5. Let me take you out to dinner

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Diamond's POV: Josh came over and we fixed the presentation. He left . Jasmine came home from work. I was still upset with Roman, even though he apologized, I was hot.

Jasmine: hey Hun, how was your day?

Me: terrible, I got sent home, right after our presentation.

Jasmine: really, why?

Me: because he said he hated it. So we had a little quarrel in his office. I'm surprised he didn't fire me.

She laughed.

Jasmine: girl, you know he only tripping, cause he likes you.

Me: jasmine .. no. I wouldn't dare date him I'll end up slapping him, his attitude is so nasty.

Jasmine: he got you hot & bothered, don't he?

Me: girl please, there's nothing about him that makes me hot & bothered.

She touched me & made a sizzle noise.

Jasmine: you lying!!

We laughed.

Me: he called & apologized though, but I'm still mad.

Jasmine: girl you'll get over it. At least he didn't fire you. He likes something about you!! She went and took a shower.

Was she right ? Does he like me? Do I like him? Omg what am I saying, his attitude too jacked up for me !!

The next morning, I tried this all over again. This time I wore a red dress, black pumps, with silver accessories. I curled my hair all over and put on red lipstick. I made it too work. Roman was waiting in the meeting room, I was surprised he was there early. He had on a black suit, with a red shirt underneath, he left his hair down with some in his face. He was so sexy!! I had to compose myself. He greeted the room.

"Good morning ladies & gentleman".

"Mr. Adams, Ms. Jones  lets try this again"?

We presented to the room again, we got the same reaction we got yesterday, even better. Roman was sitting there smiling. We waited for his response.

"Good job, congratulations ".

We jumped up and down. I hugged Josh.  I guess our little quarrel yesterday, made him realize that I knew what I was doing..

Work was smooth sailing the rest of the day. We were about to get off. Roman came to my desk.

Roman: good job Ms. Jones I'm proud of you, I knew you could do it.

Me: thanks, Mr. Peters.

He smiled. God that smile made me weak!!

Roman: I was wondering, if you don't have plans or a boyfriend, if I could take you out to dinner ? You know a celebration dinner.

I almost choked on my spit.

Me: um is Josh coming too?

Roman: um, no he's probably going home to his wife and children. Look if you don't feel comfortable, it's okay.

Me: no I'll go.

He smiled. So did I.

Roman: cool, did you drive?

Me: yes.

Roman: why don't we take my car, and I'll bring you back to yours after?

Me: um, okay..

We went to his car. He drove a black Corvette, it was so sexy. He opened the door for me. I felt so weak. Not only was he fine but he believed in chivalry. He got in. We sped off. On the way there. Surface-closer than friends was playing over the radio. I loved this song! I was singing along with the radio. Roman smiled at me. He turned it down a little .

"This your song huh?"

I laughed .

"Um yes"

"I can see that".

We laughed. We made it to the restaurant. It was so beautiful. He opened the door. For a minute, our eyes locked. I felt a shock of electricity. We snapped out of that. We walked in. He was greeted by lots of people. We got seated at a table. Roman was staring at me.

Roman: Ms. Jones order whatever you want.

Me: thanks. And please call me Diamond we're off the clock.

He smiled.

Roman: okay, Diamond. I felt so weak when he said my name. It was the way he said it.

The waiter came & got our food & drink order. Just then, a hostess came & whispered something in Roman's ear. Whatever he said , Roman didn't like it because he frowned a little.

"Excuse me Diamond, I'll be right back".

"Okay, take your time ".

The waiter came with our food and drinks. I started to eat. Roman returned.

"I'm sorry about that um work you know"? He chuckled nervously. He saw that the food & drinks had arrived . He started to eat.

Roman: so Diamond let me ask you a question?

Me: go ahead.

Roman: why don't you have a boyfriend? You're very gorgeous.

I almost choked on my drink. he smiled.

Me: um, I haven't found the right one. I had a boyfriend before I got here, Ryan he was a jerk, lying & cheating all the time.

Roman shot a frown.

Roman: yeah, you did right. Dump that asshole!! How dare he cheat on you.

I smiled. He stared.

Me: what about you? Mr. CEO, millionaire, why you don't have a gf or wife?

Roman: that's not me. I don't do relationships.

I felt kinda uneasy.

Me: why?

Roman: I don't know, I just don't think I'm boyfriend or husband material.

Me: you'll never know untill you try.

He smiled a little.

Roman: how is your food?

Me: really good..

We laughed. We had a good night. We left. He took me back to the office to get my car.

Me: well thanks for dinner. It was really nice.

Roman: no problem, Diamond anytime.

We locked eyes again, just like that he kissed me. I kissed back. He grabbed my hair, I grabbed his shirt collar. We was moaning a little bit. It was so hot & steamy. We were all up against the car. He was kissing my neck. It felt so good. I was rubbing his arms, I could tell that he worked out. Just then we both stopped.

Roman: I'm sorry Diamond.

Me: no, I'm sorry.

We both said : it's okay! We were staring at each other. We started kissing again. He leaned me against the car, grabbed my leg wrapped it around his waist. I was ready to Fuck this man in a parking lot. I pulled away.

Me: I gotta go, I'll see you Monday.

Roman: okay goodnight.

Me: night.. I hopped in my car & drove off. I was on fire!! I couldn't believe what just happened. I just made out with my boss. His lips were so soft, he was such a good kisser, he smelled so good, and he grabbed my hair not rough but gently. I was ready to give it all away. I had to catch myself. I couldn't wait to tell Jasmine.

Roman's POV: I drove off. Omg I kissed her and she didn't push me off or tell me to stop. She kissed me back. Her lips tasted like strawberries. Just imagine other parts of her body, what they taste like. She smelled like heaven. I kissed her neck. I wanted to go further but I didn't. Then she let me wrap her leg around me. What was she doing to me? My body reacted to her like crazy. She was so beautiful, smart, & funny. Maybe I can be with someone. Nawl, that's not me man !! But damn Diamond was special. Not too mention her name, it fit her. She was definitely a diamond.

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