?"

She's wearing a green dress with a polka dot pattern, with white frilly parts at the bottom and around the wrists. She's also wearing some black slip-on shoes with white calf socks.

Jesse: "Woah! That looks really nice on you, Kaley. Do you like that?"

Kaley: "Y-Yes. Can I have it?"

Jesse: "Well! Of course you can! I'll just have to pay for it first..."

She goes to take a step, but she falls over and slams her head onto the floor, which causes a very loud thud.

Kaley: "A-Ahh! A-Are you okay?!"

Jesse: "Oof..."

She sits up, and she rubs her head.

Saleswoman: "Oh dear! is everything okay over here, girls?"

Jesse: "H-Huh? Y-Yeah... Just fine. I uh... I've never wore these heels before."

Saleswoman: "Oh... It's not easy the first time, darling."

She helps Jesse up.

Jesse: "Uhm... Can I pay for these even if I'm wearing them?"

Saleswoman: "Of course you can!"

The saleswoman then looks over at Kaley, and she smiles.

Saleswoman: "Aww, is that your daughter? She's so adorable."

Jesse: "Daughter..?! U-Uh..."

Saleswoman: "You know what? I'll give you a discount just because your daughter's so cute."

Jesse: "Discount?! O-oh Jeez, thank you."

Saleswoman: "You know, there's a salon in the other part of the shop. Would you girls like me to take you there?"

Jesse: "Salon?"

Saleswoman: "To do your hair! Haven't you been to one? Your hair has green dye on the inside parts-"

Jesse: "Oh! N-No... That's just my natural hair color. It's always looked like that."

Saleswoman: "Oh! My apologies. It was just... Your outer hair was black, so I just assumed."

Jesse: "Well, I guess I'll go to the salon. Coming with, Kaley?"

Kaley runs from behind the curtain and she takes Jesse's hand. The saleswoman then guides them to the other side of the store, while also teaching Jesse how to walk in heels on the way there.

20 minutes later, out on the streets...

Jesse: "Well, I'd say that was worth the money."

She looks down at Kaley.

Jesse: "Oh, and I think it was nice of her to give you that white bow. It suits you, and now you've got a cute little ponytail going on there."

Kaley: "I really like it. Thank you."

Jesse: "You're welcome."

They walk by a patisserie, and Kaley pokes Jesse on the leg.

Jesse: "Hm? What's up?"

Kaley: "I-I'm hungry."

Jesse: "I suppose you would be..."

Kaley points at the patisserie.

Kaley: "Can we eat in there?"

Jesse: "Hm. I'll see what we can get."

Kaley: "Okay."

Jesse takes Kaley inside the patisserie, and they're greeted by the cashier.

Cashier: "Welcome to LaPeeve Patisserie! May I get you gals anything?"

Jesse: "Woah..."

She looks at all the varying types of pastries inside the display cases. There are simple types of pastries like macarons, and then there's a huge wedding cake in the corner.

Kaley: "..."

She taps on Jesse's leg.

Jesse: "Hm?"

Kaley points at the chocolate cake on display.

Jesse: "Chocolate? You want some chocolate cake?"

Kaley nods.

Jesse: "O-Okay... Can I have 2 slices of chocolate cake, please?"

Cashier: "Two slices? Alright. That'll just be 50 gold each."

Jesse checks inside the bag of money Matthew gave her, and she realises there's only 100 gold left.

Jesse: "U-Uhm... O-Okay..."

She hands the money to the cashier, and in a couple of minutes, she's handed two slices of cake. They sit down inside at a table.

Jesse: "(Oh dear... Oh dear... M-Matthew said he'll give me money every week... B-But I've already gone ahead and spent it all... Uuuuuuu.. I'm an idiot...)"

She looks over to Kaley, who's stuffing her face with the chocolate cake.

Jesse: "(...What can I do? She's so happy right now...)"

She sighs.

Jesse: "(I'll probably have to get some of Tyler's money...)"

Kaley: "That was delicious."

Jesse: "Huh?"

Kaley: "Uhm... Are you okay?"

Jesse: "Y-yeah! Don't worry about me, Kaley."

She notices some chocolate smeared all over Kaley's lips.

