Chapter 23: More than Friends

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The next day...

Luke: "Well then, team! Today we're all having ourselves a nice outing!"

Tyler: "Woohoo. Lusnayin P'arraton..."

Luna: "You don't sound very excited."

Tyler: "Well... You're meant to be spending this festival with your romantic partner. We're all going as a team, which is weird."

Luke: "Oh, seriously? I thought this was just a festival about worshipping the moon or something."

Tyler: "Well, yeah. That is where the tradition comes from, but recently people have been spending it with their romantic partners, as it's said that the light from the moon will guide them into good luck."

Luna: "Ooh. That sounds beautiful."

Tyler: "Well, I'm still down to go, but I'll feel awkward about it."

Liv: "Do I have to go as well? Bleh! Romance sucks!"

Toby: "Well, I guess we can all be awkward about it as a team!"

Tezuka: "Uh... What were we doing?"

Luke: "You don't listen."

Tezuka: "Yeah, cause I was bored."

Tyler: "Well. Boo hoo. I get bored too."

Tezuka: "Not of me, though."

Tyler: "I'm bored of you right now."

Tezuka: "Aww. No you're-"

Liv: "Shut up, you idiots!"

Luke: "Thank you, anyways..."

The door slams open. Hanako, Faith and Hope all stand at the doorway.

Hope: "Hi Dad!"

Faith: "Hi Dad and Uncle Rock!!!"

Hanako: "Hey. Sorry I'm here a little late. Was just getting to know the kids a little bit more."

Luna: "Oh yeah?"

Hanako: "Yep. They told me they were wearing the same clothes every day of their lives since they got here."

Hope: "Yeah!"

Tyler: "I don't see that as something to be proud of, Kids."

Faith: "Oh. Sorry, Uncle Rock."

Tyler: "It's... okay?"

Tezuka: "Hey, Uncle Rock. Tell these girls what we're doing tonight."

Tyler: "Oh, yeah. We're going to Lusnayin P'arraton. You two wanting to come with?"

Hope: "Lusnayin P'arraton? What is that?"

Hanako: "A festival we have here at Lusni, to celebrate the moon's radiating light."

Tyler: "Comes from our ancestors worshipping the moon."

Hanako: "Yeah."

Faith: "Ooh! I wanna go!"

Hope: "Yeah! I wanna go too!"

Hanako: "I dunno... it's going to be late at night, and I don't want you two getting lost."

Tyler: "It's like you're quoting our mother, Hanako."

Hanako: "Oh... shut up."

Tezuka: "Hey, leave the kids to us. They'll be fine, and under supervision."

Hanako: "With you guys? I don't know..."

Faith: "Please, Mommy?"

Hanako's face flushes. 

Hanako: "Ghk... Fine."

Hope: "Yay!"

Hanako: "You're welcome. Ugh. You two are so hard to say no to."

Faith: "Heehee!"

Tyler: "Well, I'll make sure they don't get up to any mischief. You can take it easy for the day."

Hanako: "With the festival? I was planning on getting the twins new clothes... new things... I'll have to postpone all that stuff, cause BOY will it be crowded."

Luke: "Oh, what's wrong? Nobody bringing you along to the festival?"

Hanako: "Eh, I'm not gonna be dating anybody for a while."

Faith: "Are you not dating Daddy, Mommy?"

Hanako: "No! I wouldn't date him ever!"

Luke: "Ouch."

Hope: "Aww... Mommy, please-"

Hanako: "No. I'm pretty sure your father is dating the elf."

The girls look at Luna, who's currently blushing.

Luna: "Oi! I-I'm not dating him! y-yet..."

Faith: "Ooh. Mommy number 2."

Hope: "Zappy elf? She's Mommy 2?"

Tyler: "Good grief..."

Luna: "Oof... Shizune is gonna flip out when she sees two kids calling me Mommy..."

Luke: "Anyways... Should we all get ready?"

Tezuka: "Yeah. Let's."

Later... Around night...

The Peeps are still at the inn, dressed in fancy suits and dresses. They're now playing card games to pass the time. Faith and Hope are also playing.

Tyler: "And... a Royal Flush! Damn Faith. You're good."

Faith: "Yayyyy! I win, I win-"

Liv flips the table.


Hope: "AHHH! The rat is scary!"

Faith summons and starts throwing pebbles at Liv.


Luke: "Hey! Leave them alone."


Tezuka: "Salty?"

Liv grabs Tezuka by the neck, and starts choking her while lifting her up in the air.


Luna: "Jesus christ!"

Hope: "Eeep! I'm scared!"

Tyler: "For fucks sake..."

Tyler lifts a finger, and slams Liv's face with a rock, temporarily knocking her out.

Tyler: "Yeesh. I thought Toby told you to always be prepared for attacks."

Tezuka gets up from the floor, after catching her breath again.

Tezuka: "Phew. That was scary. I thought I was gonna die."

Luke: "Well, you didn't! Good job, Tezuka."

Faith: "A-Armless lady?"

Tezuka: "Yo."

Hope: "That was pretty funny how you got her mad."

Faith: "Yeah!"

Tezuka: "Really? I wasn't trying to make her mad. I was just asking her a question."

Toby: "Still pissed her off, though."

Tyler: "Yeesh. Hey, kids? Don't play card games with Liv."

Faith: "Heehee. We won't, Uncle Rock. She's a sore loser."

Luke looks at the clock. His eyes shine.

Luke: "Oh, would you guys look at the time? The Festival is about to begin!"

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