21.Drama & The Company Banquet

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Diamond's POV: I found out I was a little over a month pregnant. I was secretly hoping for a girl. Roman didn't care what we had as long as it was healthy. Me and Roman have been really happy lately. Romeo was growing so fast. He was now 7 months. He is the cutest & all that hair!!

It was time for the company's banquet. Roman throws one every year. It was my second time attending one. They usually are nice, and everyone has a good time. I wasn't really in the mood to go but I wanted to support Roman, plus I was part owner of the company now. I decided to wear a red, spaghetti strapped evening gown, with silver sequins, and silver toe out high heels. I had my hair in a updo style. I was so gorgeous but I felt like crap. The first trimester of pregnancy is always the worst.

 The first trimester of pregnancy is always the worst

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My dress.

I was standing in the mirror looking at myself. Roman came up behind me. He was wearing a black tuxedo, with a black shirt, and a multi colored tie. He had his hair in ponytail he was so handsome.

Roman: oh my goodness babe, you look so beautiful!!

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Roman: oh my goodness babe, you look so beautiful!!

I turned to him & smiled.

Me: thanks sweetie. You look handsome yourself.

Roman: are you feeling okay?

I sighed.

Me: I'm okay, I'm just not feeling this banquet babe, but I'll be fine.

Roman: baby, I promise we won't stay long. We're just going to show our faces, then we can go.

Me: okay baby.

We kissed. Then we headed for the car. I had to hold my dress up while I walked, mind you I'm like 5'3. Roman helped me. I had a bad feeling about this banquet but I went with the flow.

We arrived at the banquet. There was a red carpet entrance for me and Roman. I didn't like the attention, neither did he. All of the attention came from him being a big CEO of a major company in L.A. As we walked inside, people were greeting us. A few people from the company stopped & talked too me. I finally made it to where we were going to be sitting. Roman was talking to a few of the guys from work. I just sat there, looking, and smiling at those who smiled at me. I really wasn't feeling it. I started to feel nauseous but it went away. Just then a lady from work walked up to me , her name was Shannon.

Shannon: hello Diamond how are you feeling tonight?

Me: not so well, first trimester.

Shannon: tell me about it! I've had three.

We laughed.

Shannon: I hate these company parties, they're so boring.

Me: I know right.

She grabbed my hand.

Shannon: you know diamond, I am so happy that you and Roman are together. You have made a big difference in his life. I've been around this company for a long time, way back when his daddy owned it. Roman is not the same guy he was before you came. I'm so happy for the both of you.

I smiled.

Me: thanks, that means a lot to me.

We hugged then she left. Roman was on stage giving a speech. He was so handsome, and so intelligent but he had that dark side. Me on the other hand, I was too busy stuffing my face, eating fried chicken with hot sauce. I was so hungry and it was so good. I made sure not to spill none on my dress. All of a sudden a strange guy walked up too me. He looked Mexican or maybe Latino. I've never seen him before.

"Diamond Peters" he laughed

I looked at him with a weird look.

"Um, do I know you? & How do you know my name"?

"I'm sorry, you can call me Mr. Martinez. I'm a friend of Roman's".

"Oh nice too meet you, how can I help you "?

"I was just speaking, it's nice to be able to put a face with a name". I must say you are beautiful"!!

I stared at him.

"Um, thanks. I have to go find my husband".

I got up. I went to find Roman. Just then guess who shows up? Amanda fuckin Reynolds. This bitch. She spotted me. I frowned a little.

Amanda: so I take it that you are still with Roman?

I glared at her.

Me: um, yes he's my husband. Why does it matter to you?

Amanda: did you not hear what I told you about him?

Me: look bitch, get the hell away from me, I'm ready to go, my feet are hurting, I'm about 8 weeks pregnant, and I'm really not in the mood. So I suggest you move before I beat your ass.

She looked at me .

Amanda: did you say pregnant? Again?

I got so angry. I slapped her in her face hard. She looked at me. Roman ran over and for between us.

Me: bitch didn't I tell you?

She tried to get me , Roman blocked her. He yelled for security. Security came and took her out of there. I was so angry. Roman calmed me down.

Roman: baby I can't believe you slapped her. He laughed

Me: yeah I had too. She made me so angry. Oh by the way I ran into a friend of yours. Mr. Martinez

Roman's eyes grew darker, and evil.

Roman: did you say Martinez?

Me: yes, what's wrong?

He looked angry.

Roman: Diamond, we have to get you outta here now.

He grabbed my arm and led me outside, he has security with him. I was so confused and worried. He put me in the car.

Me: Roman I don't understand.

Roman: baby listen to me, the driver is going to take you to a hotel room, I want you to stay there and wait for me. Do not leave diamond. I'll explain everything to you when I get there. I have to get these people out of here.

I started crying.

Me: Roman I don't..

Roman: Diamond do it now!! He shouted.

The driver drove off. Then it dawned on me. Omg!! That's Julio!! I started screaming.

Me: driver please turn around, my husband, please!!

He just kept driving. I screamed!!


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