29. Julio's Body is Discovered

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Diamond's POV: It's been 2 months since I've had Juliette. She was at home with us. She is so beautiful. She has grown so much. Romeo loves his little sister. He is now 2 years old. He kisses her on her cheek or forehead. Whenever she cries and I'm not around or busy he comes to get me. He can't really talk yet so he usually grabs my clothes or taps me and points. He is definitely going to be her protector.

Roman is good with his kids. He plays with them, reads to them, buys them a bunch of toys, clothes, he rocks them to sleep, and he sometimes bathes them. He really doesn't like bathing Juliette because he says it feels weird because she's a girl but he does it anyway.

I am fully healed from my c section. I hate the way the scar looks but I love how I got it. Roman and I are very happy. He is such a wonderful husband. I really adore him. We haven't been intimate yet because I'm afraid that it's going to hurt my scar, the Dr said it's okay but I'm scared. Roman is so patient. He says we can do it whenever I'm ready.

Roman, Romeo & Juliette are triplets. They look so much alike. They both have his entire face but there are some days when Romeo looks like me. Juliette is identical to her daddy. They both have beautiful hair they get that from me and Roman. Romeo has his daddy's attitude, Juliette is fiesty like me.

One day, I was in living room with the kids, working on some paperwork for work, watching the news. All of sudden the news reporter had a breaking news announcement.

"Breaking News: The body of 27 Julio Martinez, was just now discovered in the L.A. river. Martinez has been missing for 5 months after attending a local banquet. Apparently someone shot him in the head twice & threw him in the river. If you have any information regarding this murder please contact the L.A. police department ".

I felt so sick, a eerie feeling came over me, I felt like I was in a horror movie, I felt like I was the one who put him there. I began to cry. I thought to myself "omg, my husband!!" I wonder did he know. I decided to call the office but then I hung up because they might have had the phones tapped. I sat there and cried.

Just then Roman came in. He was looking upset. I hugged him, he hugged the babies.

Me: Roman they found Julio's body!!

Roman: yes, I know babe.

Me: what are you going to do?

He looked upset.

Roman: nothing right now Diamond, untill they come to me about it, nothing but if they do we're going to Rio.

I looked at with a weird look.

Me: Roman I can't take my babies to Brazil. Are you crazy?

Roman: Diamond I am not leaving y'all here. It's not happening.

Me: Roman you're talking about going to Brazil! What about our jobs, the company, my mama, Jasmine?

Roman: Diamond, we will have jobs there, I know alot of people, we also have plenty of money. I'm going to leave the company to Josh if it comes down to it, and your mama, jasmine can always come visit us, you can also call them.

Me: why Brazil?

Roman: no extradition, they can't come get me there. We will be safe. But babe let's cross that bridge when we get there. Right now they have no suspects.

Me: are you listening to yourself Roman? They already suspected you before they found the body, you know damn well they're going to suspect you now!!

Roman: well if they come get me, I'll go, I'll bail myself out, and I'm going to Rio.

Me: what if they don't give you a bail? What if they consider you a flight risk?

Roman: not gonna happen, I know  to many people. But Diamond if I have to go to Brazil, I want y'all with me.

Me: Roman it's so far away, we don't even speak the language.

Roman: baby we will learn. It will be okay. I'm not living without you or my children. That's final!!

Me: omg!! I cried.

Roman hugged and kissed me.

Roman: baby, I'm not toing to prison it's not happening. If they come for me, this is the only way. I just wanna know if you are with me?

He gave me the most seductive, charming look ever. He was so handsome. How could I say no.

Roman: think on it babe, but not too long. We don't have that much time.

Me: okay.

He went to take a shower, I sat there crying and thinking. I love my husband, I don't wanna be separated from him. I don't want my kids separated from their dad. I have to make a decision.

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