4. Man-eater

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Romans POV: It was 10 pm. I was sitting at my desk. All I could think about was Diamond. She was so beautiful. Caramel skin, long hair, beautiful, dreamy eyes, gorgeous lips, & that body omg. She smelled heavenly. I could tell she was very confident, a little nervous, and down to earth. I was so impressed by her portfolio. This girl was amazing. I've never been interested in a girl like this but she's the one. She could steal my heart & I couldn't have that. I don't do love, commitment, marriage or shit like that. I just like to Fuck!!

I was waiting on one of my clients. I had a big transaction set to take place. I admit I sometimes feel guilty trafficking drugs through my company but it is what it is. I had to make sure everything looked legit to keep the FBI off my ass. I felt that if they didn't get it from me , they would get it from somebody, so I might as well make that extra dollar. The transaction was done. I was headed home. Normally, I would take some girl home with me but tonight , I wanted to be alone.

I hoped in my black Corvette and sped off. On the way home, man-eater was playing over the radio. I started thinking about Diamond. Fuck she was beautiful, I had to have her but I can tell she wasn't one of those girls that I could fuck & dump. She would want a commitment, of course she would hell she deserves it she's beautiful.

I made it home. Poured me a glass of bourbon, and sat Infront of my pool outside. I got faded. I started having visuals of me and Diamond together. I would love to grab her hair, I would love to kiss those lips. Fuck what's happening to me ? I can't be falling for no girl. I decided to call this chick over, Rebecca I had to get my mind off Diamond. She was eating me alive & she wasn't even here. I barely fuckin knew her.

Diamond's POV: It was the next morning. I got up a extra early to over my part of the presentation and also to make sure I had enough time to get ready, so I won't be late again. I decided to wear black dress pants, with a pink shirt with black polka dots on it, a black dress jacket and pink pumps. I put my hair in a high messy bun. I didn't accesorize today, just some diamond stud earrings that my mama gave me for my birthday. God, I missed her. I was looking like a business woman , felt like one too.

I went in the kitchen to make some coffee, I was reading my notes. Jasmine came in.

Jasmine: omg girl you look cute as fuck. Trying to catch someone's eye huh?

I stared at her she laughed.

Me: no, I work at office, I have to dress this way.

Jasmine: yeah okay. I believe you! You gotta admit though, you guys would compliment each other so well , you're beautiful and he's handsome.

Me: girl ain't nobody thinking bout him like that..

Jasmine: I'm just saying.

Me: girl , I gotta go . Can't be late. I'll see you tonight . Smooches.

Jasmine: back at cha!!

I made it to work on time actually a little early. Roman wasn't there yet, because I didn't see his corvette. I met with Josh we went over the presentation we felt really good about it. 

Roman arrived, we were all sitting in the big meeting room, he walked in .

"Good morning ladies & gentleman"

He was looking so hot. He had on a grey suit, with a black shirt. He had his hair in a ponytail and of course those earrings.

"Mr. Adams, Ms. Jones, are you ready to present?

We both said "yes ".

Me and Josh did our presentation. The whole room, gave us a standing ovation everybody except Roman. He just sat there staring at us. We all sat down waiting to hear what he thought.

"I hate it"!

We all said "what "?!?!

"Not catchy enough, do it again "!

I didn't understand, neither did Josh. I felt like an idiot. We worked really hard, not too mention I was just put on this shit yesterday. Everybody liked it but him.

"Meeting over, let's get to work ".

"Ms. Jones see me in my office"

"Gladly ". I went into his office. I was so mad.

Roman: what was that?

Me: what do you mean what was that?

Roman: that presentation, are you proud of yourself?

I got so furious.

Me: actually I am. I thought me and Josh did a great job so did everyone else.

Roman: well , I didn't. It doesn't matter what you, josh or everyone else thinks. Only me , the people who we're advertising for, and the public.

Me: did you even listen or pay attention?

Roman: excuse me?

Me: oh, I think you heard me!

Roman: Ms. Jones, loose the attitude darling It doesn't suite you.

Me: it doesn't suite you either, yet you have one.

Roman: I'm only tryin to help you babe.

Me: one don't call me that and how are you trying to help me? By shooting down my fuckin ideas? You didn't even say how we could make it better. All you said was hate it, not catchy enough very specific.

He stared at me. I stared back. Man was he fine!!

Roman: give Josh your address, he could come by your house after work and y'all can fix the presentation. You're dismissed for the day.

Me: fine!! And dismissed? What is this class? Just tell me to go home, you don't have to use big words all the time.

Roman: fine go home. See you tomorrow.

Me: whatever!!

I Walked out of his office. I was fighting back tears. I went to see Josh. I gave him my address.

Josh: don't worry about him he does that to everyone who is new around here.

Me: I'm not the one, I don't need this shit.

Josh: I'll be over later, just calm down.

Me: thanks and by the way I'm sorry.

Josh : don't be! It's not you!

I left out his office. Roman was standing in the hallway staring at me.

"Have a good day Ms. Jones".

I whispered to myself "asshole". I left I couldn't believe this pompous jerk. Who does he think he is? I went to school for this shit, I know what the fuck I'm doing ! I drove off. I cried on the way home. I made it home, put on sweats & a tee shirt. I decided to go over the presentation again to see how I could make it better.

Romans POV: I felt so bad for shooting down their presentation. It was really good but I couldn't let her think she did good on her first try, okay in reality I could but that's not how I move. I didn't want her thinking she had won me over that easily. I know I was a asshole. I apologized to Josh. I sat there thinking about Diamond all day. Going over our little quarrel we had, she turned me on the way she went back & forth with me. She was looking so beautiful, I wanted to rip her out of that shirt. She is so confident that's what turns me on about her. Most girls look for guys to boost their confidence, babygirl already had hers.  I decided to call her . I owed her an apology.

"Hello"? She answered

"Ms. Jones, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings".

"It's okay. We'll fix it"

"Good, thanks."

We hung up. God she even sounds beautiful over the phone this girl was driving me insane.

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