Chapter 32

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I walk down the hot, sandy beach. Wesley right behind me, carrying some chairs. Today, Wesley and I are having a beach day. Keaton is at a friend's house, while Drew is working.

I find the perfect spot and giggle. Wesley laughs and sits our beach chairs down. I undo mine and sit on it. Wesley does the same. I pull out my iPhone and put my headphones in jamming some 'One Direction' in my ears.

I hear Wesley talking, so I decide to put my phone away. "I'm sorry. What were you saying?" I giggle.

"Do you wanna go out to the water?" He asks, smiling. I nod my head, "Sure."

We get up and walk side by side. The hot sand hits my feet and I squeal. It was so hot. Wesley chuckles. I rush to the colder sand near the water. I sigh when I get to the mud sand and put one of my feet in the water. The cold water touches it, and I sigh again, in a good way.

I walk out a little bit deeper with Wesley. I get to stomach deep and we stop. The big waves come by and we jump or swim underneath them. I love this water so much.

Wesley and I start laughing randomly. We walk up a little bit closer to the shore and do a small talk.

"So, when do we find out what the baby is?" He asks, curious.

"I'm not really sure. I think I'll be about 5 months until I find out." I smile. He nods his head and we walk back to our spot.

I grab my Minnie Mouse towel and quickly wrap it around my cold body. I shiver a little bit and sit back down.

Wesley sits back down and we just stay quiet. I yawn, and he does the same. We look at each other and burst into laughter. "We are so stupid," I cry.

He nods his head, laughing. We calm our laughter down and we both scroll through our phones.


"You wanna go get something to eat?" Wesley asks. I feel my stomach growl. I shake my head. We've been out here for a good 4 hours. It's 1:00PM now.

I dry off and take our chairs up. I rinse my feet of on the little tiny shower thing they have before walking up to the porch, Wesley does the same.

We sit our beach stuff down and I walk in the house and walk up my room. I look through my closet to find a cover up and I finally found one. It was a plain Navy blue one. I slip it on and walk downstairs. I grab my sunglasses on the way out and walk down the steps to Wesley's car.

We look at the numerous restaurants that is passing by us. We are trying to find a cheap one. I see this ice cream place called 'Dairy Shack." I have never been there before. I tell Wesley to turn there. I take off my seat belt and open the car door.

We walk in and look at the numerous ice creams and food they have. A teenager walks up to the cashier register and smiles. "May I help you?"

"Yes, I will please have 2 corndogs with ketchup only please," I smile.

She nods, "Will that be all?" She asks.

I was about to say yes, until Wesley started to order. I groan and he pulls out a $20 bill and hands it to her. She hands him the change and we sit at a small booth.

I roll my eyes when he smirks. He knew I hated it when someone payed for me anywhere. I have my own money.

The lady comes up and hands us our food. I start to dig in, so does Wesley.

I pat my stomach. Those were good corn dogs. I grab a $5 bill from my wallet and walk up to the cash register.

I order a cup of Strawberry ice cream. She hands it to me and I grab a spoon. I take a big bite and fall in love.

City of Angels. (Emblem3 fan fiction) (Keaton Stromberg fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now