Jesse: "You're a pretty messy eater."

She leans forward and she wipes off Kaley's face with a tissue.

Jesse: "There you go. Like brand new, and beautiful!"

Kaley's eyes sparkle afterwards.

Jesse: "Alright... I guess I should eat my cake too. Would be a huge waste if I didn't have it."

She bites down into the cake, and she impulsively begins to chow down just like Kaley did. In a couple of moments, she eats the entire thing.

Jesse: "Mmh! Delicious..! Mhmhmhmhmhmhmmm!!!!"

She has a delighted look on her face. Kaley giggles.

Kaley: "You have a dirty face."

Jesse: "I-I guess I do... Haha. Sorry for that, Kaley... I don't know what came over me."

She wipes her face with a tissue.

Jesse: "A-Alright... Let's hurry back to the inn, shall we?"

Kaley: "Okay."

They leave the patisserie, and they walk to the entrance of the inn.

Jesse: "Alright..."

She picks up Kaley again, and she runs through the inn quickly again, and she runs into her room and shuts the door quickly behind her.

Jesse: "Phew... These heels are hard to run in."

She kicks them off, and she nods.

Jesse: "Okay..."

She pats Kaley on the head.

Jesse: "You stay right here, okay?"

Kaley: "Okay."

Jesse: "Good girl."

She steps out of the room, and she sighs. Tyler suddenly walks up to her, waving his hand at her with a concerned look.

Tyler: "Hey Jess. You've uh, slammed the door twice in one day. Is something up?"

Jesse: "N-No! I'm just not used to how light they are to me..."

She gives an uncharacteristic grin to him. Tyler raises an eyebrow.

Tyler: "Ooookay? Nice outfit, by the way. Did you go shopping for clothes?"

Jesse: "Uh, yeah. I did."

Tyler: "So Matthew gave you money?"

Jesse: "Y-Yeah."

Tyler: "Hm, alright then. I was just checking on you..."

He goes to turn around, but Jesse grabs his arm.

Jesse: "Hold on..! W-Wait!"

Tyler: "?"

Jesse: "C-can I ask something of you..?"

Tyler: "Well, if you need to grab my arm for it, it's gotta be important, I suppose. Sure, go ahead."


Tyler: "Huh?"

Jesse: "I-I'm sorry!"

Tyler: "I did not hear a bloody thing you said."

Jesse: "O-Oh."

Tyler: "Something about an allowance..?"

Jesse fidgets a little.

Jesse: "U-Uhm... Y-Yes..! A-An allowance..!"

Tyler: "You want an allowance?"

She begins to fidget a lot more.

Jesse: "Y-Yes please..."

Tyler: "Even after Matthew gave you money..?"

Jesse: "..."

Tyler: "First... You say your last name's Glenlamont, now you're asking me for money? I'm not your father, you know. I'm not even that bloody old! In fact..."

He counts with his fingers.

Tyler: "Luke's the oldest right now... Then it's Tezuka, since she was born 4 hours before me... Then it's me. Hm."

He looks over to Jesse, who's suddenly began to shiver and tear up.

Tyler: "Huh? Jesse..?-"

She suddenly bursts out crying really loudly.

Jesse: "I-I'm sorry, Tyler..!"

Tyler: "Jesus christ! The hell're you crying for!?"

Toby, Liv and Tezuka suddenly rush to the halls after hearing Jesse cry.

Toby: "What the hell's going on?!"

Tezuka: "Jesse?!"

Liv grabs Tyler by his shirt aggressively

Liv: "The hell'd you do, shitbender?!"

Tyler: "N-Nothing! She just asked for an allowance and she just suddenly started crying!"

Jesse: "I-I'm sorry..!"

Tyler breaks free from Liv's grasp, and he pats her head in an awkward way to console her.

Tyler: "Jesse... What do you have to be sorry for? It's just an allowance."

Jesse: "I...I-I..."

Tyler: "You what, Jesse?"


She bursts out into even more tears, and everyone's just shocked at what she's admitted.

Toby: "Y-You took a kid off of the alleyway?!"

Tyler: "You snuck a kid in here?!"

Tezuka: "You spent all of Matthew's money?!"

Liv: "Chocolate cake?!"

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