14. Meeting my Mama

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Diamond's POV: The next morning, we were heading to Arkansas to see my mama. We took Roman's private jet. I didn't even know he owned one. I was so ready to see my mama. I haven't seen her in months. Roman was excited to meet her too. We finally arrived in Arkansas. Roman rented us a car and we headed to my Mama's house . We finally got there. I was so nervous, the last time I saw my mama, I didn't have this pudge, she already knew about the baby but it felt weird. My mom was standing outside waiting when we pulled up. I jumped out of the car and ran too her. She hugged & kissed me. Then she touched my stomach. Roman was smiling.

Mrs. Jones: oh my goodness, my babygirl I've missed you!

Me: me too mama. So much

Mrs. Jones: and look at the little bun, someone's been busy.

I looked guilty & ashamed.

Me: I'm sorry mama.

Mrs. Jones: don't be honey, it's okay you're a grown woman . Where's your mister at?

Me: he's getting the bags.

Mrs. Jones: I can't wait to meet him. Let's go inside. Get you off your feet.

We went inside and sat down. Roman came in afterwards.

Me: mama this is Roman Peters.

Roman: nice too meet you ma'am. He hugged her and kissed her cheek. My mama just stared at him. It's like she saw a ghost .

Me: mama are you okay?

Mrs. Jones: yes honey, I'm fine. Did you say Peters?

Roman: yes ma'am.

She looked at him again.

Mrs. Jones: you look familiar. I've seen your face before, was your dad's name Ivan Peters?

Roman looked worried.

Roman: yes, that was my father.

I was very confused.

Me: wait mama you knew his daddy.

Mrs. Jones: yes, I used to date him before I met your father. Roman you look alot like he did when we dated , I mean identical that's why it scared me.

Roman: I didn't know ma'am I'm sorry.

Mrs. Jones: don't be sorry hun. You could've have known , it was way before you and Diamond's time.

Me: why did you stop dating him?

She looked kind of worried & nervous

Mrs. Jones: different worlds.

I felt sick. Omg what if Roman's dad used to do the same shit that Roman is doing? I wonder is that why my mama stopped seeing him?

Mrs. Jones: well you guys get comfortable I'm going to check on dinner.

She went into the kitchen. Me & Roman were on the couch.

Roman: wow babe, I had no idea.

Me: me either.

Roman: I mean I could see why he did date her she's beautiful & so nice just like you.

I smiled. He kissed my forehead. We ate dinner, laughed, & caught up. Roman had to get back to L.A. to handle work but I stayed with my mama. Me and her was taking that afternoon.

Mama: honey, you be careful with Roman.

Me: I am mom.

Mama: no seriously, his dad was a dangerous man. He was sweet too me, he owned a business but he had a dark side and I can tell that Roman has followed his foot steps. Diamond you be careful. You promise me that if it gets too rough. You will run?

Me: I promise mama. Did you love his dad?

Mama: yes I did. I was a year younger than you are. He was so gorgeous. I met him while I was on my internship in California. He was so charming. He proposed, I declined. I couldn't deal with the dark side of his life. He tried to get me back for 2 years then I heard he had met Roman's mother, Evelyn and they had gotten married. Be careful Diamond, protect you & your baby. I can't tell you what to do, but make sure you make wise choices. It's not just you anymore, you have a little person to take care of now. When I dated his daddy, I was definitely playing with fire.

Me: yes ma'am. I'll be careful.

I knew my mama was right. I loved Roman, I didn't care. I wasn't ready to give him up. I stayed with my mom for two more days then I went back home. Roman had sent his private jet to come get me, when I got on , there he was . I kissed him.

Roman: baby did you enjoy your stay?

Me: yes I did.

Roman: good to hear. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. I had to handle some business. I found out who those fuckin jerks was who shot at us.

Me: omg Roman you didn't...

Roman: no baby, I swear.

Me: Roman tell me about your dad? You never talk about him.

He looked at me .

Roman: later baby I promise.

We made it back to California. I got sick from the jet ride. I threw up. I took a nap. When I woke up Roman was sitting in front of the fireplace drinking. I walked over too him.

Roman: diamond , baby come sit on my lap. I sat on his lap.

Me: babe are you okay?

Roman: yes, you asked me about my dad earlier. I'll tell you. My dad was a monster. He was dangerous. Far worse than me. He was never cruel to me or my mom but I saw him be very cruel to others. He used to be the owner of the company before he died. He was into the same shit that I am. That's where I got it from. He's the reason why I am the way that I am. He taught me everything. My mom couldn't stand it. He told me about a woman he was in love with before he met my mother. I had no idea it was your mom. He was so in love with her. He called her cherry pie. I feel the same way about you.

Me: wow. I'm speechless.

Roman: I know babe, but it's all true. I love you Diamond. I want you too be my wife. Real soon, I just hope that you don't run from me like your mom did my dad. It would hurt too bad. Promise me that you won't leave me?

I stared at him. I knew that once I said those words I could never take them back, he wouldn't let me.

Me: I promise Roman. He smiled. So did I . He kissed me. We went to bed.

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