41. Ryan's Birth & Drama

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Diamond's POV: It was 3 a.m I woke up and all of my kids were in my bed including Roman. I smiled and went to the bathroom. I started to feel pressure.

Me: Roman.. I yelled.

He jumped up. He ran in the bathroom.

Roman: babe what's wrong?

Me: a little pressure.

He helped me to the bedroom. Then my water broke. I beginned to feel pain. I squeezed Roman's hand.

Roman: I'm going to get you to a hospital. We made it to the hospital. I was in a lot of pain. I screamed and screamed. About 3 hrs later. Ryan was here. He was so beautiful. I was so happy that it was over.

Time jump: Ryan was now 6 months old. He was growing so fast. I was still working at the department store. Roman was still working the company. One night  after work Maria invited me out for drinks.

Maria: diamond I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me you know have a drink or two?

Me: umm sure just let me call and ask my hubby first I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

I called Roman at home.

Roman: what's up babe?

Me: Maria asked me if I go could out and have drinks I was wondering if it was okay with you?

Roman got a little jealous.

Roman: yeah if you want who else is going with you guys?

Me: um as far as I know just me and Maria.

Roman: as far as you know huh?

I got upset.

Me: Roman what is the problem?

Roman: nothing go out.. have a good time.

He was upset.

Me: look if it's a big deal then I'll just come home.

Roman: diamond.. it's fine go out. I've got the kids. Have fun love you.

He hung up. I sat there thinking like what is the problem? I never ask to go anywhere or doing anything. And then the moment that I do, he's upset. I'll deal with him later.

Me and Maria went out. We had a great time. We drank and had some dinner. Just then these two guys walked up to us. Not gonna lie one of them was hella cute but I'm married with 3 children plus I would never cheat on Roman.

The guy: hello ladies, my name is Dominic & this is my friend Juan.

Me: hi I'm Diamond and this is Maria.

Dominic: diamond huh what a beautiful name.

Me: thanks.

I blushed a little. He smiled.

Juan: do you ladies mind if we join you?

I looked at Maria and she looked at me.

Maria: not at all have a seat.

I stared at her like girl what are you doing? I'm married, my husband is crazy. I can't be seen with these men.

Dominic: so Diamond where are you from?

I cleared my throat.

Me: America, um specifuly California.

Dominic: ah, California. Beautiful place I've been there a few times.

I smiled. He looked down at my wedding ring.

Dominic: lucky guy..

Me: what??

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