Chapter 17

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Hey guys, there might not be any drama in this like I said in the last chapter. I'm just not sure, we'll see how this chapter turns out.

Also, I am so sorry that I didn't update on Wedneday or Thursday. I have spring break until April 8th, so I might update atleast 3 to 4 during that time, maybe more.

I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)



I make sure I keep a good grip on this puppy. He is so fast, plus he keeps peeing on everything. Guessing that's the dogs life.

Also, I'm making sure I keep a good grip on Natalie's hand, so the boys walking by checking her out, will know she's dating me.

I know, I know, I shouldn't really worry about boy's checking out and being jealous, it's just, I'm an over protective boyfriend. Yeah, that's it.

I see the McDonald's sign, and we run across the street while the white walking sign is on. Today is real busy. Well it is Saturday.

We walk in the McDonald's, thank goodness this McDonald's let us bring animals in here.

We walk up to the cashier and take our orders.

"I will please like a double cheese burger, with a medium fry, and a medium drink please," Natalie smiles.

I'm so happy she eats like this. She's gonna marry me... Hopefully.

"Can I get a Big Mac, with a medium fry, and also a medium drink please," I give the cashier a smile.

She nods, "That will be $7.50"

I beat Natalie to it, and hand the girl a $10 and she hands me back the change and the receipt. I look over at Natalie and give her a smirk.

We grab cups for our drinks, and get what we want. We find a place to sit, and Natalie holds Sampson, while I go get the food.

I grab the food, and the girl gives me a smirk and hands me a piece of paper. "Enjoy your meal, sexy." She winks.

"No thanks for the number, I'm happily taken." I smile, "Oh and thank you for the food."

She looks upset, like mad upset, but I just shrug and walk away to our table.

I sit the food down, and we begin to eat. We also gave Sampson some fries. We already knew he loved it. Haha.


I heard and saw everything what happened with the girl and Keaton. I'm so glad Keaton did that, that made me trust him more. He's the perfect boyfriend. <3

We sit here laughing, and feeding Sampson fries. Gah, this puppy is so adorable.

"So, should we go to the boardwalk?" Keats asks.

"Yeah, let's go!" I get up and push in my chair.

Keaton grabs my hand, and grabs Sampson's leash. We head out McDonald's and we head to the boardwalk


After that exhausting 15 minute walk, we finally make it.

We see TONS of people, Lord, this place is crowded.

And to make it worse, Sampson get's out of his leash and runs away.

"Oh my god! KEATON! GET HIM!" I scream.

City of Angels. (Emblem3 fan fiction) (Keaton Stromberg fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now